Flex :: Deserializing Data Into Mock Objects?

Nov 9, 2009

I'm writing a mock backend service for my flex application. Because I will likely need to add/edit/modify the mock data over time, I'd prefer not to generate the data in code like this:

var mockData = new Array();
mockData.push(new Foo(1, "abc", "xyz"));
mockData.push(new Foo(2, "def", "xyz"));

Rather I'd like to store the data in a file in some format that it can be easily serialized into my strongly-typed value objects (i.e. Foo above). Ideally I'd like to create the data in a self-describing format(i.e. what data type each field is, what class it represents, etc)

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Php - Flex Is Deserializing Generic Objects From Zend AMF Instead Of Strictly Typed Objects

Mar 4, 2012

I'm using Zend AMF to send my remote objects to Flex. I've defined a Constant class and created getASClassName() method. Then I've created Action script class in flex.

Objects are send successfully, but they are deserialized to generic Objects in Flex instead of specific ones. EDIT: On network monitor in Flex I can see that AMF value is set to com.my.project.valueobjects.Constant. Although array from event.result contains Objects.


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Actionscript 3 :: Object Initialization Occur When Deserializing Binary Objects In Flex?

Sep 3, 2009

The jist of what I'd like to know and focus on understanding, is details on how binary deserialization occurs in Flex 3. When is the constructor called, when are properties set, are private members serialized or does all deserialization occur on and through setters, etc? I'm having a hard time finding information on this.In a Flex 3 AIR application, I have a pretty complex object graph(just a bunch of objects referencing one another, kinda like a big data model except a bit more complex) that I serialize to a file using a single call on the FileStream.writeObject and readObject on a root object, which serializes and deserializes the entire object graph.I found that I needed to always have a default constructor, else I would get exceptions on the objects when deserializing if they were part of an ArrayCollection. So I had to eleminate the constructor parameters or set default values. I now have many setters like this in my classes, such as the below where mConnection accumulates some information it needs through different setters, where as before I had this all packed into the constructor since all of the information is really necesary for the Connection to function:[code]So the connection's serverIP is still an empty string because the server was assigned to the client's property before the server was completely initialized.

I could probably resolve this by using binding so that updates to the serverip in the server are bound to the connection, but I find binding properties to be fairly complicated (it's really simple on UI in mxml cause you just use the curly bracket syntax but doing it by code is what I found complicated). I have also resolved some cases by removing the constructor parameters entirely, so that there is no default values. All that aside, I still really need a deeper understanding of the details of binary serialization as far as how it rebuilds the object graph. I even have circular references, and it seems to handle those fine and maintain multiple references without duplicating objects. It's just when my constructors/setters are more complex that I'm running into these problems because of the order of what occurs during deserialization. It is really inconsistent though, as adding breakpoints in various places seems to influence the order that things occur, making it more difficult to debug.On a side note for anyone that might sidetrack the topic because I am serializing a class called Connection. I added some code to address some things, like in the Connection class there is an instance of a Socket. Of course my socket would not be connected after I close and reopen the application and deserialize it, so before I serialize my object graph, I go through and close the socket and set the reference in the Connection class to null, so that there is no longer a reference to the socket and thus it will not get serialized. After deserialization on the next application run I create a new socket.

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Unit Testing - Mock Out A Service Using Local Data In Flex 3?

Jul 9, 2009

I am writing a small flex application that will, eventually, call PHP services to perform its work. In the meantime, however, I would like to have it use local data in XML form to allow me to develop the Flex part independently of the data service.

What is the best way to do this? I want to emulate a service like this:


And invoke the service using issuerService.send(), populating my results as expected. How do I do this as though it were a RemoteObject instead, but keep my data local?

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Flex :: Unit Testing - Create A Partial Mock Using Mockto?

Jul 13, 2010

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Flex :: Data - Displaying Properties From Two Objects In A Datagrid

Dec 11, 2009

Previously I post a discussion on this matter on Flex Adobe forum and still don't understand what needs to be done. So, I'll try my luck again on stackoverflow. I'm using drag and drop data binding functionality in flash builder 4 on a data-grid. However, the data I need to show need to be query from another object.


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Flex :: DataGridColumn With Array Of Objects As Data Provider

Mar 12, 2010

I have a datagrid that uses an array of objects as the data provider. The objects are essentially key/value pairs:

{ foo:"something"}
{ bar:"hello"}
{ caca:"lorem"}

The datagrid has 2 columns. The first column is the key and the second column is the value. Right now my grid looks like:

My dataFormatter function makes sure that depending on the column (i.e. the dataField value) the correct key or value gets printed out. This works fine for displaying. However, as soon as I try and edit the value field it essentially adds a new value into the object with a key of '1'. For example, if I edit the {caca:"lorem"} object it will then contain the value {caca:"lorem",1:"new value"}.

Is there any possible way I can set the DataGridColumn so that when I edit a value it will update the value associated with the key rather than inserting a new value? I've tried using a custom item editor but it still does the insert. It seems like I need to be able to update the 'dataField' with the actual key value but I'm not sure how to do that.

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Flex :: Rendering/Editing Different Data Objects On One AdvancedDataGrid?

Dec 12, 2010

The dataProvider for my grid contains several objects. Some of which have a Number value, and some Boolean values under field 'value' (other fields are used in other columns).I would like to be able to render differently for each data-type, i.e. have a checkBox for booleans, and a label for numbers. Furthermore, I would like to be able to edit these fields differently, unchecking the checkbox for booleans, and using a numericStepper for Numbers.

Just FYI, I decided to go with AdvancedDataGrid, to take advantage of the styleFunction property, nothing more..Tried to used spark-states, which didn't seem to work as I'm using an AdvancedDataGrid. I'm not sure what the problem was.

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Jan 11, 2010

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Jan 30, 2010

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ActionScript Code:
storybtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, start1);
function start1(MouseEvent){


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Aug 2, 2011

Is there a way or a library made to deserialize a JSON string into a typed object in ActionScript and Python?

For eg.

class Person
String name;


So, the last statement basically casts the object we get after deserializing the jsonString into the Person object.

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Java :: Error In GraniteDS While Deserializing RemoteObject?

Feb 22, 2012

I'm trying to use RemoteObject from ActionScript to execute simple method on Java server side using GraniteDS. However, I'm getting this exception:


I made some debug and monitoring, and I could see the AMF message the client sent. And it looked normally. However AMF0Deserializer can't deserialize it.Am I sending it wrong? Or there should be an error on the server side?

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Jan 16, 2011

Internally Flash obviously keeps a list of the primitives drawn using Graphics so I wondered if you have many such primitives in a Sprite, can you re-position/remove/alter individual items rather than clear and re-draw everything? Or is this deeper into the bowels of Flash than you're allowed (or recommended) to go?

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Jun 10, 2011

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private var _list:ArrayCollection;


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Aug 4, 2011

I will try to give as much detail as I can. I am creating an CRM application using Flex(Cairngorm 2)/Java/Hibernate. The basic problem I am having is this: I have a Customer class in Java that has an ArrayList of Address classes. I have a Customer class in Flex that has an ArrayCollection of Address classes. When I make the remote object call for a Customer I get back a Customer object in Flex, but the ArrayCollecion objects have a data type of Object instead of Address. If I try to call for a List of Address classes I get the same result. If I try to call for a List of Customer classes I get a list of Customer classes in Flex. Using tomcat 6 with the following jars:


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Professional :: Adding Data To XML Objects?

Dec 20, 2010

how to add completely new data to XML data I'm holding in a var.
I'm importing XML data into an editor I'm creating.  The XML looks like this:
<mediaFile order="1" playTime='2' transIn='1' transOut='9'>gif.gif</mediaFile>  <mediaFile order="2" playTime='1' transIn='6' transOut='8'>jpg.jpg</mediaFile>


Rather than change existing XML data, how do I add completely new data?  ie, if the above var held two "mediaFile" lines of XML, how do I add or insert a third?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Data Objects Onto The Stage?

Feb 19, 2007

I am building an application in flex builder 2 using AS3 and for some reason I cannot instantiate 2 custom controls that i have made. the first control extends the TileList and the second extends the ComboBox. I was able to get them on the stage if I make my default application a mxml file but when I try to instantiate them with an as file as my default application i get nothing at all(not even an error). From what ive read hear I guess these are Non-DisplayObject classes but I cant figure out how to get them on the stage.

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Flash :: Passing Data Between Objects/classes?

Dec 27, 2010

So i a building a categorized menu of different foods. I have a class for "categories" (buttons) which essentially will return a string "salads", "drinks", etc. I now have another class "menuItems" for items within categories and this handles sizes such as "small", "med", "large", etc. My problem now is that when i return "salads", i want to invoke an array which contains all the elements of salads, send it to menuItems which will populate the menu. So far i have both the category objects and the menu object setup. I just cant seem to be able to send the data that the category object is returning and pass it to the menu object. Both of which are added to the stage as shown below:

If there was a way that i could say add all these classes to one class so that they can talk to each other that would be great but i dont know how to do this.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Saving Data For Custom Objects

Jul 22, 2009

I have a class called LevelHandler. Inside each LevelHandler object is a bunch of arrays, various numbers, etc. Instead of saving the data for all these things separately, I've decided to save my LevelHandler object.

Here's what I've tried:


You all expected this to work, right? Just kidding, it didn't. The problem is, when I try to set levelHandler equal to myLocalData.data.levelHandler, there is a type coercion failure (converting an Object to a LevelHandler). I know why this was happening, so I tried to make use of the "as" keyword. Still, apparently saved data can only be stored and understood as an Object.So, how can I save this LevelHandler object such that it can be accessed in the future (like when I need to trace how many levels there are)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Data Objects Or Just Parse XML When Necessary?

Jul 27, 2010

In a recent project, after loading an XML document, I immediately parsed it and created a bunch of custom data objects that represented the data in the XML document.Now that the project is complete, I have a little bit of time to reflect and am wondering if I should have bypassed creating the data objects and just create a handful of methods that parse the XML in specific ways.I just did a quick rewrite to test it out and it is definitely simpler (which I tend to think is better). If the XML structure changed later on in time, I could just update or write new wrapper functions for parsing it.

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ActionScript :: Dispose XML After Assigning Data To Array Of Objects?

Nov 13, 2010

after assigning loaded XML data to an array of objects, i would like to remove the XML from memory, or at least available to the garbage collector. however, doing so also removes the assigned object values in the array. rather than calling XMLdata = null;, i'm calling System.disposeXML(XMLData); as directed by the documentation:


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ActionScript 3 :: Flash - Handle Loading Data In Objects?

Dec 5, 2010

I'm coding a website in pure AS3 using FlashDevelop and have an object that loads an XML file on init. Is there a good way to make my main function wait until it has finished loading? I know about onComplete events and how to use them internally in the object but I'm not sure how to proceed.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Data Into Array Of Generic Objects?

Oct 31, 2009

I am able to add key/pair data into the associative arrays, like;

var arrColors: Array = new Array();
arrColors.push({color: "aqua", code: "0x00FFFF"});
arrColors.push({color: "beige", code: "0xF5F5DC"});
arrColors.push({color: "brown", code: "0xA52A2A"});
// and so on

But, if I want to do the same with the array of generic objects, like;

var obj: Object = new Object();
obj["key"] = "value";

How can I add more data into it, because push() function does not seem working with this type of array.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Indexed Objects Store And Retrieve Data?

Nov 4, 2009

I have an array name region it has a couple of properties. "code", "name", "value"

I want to store this array in an indexed object called regions.

I would then like to access the object by referring to its sub property name



Can someone outline the variable definition and construct so I can access this information. Happy to replace the index field with the code value.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stale Data In Playing NetStream Objects

Apr 27, 2010

I am reusing a NetStream object to play different live streams.

What annoys me is that even though I start playing another stream name on this same stream object, when it is attached to a new Video object after issuing the "play" call, there is stale data after the previous playback. It's NOT the video object obviously, as I already create a new Video object every time I play another stream name on this NetStream object (Video.clear does not work anyway - known player bug).

I can rectify the situation by "resetting" the NetStream object - creating and setting up a new one for each playback, assigning it to the old reference - essentially transparent to the application. The problem is performance - there is the overhead of creating and setting up a new stream object every time. I wish to avoid such overheads.

I wish there was some form of "clear" call for the NetStream class as well...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Array Of Generic Objects - Adding Data Into?

Oct 31, 2009

I seek correction and guidancem from you experts, on the Associative arrays and the arrays of Generic Objects. I created the following working code and I believe it is an Associative array:

var arrColors: Array = new Array();
arrColors.push({color: "aqua", code: "0x00FFFF"});
arrColors.push({color: "beige", code: "0xF5F5DC"});
arrColors.push({color: "brown", code: "0xA52A2A"});
// and so on

Now, I want to create an array of Generic Objects for the same items, as below:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading WDDX Data Into Shared Objects

Oct 25, 2003

I'm trying to load some WDDX data into a shared object, but I'm having some troubles getting it back out. I can open the sol file in a text editor and see that my data is in there, but I can't manage to access it... does putting information into a sharedObject change things? Can you load an array into a sharedObject and have it retain it's array-ed-ness?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Handling Evals In Objects Based On Each Set Of Data In An XML File

Feb 15, 2011

I need to make a function that creates an object based on each set of data in an XML file. I am currently using bracket notation to do it, but don't know how to increment the next object's name dynamically. I wanted to do something like this:


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ActionScript 3 :: Parse The XML Object Into An Array Of Objects To Call Rather Than Using E4X With The Stock Data?

Nov 12, 2010

i've been reading that XML/E4X is very slow with AVM2 / ActionScript 3.when supplying an application with XML data, is it always generally a better idea to parse the XML object into an array of objects to call rather than using E4X with the stock XML data?

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