Flex :: Generating Spark Radio Buttons?

Apr 8, 2011

I have a list of radio buttons, which I want to be able to both set the value of programmatically and for the user to set the value of manually.I have a small list of data items which I want to display as options in a list of radio buttons. The objects are stored in a model object, as is the currently selected item. The currently selected item is bound to the radiobutton group. The radio buttons are generated using a spark list.

I am having a problem setting the list programatically - whenever I set the current value on the radiobutton group to the first value in the list, all of the radio buttons are cleared, where the first one should be selected. I when checking in the debugger, I found the likely reason - there are two radiobuttons in the group that point to the same value, one of which isn't showing. My best guess is that the list control has created an extra item renderer which it is holding on to in case it needs to scroll the list.

Is there a way to create radioButtons based on an ArrayCollection without using a list? Failing that, is it possible to prevent the list from generating the extra item?

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<s:HGroup id="animals">
<s:Button name="dog">Dog Name</s:Button>
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[Code] .....
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for(var i:Number=0;i
function radiobuttonclickhandler(event:MouseEvent):void
//here i need to get the selected radio button value.


i need to get the value of labelname in which one is i am selected.how to do?

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if echeck_mc is visible I need echeck_mc to be invinsible. If I'm doing this wrong (marked in red) how should this be coded.
this.check_btn1.onRelease = function() { _root.glv_mc.rotate_mc1._visible = !_root.glv_mc.rotate_mc1._visible; _root.ltab_mc.echeck_mc._visible = !_root.ltab_mc.echeck_mc._visible; if (_root.ltab_mc.echeck_mc._visible = true) {  _root.ltab_mc.tcheck_mc._visible = false; }};

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It works fine, but I need to add some radio buttons.
My web site will offer various services. Ideally I would like to be able for viewers to sign up for a service by clicking the appropriate right radio buttons


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Add Up Values Of Radio Buttons To A Variable?

May 7, 2009

This one is tripping me up. I'm creating a simple 10 question 'quiz' with simple "yes" or "no" radio buttons for each question. If they picked "yes" the value is 5, while "no" is 0. I want them to be able to choose all of the answers and then click submit. On submit it would add up all the answers and save that number as a variable named "score".

I know how to setup all of the radio button groups, calling each group question1, question2, question3 etc and giving the values to each yes and no radio button. I just don't know how to capture the values on submit, add them up and save to a variable.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Radio Buttons To Slider?

Mar 4, 2004

How would I be able to make this "slide" between the images, rather than just switching them with buttons? It's a landscape that changes with each click (img 2 alpha fades over image 1 on click), but it's kinda clunky. I guess I'm asking if theres a way to build a slider that controls the alphas in AS, so it can go forward And backward on slide...

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IDE :: Custom Radio Buttons Coding?

Mar 9, 2010

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IDE :: Feedback Form With Radio Buttons?

Apr 26, 2009

Im trying to create a feeback (basically a fancier email form) using flash & PHP. Ive got a simple contact form which Ive always used & it works fine - but Ive never had to add radio buttons? I need this info to be sent to the client through the form,

Company: a or b (radios buttons I think)
Country (they want a drop down list for this)
Select: a, b,
Select: a, b, c, d
Message or comments.

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AS3 :: Xml - Flash Generating Dynamic Buttons And Referencing Associated Data On Click?

Nov 17, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display This Dynamically Generating Buttons From Xml Into Moveclip With Scrollbar?

Sep 13, 2011

i need to display this dynamically generating buttons from xml into moveclip with scrollbar in as3.

var yPlacement:int = 230;
var xPlacement:int = 66;
var distance:int = 100;
var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control Draggable MCs With Radio Buttons?

Apr 22, 2009

Somebody knows if is possible to control an draggable MC with a radio button option?

I want a static movie clip turns draggable only when I set on a radio button.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Radio Buttons In For Loop?

May 15, 2009

I have this for loop that is basically pulling some info from an xml file and putting it in a list box. And for each item in the xml, it also adds 2 radio buttons.Everything is working properly except all the radio buttons have the same y location, and i want them to be spaced apart, not on top of each other.I have tried messing around with the y location (rb1.y+105, etc) but I'm not having any luck.

for (var i:uint=0; i<il.length(); i++) {


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Radio Buttons Not Working After Resetting

Mar 22, 2010

I have a form with two radio buttons for each question.  Each question is in its own frame "Q1," "Q2," etc.  I also have a btn_Reset created to reset the form, i.e. reset all radio buttons and return to "Q1" frame.  All buttons work as they should, including resetting the radio buttons, however, once I reset the radio buttons and return to "Q1" to start over, the actions associated with each radio button upon clicking on them do not work.  Here's my code:
//Frame "Begin"
gotoAndStop("Q1")  //I also define my variables in frame "Begin"
//Frame "Q1"
rbtn_YESQ1.onPress = function():Void

//Once I return to "Begin" frame, my variables are reset to their initial value since that's where I originally defined them, and I go to "Q1" because that's what the code in frame "Begin" says.  Here is where I click on rbtn_YESQ1 again and even though the button does fill in, it does not attach btn_Reset to the stage as defined by rbtn_YESQ1.onRelease function.

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Professional :: Set A Default Pre-select For Radio Buttons?

Apr 7, 2010

I have some text form fields that I've set up to display some paired variables stored in a .txt file. When the swf loads, the form fields are populated with the text.I've also set it up so that if you change the text and hit a submit button, the .txt file gets updatedI'm now tryng to set it up so that I can store radio button selections in the .txt file too.I've started doing it a certain way, but am wondering if there is a more straightforward way of doing I've set up the butttons to spit out "on" or "off" depending on the selection, and apply that to the variable that gets stored.the text form fields when the swf is refreshed, I want to load the on/off variable, and then somehow apply it to the radio buttons so that one of them is pre-selected.

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Radio Buttons And Textboxes In Flash SWF Disappear On IE?

Mar 5, 2010

I have developed a Flash application for a client (wedding RSVP) and implemented it on the web. She complains that the textboxes and radio buttons disappear on IE6.


don't submit the RSVP, as I don't want to spam my client, but just tell me if you see the radio buttons and if you can fill out the textboxes.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying Radio Buttons Dynamically?

Aug 24, 2009

In my main application I consume a web-service which gives me an array of vendors.There is a add button in the main application, which when clicked a pop-up is opened.I want to display one radio button for each vendor in this pop-up window.This is all I have done so far: 1. In the pop-up I created a radiobutton group (id = vendorGroup).2. vendorGroup has one radio button called Others (this is the default).

In the main app I call pop-up using:
private var addItemDB:addItemForm;
addItemDB = PopUpManager.createPopUp(this,addItemForm,true) as addItemForm;


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