Flex :: Mxml Inheritance Works Instanceof?

Jul 5, 2010


It is not works! When I see in debugger, child have type "Screen2", but "child is Screen" returns false to me (and "child instanceof Screen" too). When I apply compiler key: "-keep-generated-actionscript" I can see Screen2-generated.as and it's contains public class Screen3 extends screens.Screen

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Different Between Instanceof And __proto__?

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while trying oop the inheritance and not the composition way I tried two different ways to find out whether an object ( lets say circleclip1 which is a Movieclip in library with an identifier provided )formed from a class (lets say circleDemo)which extends MovieClip is truly an instance of that class.

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trace(circleclip1 instanceof circleDemo);// yields "true"
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trace(circleclip1 instanceof Object);// checking against top level Object yields "true"

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I have attached two .zip files of as2.0 and as3.0 version containing the demonstration of the problem queried above respectively, as printing all the lines from those files here in this post would clutter up the area.

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interface If { ... }
class Impl implements If { ... }
function test(type:Class, obj) {
return obj instanceof type;
test(If, new Impl());

The call to test on the last line returns false, but it should be true. How can I do this check right, with the requirement that it must be inside the function?

Real code:

public function iterate(callback:Function, type:Class = null) {
for (var node:EntityListNode = beginNode; node != null; node = node.next) {
if (type == null || node.entity instanceof type) callback(node.entity);

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public String getName() {
return this.name;
[Code] .....

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switch (IOjbect is)
case Tile:


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<mx:method ... />


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public var msg:String;


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