Now I have added my tree just below the list and I have saved counting from 10 to 19 in one.xml, 20 to 29 in two.xml and so on in different XML file. I have no clue how to connect the XML containing counting from 10 to 19 as the single node in tree at the selection of label one in list
I have a situation where I have a List showing a queue of Upload Objects:
I would like to create three different views of the List: One showing All uploads in the queue Another showing only the Upload items with Upload.type == "Update" and another showing only the items with Upload.type == "Create". Another example of this would be on an email inbox, where we could filter "All, unread, or read". I realise I could just create three different lists, one for each view of the list (maybe I'm just being picky) but I was wondering: Is there is any easy way to conditionally select the items to display from a DataProvider based on a parameter (for example type =="Upload") so I don't have to juggle three separate ArrayCollections about?
I am having trouble searching through a list component and/or dataprovider to see if an item already exists. Basically i am adding items to the list when a item is dragged on to the list. But i want to check to see if an item is already added so not to duplicate items. any ideas would be great.
i have a problem using the itemRenderer functionality. When using an ArrayCollection the visible Data in the DataGrid using the itemRenderer will be rendered just fine. But if i start scrolling the entries are repeating in the cells using the renderer. The cells are not filled with date according to the id. What mistake i'm doing here.
I read a lot of the explainations like:
here is the code for the set data function (itemRenderer is extending HBox):
override public function set data(value:Object):void { _data = value; if(data!=null)
I am trying to drag and drop hierarchical data in the same advanced data grid, and I would like the data provider to updated when the ADG is updated. (I want to be able to save and load this tree, so it is important that drags and drops are saved.)
The sample app has an ADG showing hierarchical data as well as flat data. The first column of each datagrid shows the rowindex of the underlying data.
If you rearrange the items on the left ADG, the row indexes become unordered. If you click traceTree you see that the data provider is not in order.
On the other hand if you do the same on the right, the row numbers stay ordered even when the objects move around and if you click traceFlat, the data provider is in the order shown on ADG
My goal is to have the data provider order match the ADG order for the left grid which is displaying hierarchical data.
I have a radio button group within a data grid, whenever I attempt to change the selected radio button the web page crashes. Below is how I put together the radio button in the data grid.
I want to display the same data in a chart and a data grid. I want to use the same data provider for both of them to reduce the amount of SQL queries.How do I transform the database structure into the chart structure and into the table structure using ActionScript?*
I have a datagrid that uses an array of objects as the data provider. The objects are essentially key/value pairs:
{ foo:"something"} { bar:"hello"} { caca:"lorem"}
The datagrid has 2 columns. The first column is the key and the second column is the value. Right now my grid looks like:
My dataFormatter function makes sure that depending on the column (i.e. the dataField value) the correct key or value gets printed out. This works fine for displaying. However, as soon as I try and edit the value field it essentially adds a new value into the object with a key of '1'. For example, if I edit the {caca:"lorem"} object it will then contain the value {caca:"lorem",1:"new value"}.
Is there any possible way I can set the DataGridColumn so that when I edit a value it will update the value associated with the key rather than inserting a new value? I've tried using a custom item editor but it still does the insert. It seems like I need to be able to update the 'dataField' with the actual key value but I'm not sure how to do that.
I have a dataProvider and there is an object in the dataProvider. I want to know if there is a way to see if you can check to see if part of the object exists. So lets say I have an object with usernames and passwords and I want to add a username to that dataProvider
I have a Flex tree with an ArrayCollection as data provider. The collection holds an array of CategoryVO objects. Each object can have another array of CategoryVO objects inside it's "child" attribute. This way the tree displays the data correctly. Now I want to get the parent of a specific item, e.g. tree.selectedItem. Using XML as data provider the item parent is avaiable thorugh the parent() method. But I can't convert my data to XML. How can I get an item's parent? Perphaps using the tree's dataDescriptor?
i get this error when i retrieve an XML that only has 1 node (no repeating nodes) and i try to store in an ArrayCollection. -When I have MORE than 1 "name" nodes...i do NOT get an error. My test show that XMLListCollection does NOT work either.
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "XXXXXX" to mx.collections.ArrayCollection.
this error occurs as the line of code:
Why can't ArrayCollection work with a single node? I'm using this ArrayCollection as a dataprovider for a Component -is there an alternative I can use that will take BOTH single and repeating nodes as well as work as a dataprovider?
[Bindable] private var myList:ArrayCollection= new ArrayCollection(); private function getList(e:Event):void{ var getStudyLoungesService:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
I have a Flex tree with an ArrayCollection as data provider. The ArrayCollection is composed by objects linked eachother by the "children" field (that is an Array containing other children objects)
How do I differentiate between a data provider update and a itemrender being recycled when using a custom itemrenderer in a DataGroup?I have overridden the set data function of the custom item renderer, but I have found that on making a change to the ArrayCollection used as the DataProvider some of the item renderers are not assigned the same object they had before the update. This has made it almost impossible for me to distinguish between a data update and an itemrender being recycled. Also, the data never seems to get set to a value = null, so that seems to be out as well.
By default, whenever you rollOver/mouseOver (not sure of the difference) an item in a Datagrid or a List, that item is highlighted with the component's rollOverColor.I'm just wondering if there's any way to do that programmatically. I haven't been able to find much help on the issue. For example,suppose I have two DataGrids.When I rollOver an item in the first DataGrid, I want to highlight the corresponding index in the second one as well.Basically, as if two separate cursors were rollOver'ing two separate DataGrids.
We are rewriting our multiscreen game from Flex Project to ActionScript Mobile Project (root object is flash.display.Sprite and not spark.components.Application). Aim is to increase performance on tablets and have better overview what exactly is going on, what listeners are added and so. (I just don't trust Flex in this.). Do you know any alternative for DropDownList and/or DataGrid? I can't use MinimalComps, because there are little options to customize.
As i understand datagrid only is used as a form to present the loaded data in.So when we add new row to component or try to modify the value in cell and save it (xml file), we won't see those changes in saved file. So can some one explain to me or direct me to tutorial on how to update data in dataprovider, and how to save it to xml file.
I've got a Gridcolumn in a Datagrid (Spark). The Column's dataprovider is a Number value that gets updated via Binding.Now, without an item renderer the cell displays the correct values.If I set an item renderer, I can't access the values in this renderer.My renderer looks like this, so nothing really do here (for now) but to trace the value, but the value is always NaN.
I have a DataGrid whose dataProvider is an Array of int Arrays (each with different lengths). Since each row has variable size (and I want to display all the data), I decided to extend DataGridColumn and overwrite the itemToLabel function to be able to display the data. The problem is that I also need to display the data differently depending on the int value.
I believe the only solution is to write an itemRenderer, but the only input the itemRenderer.set(data) function receives is the entire int Array. I believe I need either the exact string returned by itemToLabel or the column index of the cell the itemRenderer is for (to basically do the same parsing I implemented in itemToLabel).
I have been trying to populate a tree control via an httpservice that uses php to talk to a database. The queries work fine and the data comes back in the following format from php: echo "<root>"; echo "<topic>"; echo "<sectioncode>$sectioncode</sectioncode>"; echo "<children>"; echo "<labtitle>$title</labtitle>"; echo "</children>"; echo "</lab>"; echo "</root>";
Flex can see this and interprets the heirarchy fine unless i try to format the resultformat in the httpservce (if i do that it goes a little nuts). The results from the php query to the db come back as an ArrayCollection with each containing a "root->topic->sectioncode->title" type of structure (which is what I want). When I go and try to use this Arraycollection as a dataprovider for a tree control, it doesn't work at all. When I use the arraycollection as the dataprovider I get [object,object] for every row in the tree and there is no parent/child structure.
Ideally I would like the title to be a child of the numbercode, but when i try and format the return from xml like that the number becomes and object without a value and the title becomes a child. I have a feeling that I am missing something in the php return to show the structure to flex more clearly and also something in the tree to implement it as the data provider better. Here is the code that I am using in the tree: <mx:Tree x="25" y="48" height="451" id="ilabtree" dataProvider="{labarray}" labelField="@title" width="152" textAlign="center"></mx:Tree>
However this displays the datagrid with two rows, the first row has 1 in the Series column and then the two files crammed into the second cell in the same row. The second row is the same but has the number 2 in the Series column and the two series #2 files crammed into the cell next to it.If i do not use the nested data class i can pull the files using Series.file instead and all 4 of the files list correctly, however i do not get the Series number for each...
I have a tree using an ArrayCollection/Object data provider. The following code worked with an XML data provider but won't work with the non-XML data provider:
When updating the data provider for a menu bar component, the state of the menu items fails to update until the user interacts with the menus (rolls the mouse over them, clicks them, etc). For example, a disabled item remains enabled until the user roll the mouse over it. Is there a way to force a menu 'refresh' after modifying the data provider XML?
I want to get rid of the typical Flex roll-over color in list-based components, and to display my own style of roll-over rendering. Setting useRollOver to 'false' is not an option, since disabling that will also make the List.isItemHighlighted() function to always return false. My custom renderer relies on that function. Can it be so hard? Is there no way of setting that roll-over color to transparent? Is there some other way for my renderer to figure out if an item is highlighted?
I'm using drag and drop on a DataGrid to reorder items. However, when the user holds down Ctrl he can initiate a drag Copy operation. How can I disable copying altogether? (not just cancel the drop, but also prevent Ctrl + drag from showing the (+) icon)