How To Handle Video Parts

May 5, 2011

I have a project where I need to have a video clip play as soon as the SWF starts, and once it's done, the video stops at the end and a prompt to continue appears to transition into another video.I just need to figure out how to handle the video parts of this project, and I need to do this without showing any playback controls on the screan.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Splice Up A Video Object And Have It Play On Different Parts Of The Screen?

Jan 19, 2011

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Flash - Play A Single NetStream But Show Different Parts Of It On Different Video Objects?

Jan 19, 2011

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I tried to attach a single NetStream to two video objects and offset them, but that only let the stream play on one object.

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Flash :: Build A Video Broadcaster - Which Can Handle More Than 20,000 Viewers?

Apr 15, 2010

I want to broadcast Video from a web cam, over internet. The problem is, the Video will be viewed live by more than 20,000 people (expected). I have a very little experience with Red5 Broadcasting. I did some broadcasting using Red5 and Flash. It works fine for 1 or 2 viewers i.e. it is great for personal chatting/ video conferencing applications. But, when the number of viewers increases, the delay in Broadcasting also increases. I am experiencing a Delay addition of about 0.5 Seconds for every new user who joins the broadcast. which I can work out this Live Broadcasting. I don't want to use [URL] I want to create one of my own, such tool. But thats always the last solution.

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Java :: Handle Multiple Video Streams In Red5?

Apr 15, 2012

I am writing a Red5 application that provides 1-on-1 video chat to a Flash client over RTMP.

Unfortunately most tutorials I was able to find were sketchy at best and the documentation of Red5 itself tends to be vague when it comes to API concepts and intended usage.

In short, I am a bit stuck and looking for hints on Red5 ApplicationAdapter implementation. Gnarly details are as follows:

First of all, the connections come in two flavors: visitors and consultants. A visitor should be able to indicate which consultant it wishes to communicate with. A consultant simply gets connected to the requesting visitor as long as the consultant is not busy servicing another. Obviously, every RTMP connection has two-way traffic: both sending and receiving video. From the standpoint of the server, connections bring in a bunch of video streams that get their receiving endpoints assigned by request. Since several video conversations can be in progress simultaneously, the main task of the application is to handle the mapping of visitor streams to consultants and provide a list indicating each consultant's state (busy/available) via AMF.

So, all in all, I have a pretty good idea what I am aiming for but how to achieve it with Red5 is still a bit of a mystery.

What is the easiest way to establish the connection type (visitor/consultant)? Which API classes should be used to implement a persistent, globally accessible list of active connections for reporting the state of each consultant? How to switch receving endpoints dynamically when the goal is to connect a specific visitor to the selected consultant?

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Flex :: Fms - Make A Single Connection To Handle Video, Audio And Chat?

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I'm developing an application and i want to make one single connection for video(netstream) and chat(sharedObject).I have one connection for each but i have limited connection available in the server so i need to make a single connection to handle the video net stream and chat sharedObject.I use this urls to connect:

private var serverWebcamURL:String = "rtmp://myserverIP/live";
private var serverChatURL:String = "rtmp://myserverIP/multicast/chat";

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Scrollbar Gallery - Replace The Rectangular Handle With Own Customised Handle

Feb 6, 2010

I'm creating a scrollbar gallery from a tutorial on this site. Though I've completed the tutorial, and customised the gallery to my own needs, however I'm trying to make a very small change to it - and no matter what I do, keep running into problems. I'm trying to replace the rectangular handle with my own customised handle - a (20 x 20) 'circular' png image that I've imported into Flash, made a graphic and stored in the library (though I understand it can be imported using actionscript, like the other images in the gallery).


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Dec 14, 2010

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Map And Id Of The Their Parts?

Aug 31, 2010

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on (release) {

I'm not a flash developer, but I would be to want add the every part of the map a identificator, e.g. id="part1"

PS: I have now the map, where every part have some ID. After the click on that ID I call jQuery event 'click' -- and this I need also in the new flash map.. Is it?

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Character With Connected Parts?

Aug 5, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Protect Parts Of FLA

Feb 6, 2009

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Can't Select Parts Of Drawing Object

Oct 23, 2009

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Sep 15, 2010

I'm trying to take a string and break it into two parts. It's a url to a video on a RTMP server.So I've got to take this:

[URL] person17/1031617_person_generic_700kbps (note the removal of the ".flv" which is necessary as well).Right now I'm doing this, which seems overly complicated:


videoURL=videoURL.substr(0,videoURL.length-4); //remove ".flv"
var urlArray:Array=videoURL.split("/");


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Nov 26, 2009

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Professional :: Animation To Play In Parts?

Aug 24, 2010

How do I make an animation play and pause when I click. Meaning.. I want it to play part the first 10 frames when I click, and then stop. Then when I click again it will play from frame 11 to 20, then I click again it plays 21 to 30.

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Html :: Overlay Parts Of Div Over Flash?

Jan 11, 2011

usually it can be solved with the "wmode transparent" param, but in firefox i have a strange problem. when i overlay a flash element with a part of a div the div renders strange (like stairs at the border of the flash element)


the grey area (and a small transparent area above) is the flash element. the outline is the div with a border.

the error occurs only on FF (i have 3.6) chrome/safari works fine...


its an swfobject implementation. the overlaying div/ul is positioned after the
<div id="flash-wrapper">
<object width="740" height="500" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"


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Actionscript 3 :: ByteArray With Multiple Parts?

May 27, 2011

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Also would reading partial bytes into a byte array work?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Certain Parts Of An XML Through An ID Reference?

Sep 30, 2009

I have an XML document with different companies and links to different text sources such as "about" etc for each firm.

Now in my company presentation class I want to send an ID reference so if a user clicks on Microsoft the links point to Microsofts information etc. Im loading all other information through another XML and everything works fine, its just the links I cant seem to figure out.

This is my XML

ActionScript Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<company id="1">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Split Image Into X Parts?

Oct 8, 2010

I'm trying to split an image (in a MC on the stage) into a variable number of parts.

It's not working properly, and I'm pretty sure it's because I'm re-using the bitmapdata and bitmap I create before the loop...

The MC I'm splitting is called 'back'.

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing And Adding Parts Of A Name?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a bunch of movieclips called firstNameBtn_mc, lastNameBtn_mc and many others. I also have a bunch of movieclips whose names start with the same but instead of "Btn" they have "Arrow", like firstNameArrow_mc, lastNameArrow_mc etc.

What I want is when I click on firstNameBtn_mc it does somthing to firstNameArrow_mc, but there are so many buttons I would like to do it in the following way.

1. get the movie clip's name...something with for example

2. remove the Btn_mc part

3. add the Arrow_mc part

4. do something to the movieclip of that name

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To Split MovieClip In X Parts?

Mar 23, 2011

I was wondering if its possible to split MovieClip in x parts, and each one of them to be scalable, which means Bitmap is not the answer...?Possible? Impossible?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Animation With Some Random Parts

Jun 11, 2011

I'm new to Flash and AS and everything and I've been trying for 2 days now without success.What I'm trying to do is this. The small squares should fade in/spawn in the blue rectangle and fade away/disappear when they hit the red edges.URL...The animation was made on timeline, not using any AS3. The 2 main problems I have is to get the random number to be from negative 1 to 1 and for the squares to move straight and notgenerate a new direction on every frame. I'm not going to show any code cause it's just edited from tutorials and I don't understand half of it and looks terrible.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display Parts Of XML Namespaces

Oct 12, 2011

I have this XML object, and I need to display parts of it so that the user can copy and paste from it. However, whenever I try to, say, display the category section by doing myXML.category, it puts the namespace information in the attributes of the first <category> tag when it displays the xml. Is there a way to get rid of this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cut/delete Parts Of A Movieclip?

Sep 7, 2007

I don't even know what to ask for, but here is my problem: I want to draw a line as part of a graph.Then I want to draw a hollow circle over the line, but I want to cut out the center of the circle, so it shows the layer under the line.At the moment, drawing an outline of a circle the line still shows.I draw the line:

Then I draw the circle:


But when I do this in flash I still see the line, the circle is not hollow: How do I 'cut' the middle of the circle out? Instead of beginFill, I want to do beginErase

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Oct 26, 2007

i am loading in and xml file based on the structure below...


So what i am trying to do is to Splice the array into 2 parts, all the question ID's that are A and all that are B for for example are placed into 2 new array's like so:


but i am having problems with the code below trying to splice them and seperate them,


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Naming Parts Of Xml To Call?

Apr 9, 2008

i created a flash menu that calls its items from an xml document. the menu items are images that scroll within the menu movie clip depending on mouse position. my problem is that, when clicked, each of these menu items needs to call a pretty complex function.

so this seems like a really basic question, but, is there a tag or something i can use in the xml file to like, name each of the items so that i can write functions with them individually with my actionscript in flash?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Erasing Parts Of A Bitmap?

Mar 20, 2009

I'm in need, again, of some assistance. I'm making a game with 2 pictures. and the concept is built on that you erase part of the top-bitmap to see the bitmap under.How can I accomplish this?I tried to wrap my head around the bitmaps and the draw and the FillRect but can't get it to work completely.Basically I want 2 bitmaps, and a cursor which erases parts of the top one to show the one underneath.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Allow Only Parts Of Percentage-scaled Swf To Scale?

May 18, 2010

Is there an easy way to prevent particular elements in a percentage-scaled SWF from scaling? I want to make a liquid Flash interface in which only the content scales with the browser window, and the navigation elements remain a constant size.

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