Java :: Substitute {0}, {1} .. {n} In A Template With Given Varargs

Aug 13, 2010

Consider a string template of the following format: String template = "The credentials you provided were username '{0}' with password '{1}'"; Substitution variable fields are of the form {n}, where n is a zero based index. This is the template format used in Adobe Flex, see StringUtil.substitute(...). And also .NET, IIRC. Since I want to re-use the templates used by the Flex code I'm looking for an Java equivalent. I'm aware of String.format(...) but the template structure is not identical. What is the best way to get the same "Flex compatible" template functionality in Java? Basically this is the desired end-result:


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Actionscript 3 :: Calling Super() From Constructor With Varargs

Feb 9, 2010

If a constructor takes its parameters as a vararg (...) it seems to be impossible to create a subclass that will just pass on that vararg to the superclass.

There is a related question with fix for this same situation for normal functions: Wrapping a Vararg Method in ActionScipt but I cannot get that to work with a super call.

base class:

public class Bla
public function Bla(


Aside from actually moving the handling of the parameters to the subclass or shifting it off to a separate initializer method

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ActionScript :: Flex - Call A Varargs Function With An Array?

Aug 11, 2009

I need to call a varargs function:

function doSomething(... args): Object {
// do something with each arg

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Make Multiple Flash Files From The Same Template And Then Edit That Template

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Template On Template Monster?

Mar 29, 2004

Jesus Christ - I thought I was really good in flash.Got this template and I can't see S***.
WTH - is it supposed to be this difficult to manipulate a template or am I stupid???
Go into project explorer and can't see much AS so how the hwll are they getting the images and text into the flash swf. By the html??? I don't think so.

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CS4-AS2 : Annoying Substitute Fonts Window?

Jul 29, 2009

I still use AS2. Since I migrated from Flash 8 Pro to Flash CS4, the .fla I used to work with displays now a Font Mapping window.
The window says that the "VerdanaReg*" font is not available on my system.i never had such a font installed Verdana is a font I make an extensive use in my .fla and the installed fonts are (for several years):


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Actionscript :: Php - Flash A Substitute For Css And Javascript?

Nov 29, 2009

I have reasonable experience with PHP, CSS, and javascript/jquery/ajax. I'm taking my first steps learning Flex/Flash/Actionscript and it's already striking me that using flash/SWF could solve many of my problems. For example:

I won't have to worry much about javascript availability e.g. handling the form submit twice like I do now, once for js available and one for js not available. There's also a CSS advantage: looks like things are very easy to style and drop in their correct exact spot in flash than it is with CSS (I hate CSS because I'm not that great at it and it usually gives me a headache).


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Is There Container Substitute For A Stage?

Dec 6, 2010

what I want to know if there's a substitute for a stage (since you only can have one) that accepts objects to be added to it (as childs with addChild(object)) that isn't the size of the stage but its size is definied some other way.I just created another thread about loading swf files, but my question is new but related to that.I'm creating a series of mini-games that shoud be loaded into a project from external SWF files, but right now I'm using "stage" as the place where I put all my objects.For example, I have a GRID that accepts new Grid(4, 4, "Object") as the Construtor parameters, that is to say 4*4 (16 boxes to this grid) and it determines "automatically" how wide the stage is, if it's 200 px every box is 50 pixels wide. And the same for height. It calculates stageWidth / X, stageHeight / Y

so it's always a "full grid" that is 100% on the screen no matter the size.Finally, my question is if there is some other type of container other than stage that can "contain" these objects. Say that I create 4 of these containers, and each should hold 4 mini-games without taking up 100% of the stage container - instead it should take up the Substitute that acts in a similiar way.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Substitute For _root In Classes?

Apr 23, 2008

I have just started writing my own classes in .as files. I am now wondering what the structure is for calling movieclips and buttons on the stage. I have been using _root but have read that it is not a clever choise if you want to import other swf files into your project. Is there a smart way here to structure my classes?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Substitute A Parent MovieClip With A Loaded One?

Jul 9, 2009

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Saying this another way round - rather than loading external .swf as a child of a "host" movie I would like it to replace host movie entirely.

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Actionscript 3 :: Substitute Image In Larger Animation?

Mar 4, 2011

We're making a Flash browser game with a few reasonably complex animations. Our designer is making the animations in Flash Professional while I'm wiring everything up and adding some logic through AS3 (using FlashDevelop).In one of our more complex animations a "bonus item" moves around the screen. It tweens hither and tither, there special effects and as such, it disappears for a few frames and then reappears later.From AS3 we want to be able to dynamically decide which bonus item (say a mushroom or a star) to include in the animation. We don't want to have to ask our designer to replicate the entire animation for each of our bonus items.This is what we've tried: Created a two frame (1 mushroom frame, 1 star frame) "BonusItem" movieclip in FlashPro and Exported for ActionScript.Created the complex animation movieclip in FlashPro and added the BonusItem movieclip to the relevant frames. Gave the BonusItem instance an instance name on all necessary KeyFrames. Exported entire movieclip for ActionScript(exported as "ComplexAnimation").[code]This would play the complex animation with the star and we could easily call gotoAndStop("mushroom") to play the same animation with the mushroom.

The first problem was that complexAnimation.bonusItem was null on line 02 above. I solved this by handling ADDED_TO_STAGE for complexAnimation and putting line 02 above in the handler. The next problem was that each time the bonusItem movieclip started tweening, or if it was not present in some frames and was subsequently re-added the complexAnimation.bonusItem attribute/reference was reassigned to a new bonusItem instance. I then had to find a way to know when this was happening and call gotoAndStop("star") on the new instance. I've found two ways to do this:

1) Listen for ADDED events on complexAnimation with a of "bonusItem". It's a bit crap in a strongly typed language to have to resort to matching strings, but this works. Btw, when the ADDED event is fired new frame object references are still null.

2) Listen for FRAME_CREATED events. This happens later than ADDED at a point where new frame references have been initialized. As such I can check if complexAnimation.bonusItem is non-null at then call gotoAndStop("star") on it. One problem with this is that calling gotoAndStop actually triggers another FRAME_CREATED event to fire, so I need to guard against infinite looping. Again, it works but I don't have a great feeling about it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text Is Substitute By Numbers And Characters?

Aug 13, 2009

The fonts are not embedded, right? text is substitute by numbers and characters?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash XML Gallery Substitute SWF For Text?

Oct 9, 2007

I'm reposting this message as I realized I mis-titled it the first time. And I really do mean it: I will pay for a working solution to this problem. I need to do this for a client and not getting it done is not an option. It's all working like a charm. The only bad thing is: I want to place .swfs files where the dynamic text is right now, and can't figure out how to do it.

What I really want is one large image/JPG on each slide, and below that, instead of the dynamic text shown in the tutorial example, a smaller .swf file should appear. (For this project, the text itself needs to be animated, and I can't do that with the <caption>/dynamic text option; I need to insert an SWF.) I'd really like to do this using XML since that's working so nicely otherwise and will be so easy to update in the future if the client wants to add new slides.

Can anyone provide me with the actionscript code to use in the context of this photo gallery? I'm not advanced enough yet to know where or how to place code that doesn't fall into this gallery/AS format.(I'm not being lazy: I have looked all over these forums for hours, read through about 60 pages of tutorials, went through the whole XML Photo Gallery with Thumbnails hoping I could somehow alter that to meet this project's needs... no dice. I had gotten far enough in that tutorial to be able to insert an empty movie clip where I want it, but could only figure out how to fill it with JPGs from the XML, not SWFs... and in any case the images did not then work correctly while advancing the slides.)

Here is my current Actionscript code:

************************************************** *****
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
xmlNode = this.firstChild;


(It's not showing the preloader and the counter is missing on purpose; I don't need those items for this project...) In another version I have deleted the desc_txt code and the dynamic text field in Flash, substituting a new movie clip (in its own layer) called "description" and an external link to the SWF file in line 2 of each node of my XML file, closing and opening that line with <description> and </description> rather than <caption>.

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Java :: Convert Byte Array From Action Script To Image In Java And Save It

Jun 25, 2010

I am a .NET Developer, but the question I am having is not related to .NETPlease keep this in mind even if my question sounds very trivial.This is my question:We have an swf in the browser, which communicates with a java extensionIts done using Smartfox Server(Used for MMO apllications)From the swf we are grabbing a portion of the screen as "Byte Array" in action script(3).And in Java, we are calling a function that converts the ByteArray to Image and then saves it.ur Java developer is encountering the errorSo basically, what I would like to know is this:How to accept the object type Byte Array from ActionScript in Java?Whats Java object type that is mapped to Byte Array in ActionScript?The conversion part is easy, I dare say. code in the ActionScript Section

public function savePhoto(uName:String, ba:ByteArray, descr:String):void{
var obj:Object = {};
obj.arr = ba;


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Java :: Flex - Max Upload File Size For Java Using Remote Object (BlazDS)?

Jul 16, 2010

I tried with flex and java in the backend. In this, I am able to upload files till 100 MB using remote object (blazeDs) where we will read the file as byte array and send it to the java method. If the file size exceeds after that, then I get the run time error in IE.

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Java :: Flex - Unable To Send MIDI File Name To Java To Playback Music?

Oct 27, 2010

I could play MIDI file where "filename" is a String type with "asd.mid" value. However, I tried to sent AIR's nativeprocess command to Java, it shown "could not read" error.


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Java :: Typical Development Workflow/process Developing With Weborb For Java With Flex?

Sep 15, 2011

Meaning specifically, what steps do you go through when creating a new application using these tools?

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Java :: Migrating Existing Java And Flash Applications To Android (Google TV)?

Aug 9, 2011

I have a client-server multigame suite for PC ("kind of" cross-platform using cygwin), which is developed in Java(game menus and database management), C++ (server side), and adobe Flash (game graphics & interaction).

I have never tried to develop for android, so i have no experience.I am thinking of migrating this suite to google TV. So i would like someone with android experience to give a clue on the following :

1) Is it going to be easy to migrate the Java application to an Android application?

2) What kind of Flash support does Android have? Can it load directly swf applications? Does it have to load swf's through browser?

3) Can i find any kind of performance indexes for google TV hardware?

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Java :: Load External Page HTML Via Javascript Or Flash Or Java?

Nov 13, 2011

I need to load somehow the html code of a webpage A into a javascript string of another webpage B, on a different host. I know this is impossible to do with javascript alone because of the same origin policy, and I know I could do it loading the page via php on my server and then send results back to the user's client but I wouldn't be able to handle so many requests, so I need it to be done directly by the user's browser. I can use nearly whatever browser scripting language/applet framework common enough to be installed on the majority of my users' computers, like flash and java.On example, what if I use flash or java to load the external html code and then call a javascript callback function providing the source? Could this work?

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ActionScript :: Java - Flex ArrayCollection Of Number Objects To Java Collection<Long> Using BlazeDS

Mar 24, 2010

I am using Flex 3 and make a call through a RemoteObject to a Java 1.6 method and exposed with BlazeDS and Spring 2.5.5 Integration over a SecureAMFChannel. The ActionScript is as follows (this code is an example of the real thing which is on a separate dev network);


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Java :: Any Opensource Alternative To Squish To Test Flash / Silverlight / Java Applet Gui Objects?

Jun 3, 2011

If one doesn't have the source code, the only to test is to send keystroke and mouse move so I found this product but it's not free and opensource price is not even known :([URL] Squish supports automating interactions and testing non-HTML/DOM elements, that is, native objects, which are embedded in a web page. This is done at a fairly abstract level, which means that mouse and text input can be recorded and replayed.

In addition it is possible to inspect embedded native objects with the Spy tool and to insert verifications for these native objects. All of a native object's public properties can be accessed in test scripts.

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Java :: Web Multiplayer Game In FLEX And Java - Build The Server Clients Managing System?

Aug 4, 2011

I'm building a Facebook multiplayer game where the client side is in FLEX and the server side is in Java and I wanted to know if there is a guide on how to build the server clients managing system. When I say server clients managing system, I mean a server which many clients will connect to and will be able to choose between tables to join and play or to create their own table, same way as in texas holdem poker.

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Java :: Performance - Code Doesnot(only Sometimes) Compiles In Java+flex (+ BlazeDS+Tomcat ) Combined Project.a

Aug 13, 2010

i am working on a flex+java combined project.My IDE and computer configuration is as follows:


When i make a small change in Flex code (eg, reposition of a button...anything), and run the project on server, it does make any change on output. Actually it depends on my luck... because it makes change in output randomly.what is is happening? tried rebuild, republish, clean , restart server, restarting the IDE, restarting the computer all available feature i could think. Also, i created a simple flex project on IDE and compiled it..... everything is compiled and displayed on output.

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AS3.0 :: Java - Flex - ArrayList Of Custom Java Objects Over BlazeDS

Dec 7, 2010

Right away i just try to explain my problem: Using BlazeDS i got the following Javaclasses:


Then i got a Flex service class calling BlazeDS and executing the getCategories java method. Since Flash dosn't seem to understand typed arrays, the result from that method which i get back in flex is a simple array of untyped objects (the mapping dosn't seem to work here, even tought the class category exists in flex and has the same properties).
thats the first thing. but however, i'm converting the untyped objects manually into objects of the class. the second thing is that categories have child-categories within the java object, which are also ArrayLists of the type the problem about that: my result event object only contains the first level of categories, looking into them the children are allways null. i dunno why they are empty, since they ARE part of the java object category.

and the third thing (the strangest by fast), you maybe noticed i named the properties of the class strange, like idCat and nameTest instead of simply id and name. why that? because the property names of my flex result objects dont seem to change when i change the java objects properties names (result object properties are named "id" and "name" but the java class object properties are named "idCAT" and "nameTEST"). that it REALLY strange, since if i set the properties, like you see at nameTEST = "TESTNAME" it IS recogniced by flex, only the proertyNAMES dont seem to be recognized at all.


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Java :: Flex - Create .swf In Java By Using 'ant' File & .mxml?

Apr 11, 2012

I am newer with flex technology.I am creating a chart using ant file & .mxml in eclipse my 'ant' file executes properly but it gives following error when i opens a .swf file which is created auomatically:

Flex Error #1002: Flash Player 9.0.115 and above is required to support signed RSLs. Problem occurred when trying to load the RSL


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Java :: Handle Custom Java Exception In Flex App?

Mar 18, 2010

we are using BlazeDS as a proxy between Flex and Java. The approach is the same as in


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Java :: Implement A Web App With Blazeds+java+flex+tomcat?

Mar 23, 2010

I'm coding a web app in flex blazeds and Java. I installed the Eclipse plugins for using WTP mixed project. I'm using flex's server that uses an emulate of tomcat when i ran my flex service the web app got the datas, everythings is ok. the problem is when i copy the project with all files generated by flex in my tomcat or the blazeds's tomcat, it doesn't work, this is becasue i want to implement my app on a server the error is:[code]
i don't know why tomcat doesn't find the class of flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint that is used for my-amf 'URL...'. all works well in the emulated server that flex has.

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Java :: Adding Two Num Flex 3.0 As Front End And Java As Back End?

May 24, 2010

i hava two text boxs in flex.have to add two txt boxs values in back end java and have to return back to third text box in flex.

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Java :: Accessing A Java Method In A Flex Object?

Jul 16, 2010

Assume I have the following java class public class Square {


Inside an actionscript class, using RemoteObject, I invoke the java method SquareDAO.findById(Long id) an I get an Object with the following: But I don't get the area. How can I invoke the method getArea() ?

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Java :: Java, BlazeDS And Config File For Application?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm programming Rich web applications with Flex and Java on Flex Builder 3 using blazeDS and SharedObjects.Now I need that my program will use configuration, I need that my Java class will read it at the first time but the default path of java to read and write files is c:program filesFlex Builder 3 and not my application directory inside the tomcat webapps directory How can I read the config file from the java class without write the path hardcoded in the java?

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