Java :: Flex - BlazeDS Not Handling Inner Class DTO?

Aug 19, 2011

I've noticed BlazeDS has certain things it does not support and it is often difficult to find this out. Ex: polymorphism is not.One must create methods with different names as methods with the same name with different parameters create a conflict.I'm trying to find out if BlazeDS does not support Java static and non-static inner classes.

public class UserDTO {
private String name;
private AddressDTO adddress;
private PhoneDTO phone;


The example code above will compile and the getUser method will work. A call to the updateUser or updatePhone methods on the other hand results in a BlazeDS error. Is there a special way to use inner classes in Flex or are inner classes not supported?

Here is an example of the error messages produced:

[BlazeDS]Cannot create class of type 'com.test.dto.UserDTO.PhoneDTO'.
flex.messaging.MessageException: Cannot create class of type 'com.test.dto.UserDTO.PhoneDTO'. Type 'com.test.dto.UserDTO.PhoneDTO' not found.

Example Flex code:

var thisPhone:PhoneDTO = new PhoneDTO();
thisPhone.phoneNumber = "8885551212";
updateTagsResult.token = userService.updatePhone(thisPhone);

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(attribute) to a UserApplicationClass


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<mx:RemoteObject id="rpt" destination="AMFServer">
<mx:method name="getSalesStats" fault="getSalesStatsFault(event)"
result = "getSalesStatsSuccess(event)" />[code]........

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Actionscript: private var _territories:ListCollectionView;

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If i try to execute the Feedback.mxml then i am getting "Sorry your feedback is not entered" as output.I dont know where the problem is.I think flex is connected successfully but problem is in java code.

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Java :: Changing Subtopics In BlazeDS And Flex?

Aug 14, 2009

I using messaging in Flex-BlazeDS. When the AIR client starts it connects to a destination and a specific subtopic. During runtime, the user can use a combo box to subscribe to different sets of live data coming in, this combo box change event changes the subtopic by:

messagingConsumer.subtopic = subtopicComboBox.selectedLabel;
messagingProducer.subtopic = subtopicComboBox.selectedLabel;

A message is then sent to the server with the new subtopic name as well so the server knows to send to a new subtopic. This whole mechanism seems very glitchy and I'm wondering if anyone else has tried this and succeeded? Most times it works the first time and the after that either the messages dont get sent or I get server errors like:

[BlazeDS]Endpoint with id 'my-streaming-amf' cannot service the streaming request as either the supplied FlexClient id 'B07F3285-A408-816E-4697-F13F9B17E32C is not valid, or the FlexClient with that id is not valid.

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package com.shua.flex.valueobjects {
public class myVO {
public var label:String;
public var endDate:Date;
[Code] .....

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Spring - Flex Blazeds Java NoSuchMethodException?

Aug 29, 2010

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Custom Marshalling From Java To Flex Via BlazeDS?

Oct 29, 2010

My team are putting together a proof-of-concept Flex application sitting on top of a Spring-based server using BlazeDS.We do quite a lot of date calculations, so we use Joda Time extensively throughout the code and in our domain model.We're now trying to figure out how we can continue to use Joda Time in our DTOs that are sent back-and-forth with the Flex frontend via BlazeDS.

Our goal is to use the Actionscript 3 data type Date on the Flex side and have that map to our use of Joda time's DateTime, LocalDate and LocalTime types on the Java side.We can solve the problem of converting Actionscript 3's Date type when calling Java with a custom type marshaller plugged into BlazeDS, but this appears to only be invoked for the Flex->Java/BlazeDS direction and not for the Java/BlazeDS->Flex direction.

I'm now looking at custom PropertyProxy implementations for BlazeDS, but this doesn't look like the right thing either.The other idea was to implement Externalizable on our Java DTOs, but this seems like too much work, especially when I look at the BlazeDS rival GraniteDS and that shows plugging in Joda Time support in their documentation with a simple type converter!

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Java :: Support Both HTTP And HTTPS Channels In Flex/BlazeDS?

Jun 17, 2009

I've been trying to find the right configuration for supporting both http/s requests in a Flex app. I've read all the docs and they allude to doing something like the following:

<channel ref="my-secure-amf">

I'm running with Tomcat 5.5.17 and Java 5.The BlazeDS docs say this is the best practice. Is there a better way? With this config, there seems to be 2-3 retries associated with each channel defined in the default-channels element so it always takes ~20s before the my-amf channel connects via a http request. Is there a way to override the 2-3 retries to say, 1 retry for each channel?

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Nov 4, 2009

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Java - Connecting Non-flex Client To Server Running BlazeDS?

Aug 27, 2010

I have Flex/AIR app that connects to a tomcat server via BlazeDS. I'm not finding that I have to integrate an old webapp (struts/jsp) and I'd like to keep that webapp untouched except for login, authentication and session handling. Also a 3rd java app that uses httpclient.

Currently I have some blazeDS remote objects to handle login/logout with a few RPC calls. In turn, FlexSession objects are created and handled. Is there a way to use httpclient and javascript to call those blazeds RPCs so I dont have to recode and have 3 different means to handle logins and sessions?

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Flex :: Connection Between Java / Using Blazeds Returns Error #2048

May 4, 2011

I have been developing an application(a website to be more precise) which consists of a flex front end which is constantly sending and receiving data from the back end which is programmed in java. The connection between the two components is being done through blazeds. This worked fine while I was running it locally, however when I uploaded both sides of the application to a tomcat server(online) the following error is being returned when a connection between the components should occur:URL...I have read around about this error and many seem to getting this error when making connections between different servers, unlike here, where the connection is occurring within the same server.

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Java :: Flex Session Parameters In Remote Object BlazeDS?

Jun 23, 2011

I have my flex object embedded to JSP page.The JSP page retrieves user information like user name and group from portal profile object and stores in http session parameters. The flex Object makes a remote call to Employee.class to perform persona based operation.

I retrieved the session id in JSP and also in the Employee.class both are same. But I am not able to retrieve the username stored in the http session from FlexSession. I read in the internet that the FelxSession will hold all httpSession information as well. It's always coming as null. Correct me if I am wrong.


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Actionscript :: Flex - Debug AMF (BlazeDS) Serialization Of Java Objects?

Jun 11, 2009

I'm using BlazeDS to remote some Java objects that I'm consuming in a Flex application. I'm getting a type coercion error with one of my classes that I can't for the life of me figure out. I have other classes that are working fine using the same data types, and I've gone over my mapping a dozen times. I'm following all of the necessary conventions for getters and setters as far as I know...

Anyhow, my question is: how can I debug this problem? Running the Flex app in debug mode spits out some generic errors to the console that don't really help much (TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Object@5d1d809 to valueObjects.SomeClass.).

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Java :: How Set Flex Server Location For BlazeDS Maven Build

Apr 1, 2012

As a first step getting a Hello World Flex-to-Java application to compile and run I followed: [URL] And it ran successfully. However now I wish to automate the build in Maven. How to specify the Flex Server location in the pom.xml?

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Java :: Handling Custom Exceptions With Throwable Cause In Flex

Mar 8, 2012

I am using a custom java exception to provide the flex client with more info than the exception itself. My exception extends Exception and it has a attribute with the needed info for the client. Well, my problem is the following: when I build my exception if I invoke super() or super("message") the flex client can access all the info properly. But if I build the exception with a Throwable cause, super(cause), then the flex client can only access to stackTrace.

public class MyException extends Exception {
private String errorCode;
public String getErrorCode() {
return errorCode;
} public void setErrorCode(String errorCode) {
[Code] ......

By using MyException(String msg) the flex client can access to errorCode
By using MyException(Throwable cause) the flex client can't access to errorCode

In the flex side the code is:
var faultEvent : FaultEvent = FaultEvent( event );
var errorMessage:ErrorMessage = faultEvent.message as ErrorMessage;
var codeError:String = errorMessage.rootCause.errorCode;

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Flex :: BlazeDS Accessing HTTPRequest/HTTPSession In Custom Java MessageAdapter

Nov 4, 2009

In a custom MessageAdapter written for a BlazeDS Java server, is there any way to access HTTPSession and HTTPRequest in a custom MessageAdapter.I'm trying to adapt an existing COMET JSON long-poll messaging system to BlazeDS and we use HTTPRequest parameters to specify message sending/polling paramers (such as a unique ContextID for any given page for a user). Is there any type of HTTPSession information we can retrieve in MessageAdapter receiveMessage()?

If I can't access the HTTPRequest (I'm not sure we can even customize it if we're using the standard Producer, Consumer Actionscript classes anyways), is there a way to uniquely identify a given FlexClient long-poll from another long-poll from that client (e.g. if the same HTTPSession user has a tab open to the same Flex application is there any way to uniquely identify that user?).

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Java :: Spring/Flex/BlazeDS Messaging Service-adapter Not Called?

Nov 5, 2009

I have attached a service-adapter to a spring message-destination as follows:



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Java :: Push Data From BlazeDS Without Receive Message From Flex Client?

Dec 9, 2009

I am using BlazeDS for data-push feature in my Flex application project. From the official tutorial, Getting started with BlazeDS, it shows messaging example with producer/consumer from API. but how can I implement server side which doesn't need to be invoke from Flex client, but from within server-side instead. I got some idea but I don't know how to do because I'm a Flex developer, not Java developer In Google, there's a tutorial show about I need to extend ServiceAdapter class in Java-side, which extends Invoke method. Do I need to extend other class instead of this to do what I want?

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