Javascript :: Multiple Windows In One Page For Bookmarks?

Apr 26, 2011

I want a single online web page for my bookmarks. The page should include small windows which opens the following pages:

Fizy, Facebook, Guardian.

There should also be a button for adding a new window with an URL text input.Here's an illustration of how the page should look: http:[url].....I've built a version of this at http:[url]...., but as you may see, it uses iframes under javascript windows, which can not open frame-breaking sites (like, or Facebook.

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_root.openWinCentre = function (url, winName, w, h, toolbar, location, directories, status, menubar, scrollbars, resizable) { getURL ("javascript:var myWin; if(!myWin || myWin.closed){myWin ='" + url + "','" + winName + "','" + "width=" + w + ",height=" + h +


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with (object1, object2) {
attribute = value;

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[Code] .....

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Apr 30, 2011

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function viewPopup(e:MouseEvent) {
var address1:String = "room2/preloader.php";
var jscommand1:String = "'" + address1 +


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function invokeHandler(e:InvokeEvent) {
// insert action
NativeApplication.nativeApplication.addEventListen er(InvokeEvent.INVOKE, invokeHandler);

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Jan 27, 2011

I've done an Air app and now I realize I need to run two instances of it at the same time. I've searched the web and first it seemed that it was impossible, but I've found something about the invoke event. Pretty much all I've found was for flex and I just use plain flash cs5 so it's of no good to me. [code]If this is right, what I'm totaly missing is the "open a new instance" part.

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How do I add a link that bookmarks/adds the site to the users favorites?

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How to open multiple pop up browser windows from ActionScript?

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Windows :: Use Multiple WebBrowser Tabs For 1 Flex Application?

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I'm developing a flex application to view charts and statistic data about real-time stock price. The requirement is that 1 user can view multiple windows (or panel, or canvas) of multiple stock symbols at the same time. I want to have 1 button, when I click at that button, a new panel will be pop up in a new WebBrowser tab. 1 user can open 5 or more panels like that in 5 more webbrowser tab to see 5 different stocks. And all 5 panels must be managed by the main Application. So that the Application can send stock price data to those 5 panels.

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Oct 22, 2010

Does anyone know of a flash projector 'project' or 'framework' that uses a new flashPlayer for each window?We've used mProjector, which works well to a point, but I'm very disappointed in the fileIO patterns they use. It is very buggy with regard to reading and writing files.

mdm zinc uses multiple windows, but it is all sits on one flashPlayer 'session'. The same applies for AIR. It is great, but there isn't a way to make each window run on a seperate flashPlayer... extreme number crunching on one window will lock up all other windows.

edit - Just to clarify my needs (since I'm adding a little bounty), the app is an ERP application, built on Flex 3.x, and the size and scope of the project == huge.

tl;dr -- I need an exe wrapper (for windows), similar to AIR, that can have multiple windows, running each window on a seperate flashPlayer instance, and when a window is closed, it blows-away that flashPlayer instance / stage / etc.

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