Javascript :: Force Explorer To Reload Flex Page( Swf Embedded In HTML)?

Aug 23, 2010

I developed a flex website, the web explorer always caches swf file which embedded in HTML. Sometimes I make changes to the flex file, clients computer still view the previous version which stored in cache. How can I force client's web explorer to reload/refresh the swf file?

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Flex :: Reset/reload A Flex Application Without Refreshing The HTML Page Or Reloading The SWF File?

Jan 12, 2011

I have a flex application that has a home button. I need to reset the application when this button is clicked. I can't use navigateToURL or"window.location.reload"); as its not acceptable to reload the swf file.

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Flex :: Loading Html With Flash Page Using Https In Internet Explorer?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a html paga which loads a flash(flex) swf file. Using https it loads successfully with Chrome, Safari and Firefox, but not with Internet Explorer.Another page, a simple aspx page, does load in Internet Explorer using https (and no flash in it).Haven't found anything so far on the internet to solve this... Anyone?UPDATE: When I right click on the white screen, 'About Adobe Flash Player 10...' appears... so Flash is loaded. Also, in Charles (http sniffer tool) I can see that the swf is loaded over the network.

So, apparently, Flash Player is running inside my html page, the swf is loaded over the internet but the swf is not displayed in internet explorer browser... Very strange. How can I debug this further to see what the problem is?Meanwhile, in the left down corner, IE keeps on saying: 'Waiting for https://....In all other browsers it works like a charm.You can see that IE shows a Certificate Error, but that's also the case in other browsers. I already clicked on Certificate Error to install the Certificate, but with no success.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reload The Embedded Player, Not The Page?

Mar 2, 2010

Is there any way to force an embedded player to refresh itself?In other words, I have the following embedded on a html page:

<object width="352" height="330" id="player"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://mysite/FLVClipEditor.swf?url=URL_GOES_HERE" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"


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May 11, 2010

How do I embedded a HTML-enabled javascript editor on top of Flex web application? FCKEditor is not free but any free editor with basic toolbar will do?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Passing ID From Javascript Without Page Reload

May 21, 2010

I've made a XML based Mp3 player using Flash 8 and AS2. The player is working just fine, I mean playing song on previous and next button. Now I want to enlarge this and my idea is to list all the mp3s on a PhP page and allow user to listen to any song randomly. This means, user can click any song name and that song will start playing in the player.

My problem over here is; the song listing and the player will be on one single page and clicking on any song wont reload that page to play the selected song but just reload the content of the mp3 player.

I know this can be done in Javascript. My thought on this is:
On clicking each song name, I need to call a JS function and pass to it the "ID" of the song. This JS function needs to pass "that ID" to the swf which will play the song.

Keeping aside the complexity involve in ActionScript to fetch the song name as per the passed ID, I need to know how to pass this ID from JS to AS

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Javascript :: Avoid Refresh For Mp3 Player On Page Reload?

Jul 22, 2011

I want an mp3 player stretched at the bottom of the screen that won't refresh on page reload. I just want to embed a basic mp3 player in some flash, or use jquery, or ajax? Not really sure. I'm most familiar with jquery and would prefer that route. I just not sure how you could have a div that stretches through every page, but only being defined in one page.

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Flex :: Call Script Function Embedded Inside An Html Page Using It?

Aug 15, 2011

I know there are ways to invoke javascript inside the html wrapper template for the flex application using ExternalInterface, but is it possible to reference an external html page?

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Flex :: Pass String From Virtual Keyboard In AIR To An Embedded HTML Page?

Oct 11, 2011

i'm a newbie in Flex/Air. I'm developing an AIR web browser and i want to use a virtual keyboard to write in the HTML works well when i try to write in a text area, but i don't know how to write in the html page.EXAMPLE:To write in textarea, i just have to call this:textarea.text = event.keyLabel;

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Flex :: Fullscreen Option For Working For A VideoDisplay Control Embedded In A HTML Page

Jun 10, 2011

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Flash :: Javascript - After Installing - Swfobject Still Won't Embed Video Until Reload The Original Page

Nov 3, 2010

I have a simple html page with some javascript where if i click a link, it will show a flash video in a div using the swfobject.embedSWF function. I did a test: Uninstalled flash from my machine, then reloaded the page and clicked the link...I correctly saw no video. I then installed flash and came back to the same page (no reload) and the embed still won't work. I know in swfobject 1.5 (I'm now using 2.2), I would be able to embed the swf after the user installs flash, but now the user needs to reload the page in order to get the flash to appear. This is not good for my current situation, anyone know what is going on here? Here is sample code using a youtube video:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Sub-content From Another Html Or Php Page Without Browser Reload?

Apr 15, 2009

I have been trying to figure out the best way to load content into a container on an .php page which has three different .swfs already loaded - one is an mp3 player which I do not want to stop playing (this will obviously happen on a page refresh). The objective is to keep a flash menu for navigation given it's nice animation capabilities, but load page content into a container underneath. There are JavaScript files out there that work in conjunction with php (ajax) to accomplish this, but once I throw flash into the mix everything goes sideways. I know you can include js with the function, but this only solves the js portion not the php bit.

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Flash :: Program An Html Page To Move To A New Web Page On User's Clicking An Item Of An Embedded Movie?

Nov 21, 2011

Let me ask how to program an html page to move to a new web page on user's clicking an item of an embedded flash movie? But , in detail, I actually want to do a little different thing. I want that the parent html page remains there ,instead I want a child html frame has a new page after user's clicking the list item of the embedded flash movie.

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IDE :: [CS3] Width 100% In Html Page With Embedded Swf

Jan 16, 2009

I am creating a Flash project for a fundraising event and tend to test it every now and again. It is an accordion menu. It is going on a html page. I want the height to be relative to the width and the width to equal 100% of the browser window. When I set the html publish settings, I set it to 100% width & height. Then I embedded a swf using the loadmovie() method. I published it again. Everything seemed to be working OK but when my menu loads with the embedded swf, it goes back to normal size (actual size of project - 450x230).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Force Reload Of XML File?

Mar 20, 2009

I have a slide show swf file in AS3 that gets the paths froman XMlL file. The problem is that I change the XML file every dayand unless a viewer empties their cache, they get the old slides.There is a technique where you add ?mathRandom() code at theend of the XML path inside the .swf file, but from all I have readand believe, this only adds to ones cache and could irresponsiblyfill a viewers cache.Does anyone know a way to use actionscript 3 inside the .swffile to force a reload of the XML file if the browser has beenopened for the first time?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Force SWF To Reload (Already There In Cache)

Dec 27, 2006

Whenever I update the flash movie on my website, the changes don't affect the appearance when people (who have already been to the site) visit the website, since the swf is in the cache. I personally, go to my temporary internet files, and delete the swf from there, so that I can view the changes from the browser. Is there anyway to force the swf to be loaded again (although it resides in the cache memory)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Force Flash To Reload A File?

Jun 13, 2009

I'm trying to create a method of saving data to disk in Flash.

Uploading the data to a PHP server works... well enough I guess. The issue is that when I go to reload the data, the file has been cached, and so I can't load the saved changes.

Is there a way to force flash to reload a file? Or clear it's current cached version?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie From HTML Link Embedded On Page

Sep 10, 2003

I am trying to make a movie swf to load different .swf files but pressing html links in the same page it's embeded. What I got is that links are passing good a variable called 'video' to swf... Using a jscript in html page, and html links as follows:

<script language = "JavaScript">
function PassFlash(){"video", "video.swf");
} //-->
<a href="#" onClick="PassFlash()">Load this video into flash please!</a>

But I think I didn't build the actionscript correctly.. I can't find the way to make the movie to load a determinated .swf using that variable...If I put a loadMovie (video, "mclipholder") and a stop (); in a frame the variable is not useful because the movie doesn't load. If I add a gotoAndPlay (1) for making the movie loop, the swf loads again and again...I want the main movie to be able to recognize when an html link is pressed (and passes the variable called 'video') and then to load the correct movie....

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Internet Explorer - Firefox/IE Statusbar Are In Front Of FLEX Page?

Jan 12, 2011

I created the page in FLEX, but i have problem with scroller (the page content) and the bottom status bar from IE/firefox. They are easily overlapping each other (with statusbar in the front - hiding the content of the page) - is there any way to read the height of these elements regardles of the browser (to change 'paddingbottom' accordingly ) ? (I know that disabling them is prohibited from security reasons).


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Javascript :: Setting Focus To An Embedded Flash Movie/HTML Embed Element?

Dec 26, 2009

Is there a way to set focus to the embed HTML element using JavaScript? Test case: embedded YouTube videos on a page.

I have no control over the embedded Flash element. So, is there a way to set focus on it by using only JavaScript?

I read somewhere that calling the element.focus() method works only in IE. I need a browser-independent way that works in Chrome/Firefox.

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Force The Web Browser To Reload A Newly Deployed Flash File Without Clearing The Cache?

Sep 16, 2010

When I deploy a new .swf file in an HTML file as shown below, I have to clear the browser cache before the new .swf file loads in the browser. Is there anyway to force the browser to load the .swf file when I replace it with a new one on the server.

<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" name="Prototype" bgcolor="#869ca7" quality="high" id="Prototype" src="/flex/Prototype.swf">

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Javascript :: Embedding Swf File In Html Page?

Jan 1, 2011

In the code below what is addvariable doing also i need to embed the swf only in my html page and it is not php. how to embed the swf file in html page

<table border=0 width=100% height=100%>
<tr><td align=center valign=center>
<script type="text/javascript" src="test/swfobject.js"></script>


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Javascript :: Login Page 'if' Display Something In HTML

Jul 25, 2011

I am creating a login page in HTML with Javascript Elements.

Basically I have a login form. and if credentials are wrong I want it to show an alert in HTML which another Javascript manages. Anyway I have setup a test page here As you can see when you input the wrong credentials it will display an alert. But I want it to perform an action in HTML? (This is so hard to describe)

<div class="notification error"> That is the code in HTML which will show that red box you see up the top & I will add text later.

Here's the Login form:

else {
return true;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variable From Html Page Or Javascript?

Oct 22, 2004

I have a sliding, drop down menu sidebar thingy. The user clicks a button and my slick little eye candy flash movie has a secondary navigation list slide down while any buttons underneath slide down as well. Then when you click on another button it slides back up and the new button's secondary nav slides down. nuff said.what I would like to have happen is that when a user clicks on a secondary nav button and a new html page loads, I would like it to appear that the secondary nav slider has stayed down on the newly loaded html page.this means passing some kind of variable to my flash movie so that it can tell which page the user is on and react (go to a particular frame)

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Javascript :: Full-page Crossfading Navigation In Html

Aug 30, 2011

I'm attempting to recreate some flash transition effects with html/ajax. How feasible is it to do a full-page cross-fade?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get The Final Html (post-javascript) Of A Page?

Jan 27, 2011

I am currently using URLLoader to get the source code of a webpage, problem is, I need the source that is is created after its javascript runs (what you would actually see in a browser), not the true source code.

I can manually see this Post-Javascript source by loading the page in firefox and then putting "javaScript:" followed by my javascript function in the URL area. It shows me the CURRENT source of the page.

Any way in as3 to get the final html (post-javascript) of a page?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Cleanup Function On Reload Of Page / Relode Of Swf Or Change Of Page

Nov 15, 2011

I have an swf loaded in a browswer (fire fox) and i use log on console using [code]I have initialized my swf in the document class on the Event.Added to stage.and i have a clean up function performing all the clean up/exit process in the code on the event [code]Now Doubt that this is being called/ activated/trigered as i am not able to log the start and end of the function to the console.The console log is of firebug.What exactly am i missing here? I would like to call the cleanup function on reload of page or relode of swf or change of page.How do i trigger and log it properly

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Flex :: Intercepting Network Calls To Force Html Header Referrer To Null

Aug 16, 2011

I've been using the Flex "HTML" component in my AIR 2.7 project. It's a wrapper for the HtmlLoader class. The problem is that empty referers in HTML headers are automatically set to "app://[appname].swf". This is not standard as default referer behavior should be to not set any referer at all. The consequence is I'm getting denied access on certain websites using iframes (as location changes from an iframe set an empty referer). I have no control over those requests has no event is fired when changed the source of an iframe.

I have thought about the possibility of intercepting all network calls and setting the referer to empty when necessary before sending the message. My app is only a container in wich a module is loaded for easier updates so maybe I could set up a proxy on top or something like that. Is there any way to intercept network messages in Flex??


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use On A Flash Button To Call Javascript In The Head Of An Html Page?

Feb 19, 2010

I'm wanting to use a button in flash to call a javascript function that resides in my main html page.I think this can be done, but I'm not sure how to do it?

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Javascript :: Python Failed To Call Flash Loaded Html Page?

Sep 6, 2010

I tried to render html page which contains flash content. But it not responding. Loads endless. Text and image contents are OK. Here is my code.

self.response.out.write(template.render('ieerror.html', dict()))

html file contains:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />[code].....

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