Javascript :: Load JQuery Before DOM Is Ready?

Nov 8, 2010

I want to load some jQuery code before the DOM is ready. I want to make a flash file transparant as the DOM loads. I was going to use something like this but Flash is initilized before the DOM loads.

jQuery(this).attr('wmode', 'transparent');


The flash content is coming from our Advertisement Manager, which stupidly enough, doesn't allow direct editing of the HTML, as to add the required wmode attributed into the specific tags...

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Jquery :: $(document).ready Starts After Any Flash Obj. Downloaded In IE?

Jan 4, 2010

I've noticed something weird at IE. When i have a flash object (.swf) inside a page, then any action/function inside $(document).ready starts after the swf object has been fully loaded. (While in firefox, it doesn't need the swf to be fully loaded)

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Is there a non-polling way for Javascript to command Flash right when its external interface is ready? In Actionscript, I've registered a function for Javascript to call:[code]SWFObject lets you run code when Flash has been successfully embedded through a callback. I attempt to run $ ('flash Player'). doStuff in this callback, but it claims it's undefined. It seems that Flash needs some time to boot up its external interface. So I've been using a polling hack to find out when the external interface is ready:[code]There's a visually perceptible delay in the execution of doStuff and it makes my overall code structure muddy.

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I've looked high and low for an answer to this and I'm hoping someone has an answer, or at least a tip on how to avoid it.I'm loading a static HTML file into a container via the jQuery load() method. This static HTML file has a script which loads a swf. When I load that particular file, I get the white screen of death (WSOD) and the page explodes and everyone in the room dies a horrible death.I've had this happen also when using the jQuery wrap methods (wrap, wrapOuter, etc.) when a swf is present.It seems manipulating the DOM with a container that has a swf object causes this. Does anyone have a solution or a way that I can prevent it happening?

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Aug 13, 2011

I have this javascript file which is a modified version of the VideoLightBox script:

var $=jQuery;
var swfID = "video_overlay";[code]....

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<style type="text/css" media="screen">

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to it, but only if this argument doesn't already exist;

$(this).attr('src') + '&amp;wmode=Opaque');`


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Dec 1, 2009

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Flash :: AS2.0 And JavaScript / JQuery (ExternalInterface) Communication

Jan 7, 2010

Im trying to use JS to send data to my Flash AS2.0 music player with ExternalInterface, except there are no good tutorials or guides on ExternalInterface that I can find. I want to be able to change the current song in the player by clicking a JavaScript link, and on page / window load without clicking, play a default song.

I dont need a super complicated answer on loading sounds in flash, etc., I am just having a lot of difficulties getting JS to send anything to Flash, and when I get that to work - would I need to put some if / else into the flash to determine if the link has been clicked or not?


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Javascript :: Jquery.flash Plugin Not Working In IE6?

Jan 31, 2010

I use jquery.flash() plugin to embed flash into my website. The problem is that in IE6 this doesn't work. I tried swfobject (1.5), also, but it gives me (sometimes) some strange errors with n null or something like that, so I decided to use jquery.flash() also. (I use both swfobject and jquery.flash() now)

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The website is [URL]

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Feb 5, 2010

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Aug 26, 2010

I have a swf that opens up inside a colorbox window. When the video finishes playing, I make an externalinterface call to a javascript function to close the colorbox.I'm trying to execute the following AS3 code:'parent.$.fn.colorbox.close()')

I can't seem to get this to work. The colorbox won't close.I also tried this to see if I was just making the wrong function call, but this didn't work either: ('alert("hello world")')However, if I browse to the url of the swf file, so that it doesn't open inside the colorbox, the alert() call works just fine.

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Aug 29, 2010

I use the following jQuery code to access functions in my SWF (FP 10.1 SWF embedded via SWFObject): $('#FlashApp')[0].someFunc(); This works fine in every browser.. except for Internet Explorer (surprise!). Surely, the point of jQuery is to make this code work across all browsers? I'd really rather not write extra code to check for IE. How can I talk to my SWF in a browser independent way?

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Jquery :: Create Chart Using SVG Graphics And Javascript?

Sep 5, 2010


Would be possible to develop the above chart using SVG and Javascript or some other lightweight technology i.e HTML5.0 technologies?

What sort of effort would be involved (man days)?

Would the SVG version be as fast/smooth as it's flash counterpart?

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Javascript :: Make Swf File A Link Using Jquery?

Oct 1, 2010

I've been sent a swf file for a banner that needs to be linked to a url. I am adding this to my client's website and my client has been sent the swf and javascript to add to the page. The problem is that the javascript code is overly complex, and I'm wanting to use Jquery and Unobtrusive Flash Objects (I've not yet updated to swfobject on this site). Can I use Jquery and/or UFO (or indeed swfobject if I have to upgrade) to make the swf file link to an external url (preferably loading in a new tab/window)?

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Javascript :: How To Control A Flash Film With JQuery

Dec 4, 2010

i have a project where i have a movie.swf (AS2) and some buttons with js/jQuery in the html part. Now i want the buttons to control the flash. For Example pressing Button1 would do a gotoAndPlay(1) and Button2 gotoAndPlay(150) Button3 gotoAndStop(450)

The Flashmovie works with Actionscript 2.

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Javascript :: Flash Website Redone In Jquery?

Jan 4, 2011

I'm considering attempting a redesign of a flash website with jquery effects and transitions in place. I just wanted to reach out to the community to maybe see how feasible this really is considering the particular transitions and effects this website hasThe gallery I guess can be recreated by carousel plugin, but there are so many out there so maybe could suggest a stable one that would be be best suited to this job. The other items that really caught my attention in which I wouldn't really know where to start is the navbar and the effect that looks like a book opening when you click on a link on the navbar.

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Jquery :: Destroy Flash Object Using Javascript

Apr 6, 2011

I have a flash object that connects to the user's webcam.In Firefox, I can remove the container div of the object (using jQuery) and the camera will turn off.However, in IE8, when I remove the container div, the camera stays on but the flash object appears to be removed from the DOM.Is there a way to sever the connection between IE and the webcam so the light on the webcam will go off when the flash object is removed from the DOM?

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Javascript :: Click On A Flash Object With JQuery?

Sep 28, 2011

I have something like this:

<object id="myflash"></object>

I've tried making jQuery click the object like so:


But this doesn't work. Is there another way to do this?

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Javascript :: Flowplayer Won't Stop() With JQuery Function?

Nov 24, 2011

I am using the VideoJS HTML5 video player ( on a WordPress site I'm developing. The player launches in a modal window, and it works great for the most part, but the Flowplayer flash fallback for IE isn't behaving as I want.

When the user closes the modal box, playback should stop/pause. This works fine in HTML5, but not with Flowplayer. I've had a look at Flowplayer documentation but can't seem to get their suggested code to work. I've tried several variations, with no luck and cannot find a working example on the net.

It may be worth noting that VideoJS is called from WordPress, using VideoJS WP plugin.

The snippet below shows what I think it should work, where $f is the flow player selector, but I've tried other ways.

jQuery(function( $ ){


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Javascript :: JQuery Swfobject AS3 ExternalInterface Not Working

Jan 14, 2012

As you can tell by the title, I am having some trouble with AS3 ExternalInterface and jQuery / swfobject.


It's giving the first alert ('init') but then not doing the last one. I'm completely baffled and hope someone can point out my mistakes! (there's bound to be a massively obvious one somewhere)

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Javascript :: Replace Flash With Jquery/html5?

Jan 23, 2012

I have a project with that uses flash for most pages. Now the client want to replace the flash with jquery/html. So from where I have to start with?

The project has swf file and it is embedded by swfobject(javascript). with giving a idea or steps how I can convert the swf to javascript/html?

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Javascript :: Reinstate Jquery Features After Flash Callback?

Dec 20, 2009

I have a page that uses the jQuery.swfobject plugin to embed 5 flash items into a page and each flash item has a callback using externalInterface. The callbacks work when I have the js function outside of $(document).ready(function() but the jQuery animations do not fire - the ajax load however does. Does anyone know how to get the animations working too, code below:

function pageLoader(galID) {
$('#holder_gallery').load("feeds.php", {gallery: galID}, function(){


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