Actionscript :: Way For Javascript To Command Flash Right When Its External Interface Is Ready?

Jan 22, 2011

Is there a non-polling way for Javascript to command Flash right when its external interface is ready? In Actionscript, I've registered a function for Javascript to call:[code]SWFObject lets you run code when Flash has been successfully embedded through a callback. I attempt to run $ ('flash Player'). doStuff in this callback, but it claims it's undefined. It seems that Flash needs some time to boot up its external interface. So I've been using a polling hack to find out when the external interface is ready:[code]There's a visually perceptible delay in the execution of doStuff and it makes my overall code structure muddy.

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JavaScript :: External Interface On Flash Player Not Working On CDN

Oct 5, 2010

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<object type=,"application/x-shockwave-flash" data="[our_cloudfront_url].swf" width="920" height="404" id="player" style="visibility:visible;">
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<an HTMLObjectElement> has no method 'reloadData'

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( =>

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Javascript :: External Interface Calls To Flash Not Working In IE9?

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This has worked great on all browsers we have tried including IE7 and 8, however on IE9 it generates the following error: "SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support this property or method".

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private function httpRequest (uri:String, param:String="", method:String="GET"):void


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//there's an js include URL earlier//


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flash.external.ExternalInterface.addCallback("isActive", ...
Example of creating the embed object:
var b = document.createElement('embed');


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object doesn't support this property or method
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ExternalInterface.addCallback("receiveText1", receiveText1);
function receiveText1(value:String):void {


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function getMovieName(movieName) {
if (window[movieName]) {


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Dec 3, 2009

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Apr 17, 2012

I am using in AS3 "External Interface ". When I call the JS function that is on the same page as swf everything works fine.

I added a link in the html page to an external JS file, when I move the JS function to the external JS file the website crushes.

I would prefer to have all my JS functions on an external file so I can use them in the future in other project and it also makes it easier for me to update the site.

how to call a JS function that is on an external file from AS3?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Within A Javascript Get Url Command - Insert Variables?

Nov 21, 2002

i have:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: [CS3] Flash Interface For Client To Control Play Order Of External Swfs?

Jan 14, 2009

My client has approx 12 different presentation .swf's all with a beginning, middle and an end (phew!). I need to build an interface that views those 12 individual presentations as thumbnails on a single page and allows my client to click and drag whichever ones they wish to use into a separate little container above and in-doing so create a new required running order (left to right) each time they use my interface... so that once they have decided that running order they can somehow use the result for their required presentation. They will be using this interface ongoing throughout the year for various presentations all that will require maybe just a few of those individual swf's in different orders.

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