Php :: Flex-load Different Videos In Video Player Component?
Jul 17, 2011
As some Internet tutorial suggested I've built a simple server-client application for FLV Video Player using PHP and Flex. The problem I encountered is that I can't change the source of the video in the mxml file using Notepad++. The source could be changed if I run Flex but It's not a good idea because I want to run different videos through this to run different videos with this Flex Video Player component because my application works only for this given in the source of FlexPlayer.mxml-maybe I shouldn't use this mxml file for the different Video Sources?
<s:VideoPlayer id="Player" left="0" top="0" width="493" height="382" chromeColor="#2875DE"
color="#000000" skinClass="MySkin" source="Video Source/Coldplay - Clocks.flv"/>
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<vid desc="video2 dark knight"
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Oct 12, 2009
everyone out there that is smarter than me. I have made this little prototype video player, and it isn't working. It'll eventually become a nice little player show videos from our summer camp for the last few years, but first I want to make it work in a basic stripped down version. There is a playback component with one of the skins right above the three buttons.
Here's the ActionScript: btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, vid1);btn2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, vid2);btn3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, vid3);
function vid1(e:Event):void{vidPlayer.source = "Video1.flv"};function vid2(e:Event):void{vidPlayer.source = "Video2.flv"}; function vid3(e:Event):void{vidPlayer.source = "Video3.flv"};
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When I click my button to load the AS2 swf, they load fine and the video plays.
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Sep 18, 2009
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ncConnection = new NetConnection();
ncConnection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
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Nov 4, 2010
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myByteArray =;
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var response = http.responseText;
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Jun 3, 2009
can i ask if it is possible to load different video formats in my flv component.I am trying to load a .mov, and ,mp3 and ,wmv in my player but its not working.
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Mar 29, 2009
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Oct 22, 2011
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Feb 23, 2011
I'm trying to create a simple "universal" media player which presents the same user interface (or as similar as possible) for video and audio playback. Unfortunately, FLVPlayback seems not to be able to handle audio files as far as I can tell, so I'm using a Sound and SoundChannel.
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The standard PlayPauseButton is a MovieClip with two layers, one containing the Play button (and with the instance name play_mc) and the containing the Pause button (pause_mc). Inside one of these is a movie with some code like this:
this.upLinkageID = "PauseButtonNormal";
this.overLinkageID = "PauseButtonOver";
this.downLinkageID = "PauseButtonDown";
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Jun 26, 2009
im creating a portfolio website that primarily uses flv videos for graphics. For example, if you click to go to another section of the website a video plays that actually walks you to that area. What I want to do is be able to load a different video when a button is clicked in the exact same place as the old one. I currently have a working class that plays a video
I want to some how be able to change the variable flvName on the click of a button on my stage and recall the class to change the video. If you can think of an alternate way of doing what i need to do id love to hear it.
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Sep 1, 2010
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Jul 27, 2011
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Jun 29, 2010
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Sep 13, 2008
I'm using the flvPlayback and Captioning component/skin for some videos. Works great, but I can't figure out how to have the captions off by default and use the caption button to turn them on for users who want to see the caption buttons.
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Apr 15, 2010
Am working in flex video player with RTMP.How to skip the video file to the middle of a video without having to download the whole file using RTMP.Where i want to put the Video file(FLV). Red5 server location or any other folder.Where i want to put the flex project out put file Red5 server or any other server like XAMPP. How Can i skip the frames in flex using RTMP(*red5*)..
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Jul 30, 2011
I've got the following Javascript for creating the HTML of video player. I use Javascript because this is the only way I can tell the player which video to play.
The problem is FlexPlayer.swf is loading every time and I need to cache this SWF file. Maybe I should use Javascript constructor but don't know how in this case.
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Dec 9, 2009
I am importing 4 videos flv with playback component. When a video is loading, I would like an mc to be visible (like a loading mc to be sure the users understands that it's working and loading. But when it starts to play, the mc needs to disappear.So I imagine something like this code is a start
vid1.addEventListener(VideoEvent.LOADING.videoLoad );
function videoLoad(e:VideoEvent){
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Mar 16, 2012
I am currently working on a project (AS3), where I have 2 frames, with 2 videos (using the FLVPlayback component) and I want to switch from one video to the next video, however the catch is when I switch to the next video I want the new video to play at the previous video time. Example: Video 1 plays, 10 sec later, you click a button to go and see the next video (in another frame) and that new Video starts 10 sec into it.
This is the codes I been using so far:
video1.addEventListener(VideoEvent.PLAYHEAD_UPDATE, timer);
function timer(e:VideoEvent):void {
var newTime = video1.playheadTime;
[Code] .....
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Jun 15, 2010
i am working on a project. my project needs videos tv( Playing videos flash player).my reference site is I need that type of flash player.
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Jan 23, 2012
I was following a tutorial, but it was a little bit limited in options.So what I wanted is to have a few buttons and when we clicked on them they would play a different video. I found the cove above, but I wanted it to have at least one or two extra things.For example I didn't wanted the video to start immediately without any click on the button.And I would like to have a close button that would remove the video player from stage (I tried some things, but the best I got was only removing the video player but I could still ear the video playing).[code]
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