Properties :: Flash HTTPService : Reading The Connection Data From Property File?

Dec 19, 2011

i have my HTTPService, it looks like this :



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Flash :: Flex - AIR HTTPService - No Internet Connection

Jun 8, 2011

I am creating an air app that uses HTTPService to connect to a .net api and get a user for example. It works great when I publish the move for "Flash Player 10" as a .swf, however, when I publish it as .air it seems like there is no internet connection at all. I am assuming it's internet securities (maybe firewall). I turned off my firewall and everything that might be blocking the internet access, but nothing seems to work.

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Xml :: (Flex 3) Get Data From A File Using HTTPservice And Save The Return Data As An Array?

Oct 15, 2009

I have an xml file (externally saved) that is similar to the following:



What I like to do is to get what's in [title] tag using HTTPservice, import it into Flex, and save it as array objects, and do the same thing for [content]. This way I can later refer the array object saying title[0] or content[2].

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ActionScript 2.0 :: RSS Feed - Reading Data From Location In Flash File

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I am trying to read data from [URL] location in my flash file which is residing on a server. But I am not able to get any data. No issues in coding - checked with a local copy.
Command used is objMain.CCRSSXML.load("[URL]");

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Opening And Reading Data From A Text File?

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...Anyway. Since college happened, I'm used to C++ storing data in .txt files and reading in from there. I'm trying to make a monopoly remake for something to do while Christmas comes, and I wanted to store all the card information somewhere. I thought of storing it in some sort of "Information Class" or perhaps just a text file.

how does AS3 read from text files?

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Xml - Sending Data From MXML File To JSP File (and Receiving) Using HTTPservice?

Jul 9, 2011

I want to retrieve data from a Database and display inside a datagrid in a Flex web application. The way I'm thinking of doing it is :

Send the Query data from .mxml file to the .jsp page using HTTPService. In the .jsp, connect to the database and retrieve the data using select statements. send the results back to the .mxml using HTTPService.

I know what to use but I have an ambiguity. In the (.mxml) I use xxx.send() to send the data. What do I use in the (.jsp) to send it back ? I know that I should store the results in an XML in the .jsp file, but how to do that ?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Reading Data From A Text File But Can't Use The Data Outside Of The Function?

Mar 26, 2009

I am trying to load a variable from data in a text file.I can read the text file fine but the variable data seemsonly to be available with in the function that reads it. I need to use the variable data outside of the function.This is the actionscript code i'm using.

var pathVars= new LoadVars();
pathVars.onLoad=function(ok) {


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IDE :: Reading Data From A Text File But Can't Use The Data Outside Of The Function?

Mar 26, 2009

I am trying to load a variable from data in a text file.I can read the text file fine but the variable data seems only to be available with in the function that reads it. I need to use the variable data outside of the function.

This is the actionscript code i'm using.

var pathVars= new LoadVars();
pathVars.onLoad=function(ok) {


This is where the path_var becomes undefined

trace("This is outside the function... "+path_var);
pathVar1="This is outside the function... "+path_var;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AIR HTTPService Internet Connection?

Jun 8, 2011

This might seem like a simple question, but I searched the internet to no avail.I am creating an air app that uses HTTPService to connect to a .net api and get a user for example. It works great when I publish the move for "Flash Player 10" as a .swf, however, when I publish it as .air it seems like there is no internet connection at all. I am assuming it's internet securities (maybe firewall). I turned off my firewall and everything that might be blocking the internet access, but nothing seems to work.

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Flex :: Reading Data From XML File?

May 31, 2010

How to read data from XML file in flex?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reading Data From A File?

Sep 22, 2003

I need to join three images adjacent to each other by reading the file locations from a text file or database. After joining these images I have to make it to a single movieclip.

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Data Integration :: Multiline Text Box Reading From Xml File?

May 20, 2009

i have a text area, set to multiline.  For some reason, when my text imported from xml shows up in the box, it starts several lines down into the box.  So for example, my Text box is positioned with the top at the midpoint of my stage, but the text starts about 3/4 down the page, about half way down the text box.  Can someone please tell me why this is happening and what I can do to fix it?
I noticed that when I put my cursor in the box and move it up and down, the rest of the text 'scrolls' into the frame, but otherwise it's cut off.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reading Text Data From External File?

Dec 11, 2009

Once the text file is assigned to a variable, spaces for example are replaced by %5F.My text file: bddtxt.txt Content of text file: 1_1_0,2 3_2 3 4_0,4_5_0,5_6 7_0,6_8_0,7 8_9 10_0,9_11_0 My script (Flash 6):

ActionScript Code:
var liens = new LoadVars();


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Flex :: HTTPService.disconnect() - No Tcp Connection Drops And Script Keeps On Running On Server Side

Mar 20, 2012

I got a mxml file that launch a script on my http server through a HTTPService.send() call. Since the script on the server side takes a LOOOONG time (it could take even more than a hour) i would like to drop the connection between my air application and server when a button is clicked. Don't know why but calling HTTPService.disconnect() is totally useless... No tcp connection drops and script keeps on running on server side. No HTTPService.cancel() nor set HTTPService var to null worked.

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Data Integration :: Flash Form Data Connection Offline?

Jul 25, 2007

I want to create a flash form and be able to collect the dataoffline. The company I work for has a e-newsletter, and we wouldlike to set a lab top up (outdoors w/ no interenet connection) atan event and have the people sign up for the newsletter on thisflash form and collect the data in some kind of database (excel orwhatever). We had used paper in the past, but taking the names andemail addresses from the paper is time consuming and sometimes very

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Retrieve Data Sent By Flash 4 HttpService, In The Servlet Side?

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Flash tier:



how can I retrieve "data" from Flash, in my Servlet?

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Flex :: Get Data From Dynamic HTTPService Asynchronous To Populate An Advanced Data Grid

Dec 28, 2009

I have to populate an Advanced Data Grid which have the following fields: Continent->State->Society-->Actual Value-->Estimate Value I want to simulate a financial market so i have to change some of the values by asynchronous request from an HTTPService; If necessary i'll post the .as file, but it is generated automatically by Flex Builder.

Here's the code of the client side Flex/Air application:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=""


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Php :: Use HTTPService Rather Than URLRequest To Send Data. Content Type Is Messing With The Data?

Jul 28, 2011

I need to send a byte array of data (its an image source) along with a bunch of other vars to a service.If I send the byte array using something like the following

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest ( '' );
var loader: URLLoader = new URLLoader();
request.contentType = 'application/octet-stream';


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Flex :: Possible To Set Variable At Property URL (HTTPService)?

Aug 10, 2011

I build an application that need httpservice feature. This application will be deployed at some computer. So, I don't have an idea to set variable at url property.

<mx:HTTPService id="personRequest" url="[URL]" useProxy="false" method="GET" resultFormat="text" result="personJSON(event)">
<mx:request xmlns="">

I already try with block {}, but no use. Can't I set a variable at property url mx:HTTPService?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reading XML Data Generated By PHP In Flash?

Sep 9, 2009

I have a normal XML file which i chucked together that works fine with the code i have below - this is obviously saved as an xml file as well. What I'm trying to do is generate an XML page using PHP. I have done so, works fine and reads as it should correctly when simply viewing the page in a browser, but when i try and read out the data in flash (loading in a php file instead of an xml file, everything is undefined!! Below is the flash code, which works when the load() link is changed to a straightforward xml file...


newsPageContent_txt.html = true;
var test_xml = new XML();
test_xml.ignoreWhite = true;


the header at the top of this PHP is generating the page as xml, so it should all be valid.

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FLASH :: PHP - Persistent Connection (data Streaming)

Mar 11, 2012

The idea behind is a multiplayer browser game which interacts with a PHP server. Right now it works like this: Every second the browser is doing an ajax call to the php script which checks everything and returns the response. All in all it runs fine, but the problem is that the browser gets overloaded (because of thousands of ajax requests) after a while and it becomes impossible to play anymore. Also the delay of 1+ second is pretty much. My idea is to have a simple flash pixel which will have a 2-way communication with the server. For example:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash File Reading An External Text File For The Content?

May 16, 2005

I turn to you for help, dear sweet Kirupa Forumites. First, let me explain the problem: I have a flash file reading an external text file for the content. Everything works perfectly for nearly everyone - you click a menu button, and the content text comes up fine. However, a couple of people have found that the text shows up as "undefined". I have checked the player versions of the people where it doesn't work, and it is the same as for those where it does work, so that ain't the problem.

I don't understand why it works perfectly for nearly everyone, but a small number of people have this "undefined" text problem. It seems to be a problem with loading the external text file, but I don't know why. I have a main flash movie, and load the text in the first frame, using the following:

var my_content = new LoadVars();
my_content.onLoad = function(success){
if (success){


I then have a couple of dynamic text boxes in the main movie - one called ErrorText (for displaying an error message to the user) and one called ContentText (for displaying the content). I use an external menu swf which jumps to a specific frame in the main movie, depending on which button is clicked. Actionscript on the main movie frame for the first button does the following, with the other frames similarly configured:

ContentText.htmlText = my_content.content1;

My external text file is properly configured (content1=blah blah&content2=other blah blah) etc.

Does anyone have any advice on how I can solve this particular weird problem??

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Php :: Reading RAW Data From A Flash POST Request ( Images )?

Dec 8, 2009

I'm basically interacting with a third party API flash file to send HTTP POST requests to my server. know I'm on somewhat the right path because it requires a crossdomain.xml file, and before I added that part nothing in the POST variables was showing up, however since I added that file there are 4 variables that are set, these POST variables are sent by the application to give me basic information about the file.. but I actually need to read the RAW POST data to actually save the image being sent by the Flash.I'm aware there are 3 ways...$GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'] $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA which is probably the same as the firstfile_get_contents('php://input')For whatever reason, neither of these "work". By "work" I mean they're not being set, when I var dump them I get nothing.

Could it be that there's a setting in php.ini that I need to set, or perhaps the Flash application is truly not sending the actual image? I think it's doing the right thing, because it's a semi popular API and it's used by a couple other sites so I'm pretty sure it's right on their end.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HTTPService Search Syntax : 1120:Access Of Undefined Property

Aug 19, 2011

I want to create a search something like this:

mySearch = getString.lastResult.toString().search( _what_goes_here_? );

I've entered the string I want to search for and that gives me an 1120:Access of undefined property error

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Html5 - Flash - Making Data Connection

Nov 8, 2010

I dont know a lot about html5 but is this expetced to compete with Flash/AS3 with regards to game making, data connection etc? It hard to image OOP with html as some games take thousands of lines to do.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Flash Form Data To PHP And Reading Back XML?

Sep 24, 2009

sent form data in Flash to a PHP script before and then read in a variable (say a user id) that gets passed back by the PHP. simple enough.but if the script passes back XML, how do i read that in?elow is the code i've used to send PHP a name and an email address and get back a userid, but i'm not sure how to go about writing the code if the script is passing flash a chunk of XML instead?

ActionScript Code:
var userRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("saveUser.php");
var userLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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Professional :: Problem Reading Genre With Id3 Property

Sep 18, 2010

Hi all,
Possibly a noob question, but I am struggling with a problem which seems to affect no one else.
I  have the following bit of script which is supposed to read the ID3 tag  of an external mp3 file, then display the song name and genre in two  separate dynamic textboxes:
import;var reqObject:URLRequest = new URLRequest("song1.mp3");var slCon:SoundLoaderContext = new SoundLoaderContext();sndObject.load(reqObject, slCon);sndObject.addEventListener(Event.ID3, tagFn);function tagFn (evt:Event):void { var trackName = sndObject.id3.songName; var genName = sndObject.id3.genre; trackName.text = trackName; trackGenre.text = genName;
Seems  straightforward. The track's name is read and returned correctly.  However, for the genre, instead of displaying "Trance", the script  returns "(31)".
Some browsing online revealed that there are  so-called genre ID codes, with some 100+ standard genres each having a  corresponding number code. It turns out the code for Trance is 31. For  some reason, Flash displays that code instead of the actual title of the  genre.
If I change the ID3 tag of the mp3 file so that the genre  is something which is not on the list of genre ID codes, e.g. "abs123",  the code works correctly, returning "abc123". It is only when the entry  matches an item from the genre ID list that its number is shown  instead.
I am really stuck and would appreciate any input! Until then, I am very confused indeed... :-(

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AS3 :: Flash - Reading An Attribute From A XML/RSS File?

Feb 14, 2011

very simple question, i have this: (only a part of the complete rss file)

<title>Ok, de regalo de San Valentin me pueden dar un viaje a Playa del Carmen! Digo, entre todos lo pagan! No?? #So&#241;arNoCuestaNada</title>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Handle Result Of XML Data Through HTTPService

Oct 11, 2011

My xml data [URL]. I need to load this xml data through httpservice and in the handle result function I need to access the individual data like complaints.complaint.title using for loop function. I had tried this I couldn't get the result as I need

<s:HTTPService id="Complaints" url="[URL]" result="Complaints_resultHandler(event)" fault="Complaints_faultHandler(event)" >
</s:HTTPService> <fx:Script> <![CDATA[
protected function Complaints_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void {
[Code] .....
I need to get the data like title, complainturl, latitude, longtitude etc.

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