ActionScript 3.0 :: Html5 - Flash - Making Data Connection

Nov 8, 2010

I dont know a lot about html5 but is this expetced to compete with Flash/AS3 with regards to game making, data connection etc? It hard to image OOP with html as some games take thousands of lines to do.

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stop();var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();var varSend:URLRequest = new URLRequest("php.php");
varSend.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = variables;


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Media Server :: Bad Network Data; Terminating Connection

Aug 13, 2010

Many times, each day, a notice this error in the event log :


each time after this error, the netconnection between the publisher and the server close. I have some log in my app who check the connectivity between the publisher and the server:


I just want to confirm if it's the real issue of this problem or if other thing can provide this result and how can I prevent the deconnection of the publisher if this append again?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sockets Not Closing Data Connection On Windows

Nov 10, 2009

I've written a basic FTP client to allow me to upload files through the browser without using the FileReference.upload() func (because it's damn slow). I've got all the socket logic worked out and it works for one upload. When the upload is completed, the FTP data socket is closed by the socket.close() func which triggers a response from the command socket and starts the whole process over again. This logic works perfectly on my Mac in both Safari and FF.

I can upload files and cancel uploads and it all works as I want. When I test it on Windows (IE 8, FF 3.5, Safari 4 on WinXP and Win7) it is busted. I've tracked down the problem to the fact that on Windows, the socket.close() function is not causing the server to close the connection. I don't know if this is because it's not sending a proper command or what... but that's where it's at.

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Python :: Make A Flex Application Where It Gets Data From A Telnet Connection?

Feb 7, 2010

I am trying to make a flex application where it gets data from a telnet connection and I am running into a weird problem.To give a brief introduction, i want to read data from a process that exposes it through a socket. So if in the shell i type telnet localhost 8651i receive the xml and then the connection is closed (I get the following Connection closed by foreign host.)

Anyway i found a simple tutorial online for flex that essentially is a telnet client and one would expect it to work but everything follows Murphy's laws and nothing ever works.Now i have messages being printed in every event handler and all places that i can think off. When i connect to the socket nothing happens, no event handler is triggered even the connect or close handler and if i do the following the socket.connected returns false! I get no errors, try catch raises no exception. I am at a loss as to whats going wrong?

socket.connect(serverURL, portNumber);

Is there something about telnet that i do not know and its causing this to not work. Whats more interesting is why none of the events get fired.The following is the python code that works!

def getStats(host, port):
sock = socket.socket()
sock.connect((host, port))[code]....

View 2 Replies :: Xcelsius XML Data Connection Using .aspx Page Error #2032

Mar 21, 2012

Because of my version of Xcelsius I'm limited to 2 web service connections so I tried using XML Data connection and aspx page to bring data from database to Xcelsius.I have an ASPX page that outputs an xml file with the format

<data><variable name=""><row><column></column>...</row></variable>...</data>

In Xcelsius I made a XML Data connection having the XML URL pointing to the .aspx page that should output an xml. Then I have the Enable Load checked and I have selected the proper # of cells and rows . If I try preview I get

"An error has occurred. For more information, contact the file creator or yoursystem administrator. Error: Error #2032 Connection Type: XML Data".

I have the crossdomain.xml file on both the application folder and IIS wwwroot folder that looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM " policy.dtd">
<allow-access-from domain="*" secure="false" />


If I put in the XML URL in Xcelsius, the url to the xml file directly without using .aspx to write it to the output of the page it works. The xml is in the same application folder as .aspx page.My scope is to use the .aspx page to write query on the database and output back an xml with the table in the correct xml format so I can then consume the data in Xcelsius.

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Flash :: Flex - Using Media Gateway Application - Status Is Not Getting Update Like: "Connection Failed" Or "Connection Success"

Dec 17, 2010

I got a IP Communications new account having following paramters:


Its showing me connecting ... Status is not getting update like: "Connection Failed" or "Connection Success". how to use the above information in this app,

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Java :: Flex To Failed Connection, Scrapbook Successful Connection?

Sep 13, 2011

Im trying to make connection from flex to java and from java to mysql. I managed to connect to java, but having error that class not found: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver. But i downloaded mysql.jar, included it added to library, and connection works when i testing it from clipse scrapbook. Dont know what to do, i spend last couple days on this.

String username = "username";
String password = "password";


Basically the solution was simple. Everybody keeps saying to put jar into lib folder, so i done it, but i wasnt realised that i have to put into my servers lib directory, not app lib directory and this miserable mistake cost so much. Anyway i hope this will help for some newbie like me.In this particular situation im using red5, so i putted it into my red5 dist/lib directory and "surprisingly" its started to work.

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Media Server :: End A Connection - Use To Add A Function That Kills The Connection?

Mar 16, 2010

we have a two way webcam + mic connection set up using FMIS. we use to add a function that kills the connection?

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Flex :: Error : Unable To Contact The RDS Server "data Services On Tomcat (localhost) Connection Refused: Connect

Dec 5, 2011

I'm making a program in flash builder 4.5 using WebOrb 4 (which is fantastic, I might add). When I go to deploy, however, it gives me this error:

>There was an error during model deployment for xxxxProgram.
>The server returned the following message:
>Unable to contact the RDS Server "Data Services on Tomcat (localhost)."
>Connection refused: connect
>Do you want to continue launching your Flex application?

I've poked around online for a solution, but for the most part I either don't understand them (forum grammar can be somewhat obtuse) or the answer in the post doesn't apply.

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Html5 - Using WebSocket With Flash?

Jun 24, 2010

I found web-socket-js for running WebSocket in Flash.

If I run WebSocket under Flash, can all browsers with Flash player installed support this?

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Choose Between Flash And Html5

Jun 1, 2011

I am planning to develop a facebook application which uses iframe concept, it involves some rich UI and image manipulation, I am new to html5 but aware of flex

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Displaying Flash On HTML5

Nov 15, 2011

We have an ASP.NET 4 website that displays flash files. It has come to our attention that these are not fully supported on HTML5, and that they will not play on HTML5 platforms such as the iPad.So, in order to support such platforms, my thinking is that we need to try and display the video using the HTML5 <video> tag if the browser supports HTML5, or fall back to flash if it does not.However, it would seem that this requires our site to provide two video formats (flash format and video such as MP4). That presents problems because A), we need to store multiple video formats on the site, and B) our existing flash data will no longer work.Can anyone recommend information about the best way to support as many platforms as possible. And is there any way to do so without having to support multiple video formats?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HTML5 The Death Of Flash?

Jul 5, 2010

I'm thinking of spending a large amount of money on a school which teaches web development with flash being at the core of the courses ......I'm trying to wheigh how long flash will be mainstream because HTML5 is set to take over delivery of video.......should I be concearned with html5 ? Should i take the courses with flash or should I look elsewhere for web devlopment colleges?

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