I'm looking at how to read a file in flash 10 here:URL...is there a way to initiate the file read from a drag and drop? For example, the user drags and drops a text file onto my flash element in the browser - can I initiate the file read from that?
So I want to read http streams using flash tcp sockets. I do not really need the http header at all - all I need is body which contains flv. so how to read http response body into byte array using flash sockets?
A friend of mine has a Flash Action script running on a LAMP server that currently reads an xml config file. He's asked me if it's possible to remove the xml file, and replace it somehow with a system (lets call it an 'auto xml generator') that intercepts the request to read that file and generates an output, so it appears to all intents and purposes as if the file still exists and contains the contents that has actually been returned from our auto xml generator'
I write a simple xml code, and I try to read the xml file into flash, but I got "undefined" in my output.The codes are as following. Do you know how to sove the problem?[code]...
I have this XML that I need to read into flash. I want to display one of the temperatures in the xml. For instance, say I want to display the temperature for 'Sydney'... how would one go about doing that?
I have a problem with reading the IP address of a computer through Flash. I know the easy way - by using a php script, but this can't help me for this reason - I've created an embeddable flash component, which is a voting poll. The php files and the flash movie are stored on my server, and an embed code is offered to place the component on other sites. So, I'm using loadVars to call a php file from the server and read the IP of the computer that's voting. The problem is, I think, that the php files are stored on my server, and they read its IP.
Im having trouble getting flash to read mms.cfg file. This file only contains one line;
Where i believe it should be stored on a 64-Bit Machine. When ever we check the global settings on a flash video the setting still remains on "check for updates automatically).
I need to read sound stream sent by flash audio in my C++ application (C++ is not a real limitation, it may be C# or any other desktop language). Now flash app sends audio to another flash app but I need to receive the same audio by desktop application.So, is there a standard or best way how to do it?
I need to use the movie's predefined framerate (not it's real time performance FPS, but just the number it was designated to run at) as well as the movie's width and height, using AS2. Is this possible? I can't seem to find what object I should be examining for this information. [EDIT] I see that Stage has width and height but nothing about frame rate.
We have a flash video that was created for our project, we dont the source so we have to work around the compiled flash file. We are going to host the video on our domain and the video creates a sol cookie (flash cookie) file to store how far the user has proceeded though the video. So my plan is to access this cookie to see how far the user has progressed and then fire an event when they have finished the movie.
I have been googling for some help but haven't found to much. I have found out that its possible to do in javascript and I have found some .net sol file viewers but haven't seen any examples I can get my mind around.
I have watched the traffic that gets created with fiddler and every time the next button is clicked a new request is fired with the swt file that is being accessed. I would also be happy with tracking every time one of these swt files has been accessed as well.
I am now using FancyUpload to make an upload tool for my website, for the video module, so user can upload their video in FLV format with limited size and time
With the limited size i can handle it, but with the time . I dont know how to know the total length of FLV file
I'm hoping to get pointed in the right direction here. The problem I'm having is trying to figure out how to read an HTML created cookie in Flash. I have a video player that should autoplay once in a 24hour period, the next day it should autoplay again for the end-user.This is what the script on the HTML page looks like that displays the Flash player and the cookie:[code]I did some searching and found this Have a HTML page play Flash movie only once (not when revisited...) but again this is just a Flash function which never allows for a restart in a certain time period.how do I read that var x(cookie) in Flash?
I want to read filetext (.txt) and put it in to array. here is my sample text from my file.
22 33 11 22 45 56
How can I read file and put it in to array like a[0] = 22 a[1] = 33 a[4]=11 ... or I should use 2 dimension array ? Is flash AS3.0 has 2 dimension array ?
I am not a flash developer, but I am stuck with a flash developer, stuck with a third party program in ActionScript1. I asked him to get the request URL of the page which embeds the flash object (like reading the address bar in the browser). and then get Query string variables and send it back to an application. How to read those variables? Remember it is action script1.
We are using flash player to play swf files in our java application.So we tried to play static video its working fine.But we tried to play from file system using java servlet but we are not able to play the video.My doubt is:
1.Can we read the swf file using java File I/O streams?
2.If yes for first question,please tell us how to get this done(if any one has idea please share with us)?
We are using same code in the following url:[URL]..
How can I read embedded text inside Flash?For example, on this website there are results of games in flash format ("Chelsea - Liverpool 0-0").How to get "Chelsea - Liverpool 0-0" from there?
Everything works, and emails are sent properly. However, at the end of my PHP is a check to see if everything sent properly. It sends output=sent if all is peachy, otherwise output=error. Flash can't see either one, and lists as undefined.
i am using flash 8 with as2.can flash read and parse rss feeds? if it can can someone show me an example. Also can flash load an html page into an movie clip?
I am trying to get Flash to read my txt files with load(). Everything worked, until something happend. Suddenly I couldn't read my files. [URL]. And it just wont work. I Use CS3 with AS2.