Professional :: Getting Flash To Read Mms.cfg File

Jun 16, 2011

Im having trouble getting flash to read mms.cfg file. This file only contains one line;


Where i believe it should be stored on a 64-Bit Machine. When ever we check the global settings on a flash video the setting still remains on "check for updates automatically).

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Jul 14, 2010

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Edit:I can narrow down the failure to editing a single movieclip. All of the files I'm editing are based off the same source (they're questions to a quiz, and while not intelligently programmed, its what we have). As soon as I edit the contents of the "B" answer (instance name "choice2" movieclip name boxB) I can no longer save the file with the same name.

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I think the core of the problem in my actionscriptproject is the following:
1. I need to read, for example, 20 variables from a file, preferable an xml file. This file has 20 lines, and has two fields per line, variable name and content
(being text between " ").
so data.xml would be something like:
variable1, "text for variable1"
variable 2, "this is var2 content"
or even:
&variable1=value1&variable2=value2&variable3=value3&variable4=value... and so on to 20. 
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var fileURL = fl.browseForFileURL("open", "Select file");
var str = fileURL);

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Flash :: Read File And Put It In To Array?

Jan 14, 2011

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22 33
11 22
45 56

How can I read file and put it in to array like a[0] = 22 a[1] = 33 a[4]=11 ... or I should use 2 dimension array ? Is flash AS3.0 has 2 dimension array ?

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Feb 6, 2012

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1.Can we read the swf file using java File I/O streams?

2.If yes for first question,please tell us how to get this done(if any one has idea please share with us)?

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Is something like this possible in flash?

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Professional :: Read Text From Fields In Flash Player?

Aug 12, 2010

we've started using a Flash-based customer management system at work, which we access as a Web service through Internet Explorer (I'm using IE6) and I have to enter each record's information (name, address, etc.) into an Excel spreadsheet.Our IT department has chosen not to develop data import/export capability for this system, so it's up to the end users to develop their own applications.I'd like to automate this data entry, so I'm trying to write a script that will access the Flash being displayed in the browser, and read/write various text fields from the screen.I've been using AutoIT for most of my scripting, but AutoIT doesn't have a way to read Flash objects.Is there some way to do this in JavaScript or some other common scripting language?

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Apr 1, 2010

I'm looking at how to read a file in flash 10 there a way to initiate the file read from a drag and drop? For example, the user drags and drops a text file onto my flash element in the browser - can I initiate the file read from that?

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Json :: Flex - Flash Builder Will Not Read Local File?

Jan 11, 2012

So I've tried to build a small utility to view the contents of a JSON file in an easy-to-understand manner (for non-tech people).I have Googled far and wide, high and low, but every example that shows how to consume a JSON file in Flash Builder uses the HTTP service, pointing to a file on the web.Here I am, sitting in front of my MacBook, wondering why I can't make this work. In the documentation I've found (sort of relating to this issue), they always show Windows examples, and they seem to work fine:That doesn't work. I've tried some "resolve to path" syntax, but the HTTP service does not seem to allow for anything but file paths in quotes.

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As3 :: Game Development - Create - Append And Read A Txt File With Flash

Jan 16, 2012

I am kind of new to Flash and only really know really basic stuff. (Scenario) I have made a local game in Flash CS3 Professional for my Advanced Higher Computing project for school which is almost completely glitch free. But my teacher says it needs a file handling feature, such as a high score feature in it to make it AH standard. I want to make a simple high score feature where it takes the final score, asks the user to input their name, and add it to a .txt file. Since the computers at my school are very limited, I cannot use programs like Adobe AIR or PHP or anything like that so I need it to be simple. (Question) So I really need a full tutorial (where to put the coding, layout and everything) to:

Check if there is an existing .txt file called (for example) "High Score.txt" If there is, load it. If not, create a .txt file called (for example) "High Score.txt" to the desktop. Take the users input and place it with their final score after it. (Optional but not required) Arrange the scores in order of highest to lowest or display the top 5.

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May 25, 2011

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function init():void {


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