I have an external log file which name changes each session, with the format XXXXX.log I need to load it inside a swf to show its data, but each time the log's name is different, I need to open the .fla, changing the name of the file and then republishing the swf. So I have made a simple script to load another .txt, to type manually in it the 5 number of the logs name and load it externally inside the swf:
How can I combine the following functions and still pass a different string to the buildUI(); function?
I have two functions that do the same thing only at the end they both call a function and pass a String value to the function. This string value is the only thing different.
Below is are my eventlisteners and functions as they are now:
female_start.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startFemale); male_start.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startMale); //FUNCTIONS THAT DO THE SAME THING AND BOTH CALL buildUI BUT PASS A DIFFERENT STRING.
I have an external log file which name changes each session, with the format XXXXX.log
I need to load it inside a swf to show its data, but each time the logs name is different, I need to open the .fla, changing the name of the file and then republishing the swf.
So I have made a simple script to load another .txt, to type manually in it the 5 number of the logs name and load it externally inside the swf:
Code: var logNumLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); logNumLoader.dataFormat=URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES; logNumLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadedLogNum);
While I cannot assign the value of logNum to the last function, the .log cannot be opened.
I have a number of nodes that are plotted on stage. I want to display the value of each node when hovering over the node (using the Tooltip class). [code]...
the idea is that the site keeps tracks of whatever page is current and passes this variable to the alpha function which will target that movie instance to fade when moving to another page - then that page's name will be assigned to current.this is the code that i have now..
How do i pass a variable to a function from an event listener which is inside a function Below is a function that is called when after loading some variables
function dataOK(mydataevent:Event):void{ var j:int = 0; do { trace(j);
This is a simplified version of the original code. The above function generates an error because j is undefined in the function. I am wanting to get the variable j when the button is pressed.
How do I pass the variable j to the Button_Click function?
I am running a loop to pull thumbs into a containing movieclip from an xml list. What I want to do is have the thumb's parent movieclip fade in after they are done loading, but I can't figure out how to reference the parent once it's loaded.My code(which currently doesn't work the way I want it):
var vsThumb:articleBox; var currentarticleX:Number = 0; var articleLinkURL:String;
Code: onEnterFrame = traceMe("test") traceMe = function(param){ trace(param)} If that won't work then would someone explain how you get something to execute a predefined function and pass a variable...
I have a movieClip named MC, and it's enabled with action script, with the class name MC_Rectangle and a Stage.I override the MC_Rectangle class file in a mc_rectangle.as external file.here is the code:
1. how can i access the variable "sequence" in "mc_rect"
2. how can i pass parametre from main stage to mc_rect via function setSequence(data:int)?
3. how can i call the function in addSequence() in mc_rect.
in asp.net, i usually use mc_rect.sequenct,mc_rect.setSequence(data), mc_rect.addSequence() to achieve my goals......btw, can function in mc_rect return out result to main stage?
I am trying to do is declare a variable in PHP and pass that variable to my flash file. Right now i am simply trying to do 1 easy variable, more will happen in the future but i need to figure this out first.I have used other forums and they say try this and that, but nothing i do seems to work. here is my code.
Trying to pass a variable as well and cant seem to escape to pass it. How can I pass using window.open as such: Trying to pass (pid) all i get back is (pid) and not actual pid.How to on a jscommand?
Code: something.onRelease = function () { var jscommand:String = "window.open('http://www.someform.php?proj= + (pid)','win','height=200,width=300,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes');"; getURL("javascript:" + jscommand + " void(0);"); }
I can do a standard getUrl("http://www.someform.php?proj=" + (pid), "_blank"); works fine but no control over window properties.
I want to put a variable at the end of a URL and have Flash "find" that variable. The url would be: [URL] "Campbell" is the variable I want to pass to Flash. I then have this script in the root timeline: loadVariables (""+agent".txt", this);
I want "agent" to be replaced with Campbell. That way I can have it read a bunch of variables from the txt file. I tried this as well: loadVariables (""+_root.agent".txt", this); What am I missing in this?
Now I understand this has been asked to go from Parent to Child before, which is all well and good, but what I want to know is, how do I go about passing from a Child SWF back to the Parent?[code]...
I have one swf with a button which, when clicked, needs to go to another swf in a different php page but to a specific frame, not the start of the movie.In the first swf I have:
In my .fla file i have several buttons. On my hosting webpage i need to know which button was pressed. I was going to use fscommand which works when passing a variable to a regular form, but I cannot use it when passing to a webpage.How do i establish communication between flash and my hosting C#asp.net webpage?