AS3 :: IDE - Linking To A Frame From A MovieClip?

Mar 8, 2009

I'm trying to link from inside my movieclip to a frame on the main timeline.The ActionScript is inside the MovieClip.

function gotoSite(e:MouseEvent):void{


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking To Frame In Parent MovieClip From Scrollpane

Sep 8, 2009

I have a Scrollpane with a movie clip inside of it and am trying to link to a frame in a parent movie clip and keep getting an error. I am linking it the same way I do any other links. I was using this code.
//-------------Home Button
home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, homeClick);
function homeClick(event:MouseEvent):void{
Is there something special I have to do because its linking to a frame FROM a scrollpane? Never done this one before.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking Buttons Inside A Movieclip To A Root Frame?

Feb 18, 2009

I've been working on a new issue while giving a break on cracking the other one.I have a movie clip acting as a button with rollover/rollout animation- we'll call it menu_mc for simple reference.I'm basically creating a rollover submenu. I've set it up a few different ways but the most user friendly has been hiding the submenu_mc (which has 4 linked buttons to root frame inside) by doing:_root.sub5_mc._visible = false;then inside the menu_mc with the rollover I have the submenu trigger set to show: _root.sub5_mc._visible = true;The links are working fine but the problem I am running into, is that the rollover state, once over the submenu_mc, does the rollout function and leaves the submenu_mc hanging there by itself- still functioning perfectly.You can go back over the menu_mc and it will play out the rollover again.On the other simple animated buttons (which do not have submenus) I have coded:

on(rollOver) {
_root.sub5_mc._visible = false;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 :: Button In A Movieclip Linking To Another Frame In A Parent Clip?

Sep 10, 2009

A movie clip called "Symbol_4" contains all of the navigation and frames of my movie.inside of Symbol_4 is a MC called "bottom scroller" which contains "imgbar" which contains "bar" which has a bunch of buttons in it.I want those buttons to link to different frames in the main "Symbol_4" MC.

I've tried putting code on a button like this


on (release) {
tellTarget (this._parent._parent._parent) {


There are no errors in any of this code, but nothing seems to work?!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking - Calling An Specific Frame Or Movieclip From A Loaded Xml File?

Apr 28, 2010

Anyone knows if there's a way of calling an specific frame or movieclip from a loaded xml file? I have some xml text loaded to my flash site and i want to have a link in this text that when clicked loads a comment form that is in a different frame in the timeline. I've been looking and googling and i havent found any solution to this.

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CS3 Next Buttons - Linking To Next Frame

May 20, 2009

I have got a very simple flash timeline, on each frame is a different page of a book. There is four pages alltogether. I am trying to create 'next' buttons so that the user can flick through the book.

This is the code I have used:

btn_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler1);
function mouseDownHandler1(event:MouseEvent):void {


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Linking A Button To A New Frame?

Oct 27, 2009

I am currently building a website in flash for a school project and it has to be on a timeline. I was wondering if you could help me i have buttons at the top of the page how would i link these to another frame so it can be used as a new page

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IDE :: Linking To A Certain Frame When Loading A Swf?

Mar 4, 2009

I have a main movie in which all my buttons are, this movie loads the other swfs in a contentHolder movie clip.Now the problem is that I need to link to a certain frame in the loaded swf.

button_btn.onPress = function() {

Now in the investment.swf I want it to go straight to frame 5. I have done lots of looking online, but cant seem to find the answer. I think I need to use variables but am not sure

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking Xml Driven Fla To A Frame?

Nov 5, 2009

I have an accordion menu fla, I copied the fla into my main fla so I have one file. The menu has external links that can be added in the xml file which is great but I need to link the menu from within the fla it is in. I need to have each mc or button in the menu link to a specific frame within the .fla I see now in order to do this I have to edit the actionscript within the menu. I'm new in AS3 but from my little experience in it I think I need an eventlistener that calls a function which will send the each instance to a frame inside the file.

Here is the original

[URL] (skip the crappy intro) and you will see 4 photos in an accordion. They link to separate galleries with no back buttons

Here is my remake [URL]

my version calls links thru an xml file which I posted above.

The file is in AS3

it is here [URL]

So I would need to link the 4 mc's in the menu to separate frames main.swf

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking Swf To Another Swf Scene And Frame?

Sep 17, 2010

How would I link a swf to another swf's scene and frame?

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IDE :: Linking Back To Flash Frame From XML URL?

May 27, 2009

I am but a lowly martial arts instructor who has 'foolishly' decided to try and do our website. I decided to use a flash template which has actually worked out ok (word to the wise - DON'T BUY FLASH TEMPLATES UNLESS YOU ARE WILLING TO KISS YOUR LIFE GOODBYE FOR A COUPLE OF MONTHS).

Anyway, I wanted to put a news ticker on the site to display 'latest news' - I took an example that was kindly supplied from this site, and it works fine. However, I just cannot figure out how to create a link in the XML file that when clicked takes you back into another part of the flash site. I can get it to link to an external URL no problem at all but just cannot get the link to take it back to a section of the site I want it to go to.


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Linking A Drop Down Button To A Frame Using ActionScript 2.0?

May 11, 2009

I have a drop down movie button that shows the drop down when scrolled over but i cannot get the drop down buttons to link to the relevant frames.My current script on the dropped down button is

on (release) {gotoAndStop(6);

which does nothing.

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Create Popup Linking To Another Frame From Text?

Aug 25, 2010

I'm trying to link some text within a textbox.  When the user scrolls down all the way to the bottom with the scrollbar  and hits the text it opens an popup linking to another frame in the project.  Basically Im trying to add some additional information relating to an word a sentence.

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Linking Text To Another Frame And Opening Popup?

Aug 25, 2010

I'm trying to link some text within a textbox. When the user scrolls down all the way to the bottom with the scrollbar and hits the text it opens an popup linking to another frame in the project. Basically Im trying to add some additional information relating to an word a sentence.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking .swf And Jump To Specific Frame?

Apr 13, 2010

I have been researching this for hours and cannot seem to find an answer anywhere. Right now I am linking one flash file or .swf file within my main flash site using a button.So in my main flash site, I connect to this .swf file by using...

loadMovie ("MDsite2.swf", _level0);

This works perfect but the .swf file starts at the first frame. Is it possible to a jump to specific frame within that .swf file so it doesn't start on the first frame?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking To A Frame In Scrolling Text?

Jan 30, 2003

The first problem I have is I have created a scrolling text box - it's a list of items - and I want the user to be able to click on an item and then a specific frame load that relates to that item.

I'm sure this is possible but at the moment I can only work out how to add a normal html link inside the external text file so when clicking on the link it loads an actual webpage.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking Button Inside MC2 To Frame In MC1

Mar 5, 2006

I have a button in a movie clip named "mc2" inside "mc1" and I want that button the link to a frame which is labled "circles" in "mc1".

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IDE :: Frame Labels - Linking Buttons To Different Pages

Mar 31, 2009

I'm creating website that I want to put my resume and portfolio on as different Flash applications. For my resume it would be like a mini-web site that has various linking buttons to different pages. I tried to use scenes b/c I had a professor who told us to use scenes to create our pages/animations, and the scenes concept did not work with the actionscripting.

I then read online that scenes were not the way to go. So I'm trying to use Frame Labels to create this - right now I made a menu movie clip that I have my actionscript in for each button - the buttons have the correct instance names and I have my frames properly labeled with their movie clips attached to each for each part of the resume/page portion.

This is the code I'm using in the Menu movie clip. The problem I'm having is that when I click on each button - nothing happens! I tried this one, and nothing happened:
education.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, educationCLICK);
function educationCLICK(event:MouseEvent):void{

And then I tried to re-order it and nothing happened:
function educationCLICK(event:MouseEvent):void{
education.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, educationCLICK);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking To Specific Frame In Extern SWF?

Sep 2, 2009

I have 2 SWF's:SWF1 = AS2 SWF2 = AS3I need to link from SWF2 to frame 10 of SWF1. Is this posible?If not, is it posible doing this with html/javascript? With the <a> tag?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Linking To Specific Frame On A Nested Movie?

May 18, 2011

Trying to create a link from an html page to the contact section of a flash website. I understand how to link to a specific frame by creating an anchor over the target frame, but it only works if its in a single movie. The problem is that the section I want to target is on a deeply nested movie which the main movie loads such as

loadMovieNum("images/topback.swf", 8);

Instead of the html code looking like this "index.html#contact" for a single movie what would a nested link code look like?

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Professional :: Html Linking To Flash Frame And Function?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a FLVplayer that has multiple films linking to it. There are also categories of films that can change, without disturbing the previous video from playing. This will be on the 'portfolio' page of my website. I then want to have links on the homepage to play certain videos.How can I set up an HTML link to a SWF on a different HTML page, linking to a certain frame (category) and loading the correct video in the FLVplayer?I have read about flashvars but im not sure if they can load bits inside the swf (ie the video).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking A Button In A Scrollpane To A Frame In Another Clip?

Mar 26, 2011

I'm sure I am missing something. I have created a scrollpane instance "Buttons_sp" and set the source in the properties panel to "SantaThumbs_mc" Set the symbol linkage property to Export for Actionscript and used the default assigned class name for the SantaThumbs_mc. On my main timeline I have another clip LargeSantas_mc that I want to access specific frames on when a button in the scrollpane is clicked.
The button listeners are on an actions layer in the SantasThumbs_mc and at this point I have only one button with active code so I know that the code is being seen when I test the movie, which it seems to be.
My button code is:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking To Any Frame Other Than The Opening From A HTML Link?

Nov 3, 2009

I have a website where my Home, About, Work and Contact pages are on four different frames on the time line. Once you click on the Work link from the opening Home page, your brought to the second frame where a little tween brings a bunch of thumbnails into view. When you click on the thumbnails, it brings you out of the .swf and into a new HTML page. The problem is getting back to the Work page in the .swf with out being brought to the opening Home page. I have used an anchor on the time line and changing my publish settings to HTML with anchors, and they do work! But, its opening my .swf in the Work frame and running through the movie back to the Home. Iv tried putting a stop(); on the Work frame, which does stop it but its a dead page, my tweens, buttons, everything is frozen.

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IDE :: Linking Buttons - Return To Frame 1 On The Main Timeline?

Apr 27, 2009

im creating a character sheet and all i have to do is get the character to do a few things, im using Stan from american dad, so he draws his gun, salutes, and does this guns speech, only problem is. i can get him to salute by using the code


this links fine, the salute is in a movieclip on frame 2 of the timeline, and the button is set to link to this.problem starts after the movieclip finishes playing, how to return to frame 1 on the main timeline, ive tried gotoAndStop("1") amongst other things (gotoAndStop ("Scene 1", 1)ive also tried frameLables too but that didnt work, though im not sure if i was doing that right to start with.Then im having a problem with my other buttons, even when set to on(release){gotoAndPlay("3");} they still go to frame 2 (with salute on)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Linking To Specific Frame Label From An HTML Page?

Oct 4, 2010

I have reviewed and applied this wonderfull explanation contained in the post thread response from Mr. Catbert303 "linking to specific frame number or label from an html page" about the javascript and actionscript code combination wich allows the swf movie to force-jump into specific framelabel or framenumber and it also works perfectly whenever i go from the link "back to swf" on my plain html page to the movie content page (also html). But i need my swf movie content page to start playing from cero whenever it is played from start and not begining always at the specifyed frame in the actionscript code:

if (frame != "") {

I have tried everything within the "if" & "else" conditionals and i can't get the swf movie content page to start playing from frame 1 everytime it is called up, but instead it looks like it reads the actionscript code described above and always takes you to the specifyed framelabel, not playing it from the start. I have a hunch i'm missing something extra on my actionscript code wich must determine if the swf file is to jump to the specified frame or start playing from cero, because if i remove the above AS2 code from frame 1, it then starts playing from cero normally like it should but won't jump to the specifyed frame when also needed from the HTML page.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking To A Specific Frame Within A Separate Movie Clip

Nov 12, 2009

I'm working on a Flash navigation system.

Currently, when you click on "Recent Projects", you are brought to a frame containing the following actionscript:

attachMovie("recentProjectsBody_mc", "recentProjectsBody_mc", 1);
recentProjectsBody_mc._x = 60;
recentProjectsBody_mc._y = 195;

This loads a new movie clip of a simple slideshow which has 7 frames. You can click through these frames with left and right buttons.

I no longer need the left and right buttons. I need a group of 7 buttons sitting under the "Recent Projects" link which each link to a different frame of the recentProjectsBody_mc movie clip.

I assume I need to load this movie clip before I link to a frame within it. But then how do I link to a specific frame within that movie clip?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Button Within A Movie Clip Not Linking To Frame Label

Jun 18, 2010

I wanted to know how to link Button within a movie clip linking to Frame Label?I am using Action-script 3.0

I am trying to use the following AS inside the movie clip from where i want to go to the other frame labeled as advt_sms but i am not able to go to that page [code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 - Linking To A Specific Frame In A Movie Clip

Aug 4, 2008

I am trying to animate this piece with frames.

Basically, I have adrop down menu, which contains about 20 buttons. Each button is set to _root.Keys_MC.gotoAndPlay("frame label"); a specific from within the Keys_MC which is on the main timeline.

The problem is, no matter which one I click, it always links me to the first frame of that movie clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking Buttons Inside Movieclips To Frame Labels?

Feb 17, 2009

I've been working on a new issue while giving a break on cracking the other one.I have a movie clip acting as a button with rollover/rollout animation- we'll call it menu_mc for simple reference.I'm basically creating a rollover submenu. I've set it up a few different ways but the most user friendly has been hiding the submenu_mc (which has 4 linked buttons to root frame inside) by doing:

_root.sub5_mc._visible = false;
then inside the menu_mc with the rollover I have the submenu trigger set to show:
_root.sub5_mc._visible = true;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking To Specific Frame Number Or Label From An Html Page?

Aug 22, 2009

I'm having a problem in linking sub menu buttons to specific frames in that html pageYou can follow the sample site to better understand.f these submenu buttons to [URL]

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