Professional :: Html Linking To Flash Frame And Function?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a FLVplayer that has multiple films linking to it. There are also categories of films that can change, without disturbing the previous video from playing. This will be on the 'portfolio' page of my website. I then want to have links on the homepage to play certain videos.How can I set up an HTML link to a SWF on a different HTML page, linking to a certain frame (category) and loading the correct video in the FLVplayer?I have read about flashvars but im not sure if they can load bits inside the swf (ie the video).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking To Any Frame Other Than The Opening From A HTML Link?

Nov 3, 2009

I have a website where my Home, About, Work and Contact pages are on four different frames on the time line. Once you click on the Work link from the opening Home page, your brought to the second frame where a little tween brings a bunch of thumbnails into view. When you click on the thumbnails, it brings you out of the .swf and into a new HTML page. The problem is getting back to the Work page in the .swf with out being brought to the opening Home page. I have used an anchor on the time line and changing my publish settings to HTML with anchors, and they do work! But, its opening my .swf in the Work frame and running through the movie back to the Home. Iv tried putting a stop(); on the Work frame, which does stop it but its a dead page, my tweens, buttons, everything is frozen.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Linking To Specific Frame Label From An HTML Page?

Oct 4, 2010

I have reviewed and applied this wonderfull explanation contained in the post thread response from Mr. Catbert303 "linking to specific frame number or label from an html page" about the javascript and actionscript code combination wich allows the swf movie to force-jump into specific framelabel or framenumber and it also works perfectly whenever i go from the link "back to swf" on my plain html page to the movie content page (also html). But i need my swf movie content page to start playing from cero whenever it is played from start and not begining always at the specifyed frame in the actionscript code:

if (frame != "") {

I have tried everything within the "if" & "else" conditionals and i can't get the swf movie content page to start playing from frame 1 everytime it is called up, but instead it looks like it reads the actionscript code described above and always takes you to the specifyed framelabel, not playing it from the start. I have a hunch i'm missing something extra on my actionscript code wich must determine if the swf file is to jump to the specified frame or start playing from cero, because if i remove the above AS2 code from frame 1, it then starts playing from cero normally like it should but won't jump to the specifyed frame when also needed from the HTML page.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking To Specific Frame Number Or Label From An Html Page?

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I'm having a problem in linking sub menu buttons to specific frames in that html pageYou can follow the sample site to better understand.f these submenu buttons to [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking To Specific Frame Number Or Label From A Html Page

Aug 22, 2009

I'm having a problem in linking sub menu buttons to specific frames in that html page. You can follow the sample site to better understand. [URL] If you click on "Films" a submenu appears. I want all of these submenu buttons to link to [URL] but each go to a specific frame label in the .swf located within [URL]. For example:[URL]("equipment" frame label within .swf) or [URL]("tips and tricks" frame label within .swf)

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Jun 2, 2010

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<a href="#tips">Jump to Tips Section</a>

HTML version of a jump to a named anchor. Question is can you accomplish the same thing from a link in a swf?

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Flash :: IDE - Linking To HTML Named Anchors

Sep 21, 2005

Suppose I have Flash navigation on an HTML website and want one of the Flash buttons to link to an anchor point within the HTML page that the Flash nav is embedded (i.e. and anchor like this: <a name="top" id="top"></a>) For the Flash navigation, I can link to this anchor by adding the following actionScript to the button:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking From Flash To A Named Anchor In HTML?

Jun 2, 2010

Is it possible to have a link in Flash link to a different (named anchor) section of an HTML document? I suspect not but I imagine it may be doable with Javascript. Anyone know anything about this?

<a href="#tips">Jump to Tips Section</a>

HTML version of a jump to a named anchor. Question is can you accomplish the same thing from a link in a swf?

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IDE :: Linking Back To Flash Frame From XML URL?

May 27, 2009

I am but a lowly martial arts instructor who has 'foolishly' decided to try and do our website. I decided to use a flash template which has actually worked out ok (word to the wise - DON'T BUY FLASH TEMPLATES UNLESS YOU ARE WILLING TO KISS YOUR LIFE GOODBYE FOR A COUPLE OF MONTHS).

Anyway, I wanted to put a news ticker on the site to display 'latest news' - I took an example that was kindly supplied from this site, and it works fine. However, I just cannot figure out how to create a link in the XML file that when clicked takes you back into another part of the flash site. I can get it to link to an external URL no problem at all but just cannot get the link to take it back to a section of the site I want it to go to.


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Basically, I have adrop down menu, which contains about 20 buttons. Each button is set to _root.Keys_MC.gotoAndPlay("frame label"); a specific from within the Keys_MC which is on the main timeline.

The problem is, no matter which one I click, it always links me to the first frame of that movie clip.

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Professional :: Calling Function From Html Tag In Dynamic Textfield

Oct 28, 2010

I have a sprite menu which populates a dynamic textfield  with textlabels as users click individual items in the menu in addition to ordinary actions(gotoAndStop). As these labels appear in the textfield, I want to be able to link them to the frames assosciated with the menu - item frames. As you can understand from this, I am working with the timeline. By enabling  html rendering of text in the textfield, I have been able to link these output labels via a  a href - tag, but I am not able to call a function from this html. The function I am trying to call uses a switch statement to take the appropriate actions according to which label is being clicked, but the only effect I get is the html opening a browser window...... Unfortunately I do not know how to explain this any better, but here is my code for the following:


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Professional :: Navigating/Linking To Subpages In Flash?

Feb 17, 2010

if it is possible to create a full flash site where I am able to click on links within the site and like an HTML website the links/pages are shown in the url as such 
HTML SITE   - example:
FLASH SITE - example:
The example for the Flash Site is what I am looking to do and I'm wondering if this is possible.. I've seen some sites that I believe are Flash Sites which have this type of set up please see the link provided. [URL]

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Professional :: Properly Linking A Flash Animation To A URL?

Apr 28, 2010

created a new layer with one keyframe in frame 1, which spans the whole animation. In this layer I entered the ActionScript in REFERENCE 1. It works fine in several browsers, including IE8, FF3.6, and Chrome, and works for the customer. Then....
Their webmaster emailed back saying that he "did not see any links in the new banner." I'm not sure what this means, and if he actually tested the code.They sent me an example from a previous developer, which is REFERENCE 2.I compared it to what I published--which was generated by the CS4 "Publish" option. This is REFERENCE 3.Did I do something wrong? Everything works in all my tests, and they work for the customer.
It looks like they're missing a lot of information from the header. It is much smaller than the header that CS4 generates. They also have a link under the <!--url's used in the movie--> comment. Could this affect the performance? To my knowledge, this is obsolete. Perhaps they used an older version of Flash? 
stage.addEventListener(  MouseEvent.CLICK,  function(evt:MouseEvent):void  {   var url:String = "";  var window:String = "_blank";  var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);  try       {      navigateToURL(request,window);      }    catch (e:Error)    {      trace("Page unavailable. Please refresh this page to try again.");    }  }  );
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>148x300_af</title><script language="javascript">AC_FL_RunContent = 0;</script><script src="AC_RunActiveContent.js" language="javascript"></script></head>


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Flash :: Professional - Linking Xml Links To Buttons

May 26, 2010

I am in a bit of a bind here i am struggling to link my xml links to flash buttons. Here is my xml:


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Javascript :: Open A New Frame In Html Below An Existing Frame In HTML?

Apr 7, 2010

I have a html main.html as given

----- main.html----------------
<script src="main.js"></script>
<frameset rows='200,200'>


I want the other file to open in same window bellow the first one.But the problem here is when i run this in IE8 the other frame opens in a different window but in Firefox im not getting any respose.

Note:- Javascript is enabled in both browsers and popup are not blocked

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Professional :: Linking A JPEG In Flash On A Tsunami Menu?

May 10, 2010

I've figured out how to link texted but I've made custom made text with design in it in photoshop.  I imported them into my animated menu and I don't see a link option for the jpeg texted I exported out of photoshop.  It links fine if I type the text in flash but the pictures I need to link. 

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Professional :: Flash - Linking Buttons To Internal Webpages

Oct 20, 2010

I am trying to get buttons to link to internal web pages and the flash to stop at the end but I am having difficulties. I put the correct action script in the actions tab, but it seems that they aren't working. The website is [URL]

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Jquery :: Linking SWF And HTML?

Mar 19, 2012

I have a flash animation of a glowing orb.Orb should always be dark, but should glow when i hover over menu items.SWF file is written using actionscript3.And menu looks something like this

<ul class ="menu">
<li class="menuitem">menu1</li>
<li class="menuitem">menu2</li>
<li class="menuitem">menu3</li>
<li class="menuitem">menu4</li>

I want my orb to glow whenever i hover over menuitem class. Should I link with jQ or should I create another SWF file for the menu and then link them together (if so, how do I do that).

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Apr 26, 2011

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Oct 12, 2009

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Flash :: ActionScript-3 Call Function On Every Frame Without Having To KeyFrame Every Frame In Between

Mar 27, 2011

I want to call a function once per frame between keyframe 1 and keyframe 60, but i don't want to have to create a keyframe on EVERY single frame in between with an action calling the function. is there a simple way like tweening, to make this function execute once on every frame without having to make 60 unique keyframes?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking To Another Html Page?

Oct 16, 2010

I have an intro MovieClip that plays before entering my site. As of now, the user has to manually click an "enter/skip intro" button before they can go to the html page where the website swf is.

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Linking Button To HTML URL Opening In Same Window?

Jun 8, 2009

So the following code allows us to open an HTML link with the click of a button

function callLink(event:MouseEvent):void
var myURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");[code].......

The problem is that this always opens the link in a new window. So what if I want it to open in the same window? Changing the line to:

var myURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http:url...); results in a compiler error.I am embedding this swf on a web page of my own, so there are no security concerns regarding giving flash access.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking A Swf File To A Html Page?

Apr 11, 2012

My class is using AS3 and they built a Flash Intro for their web site.  However, we are not able to link the button in flash to our local html pages. Right now both the swf and the home.html page are located on my desktop in a folder titled 

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