Professional :: Linking A JPEG In Flash On A Tsunami Menu?

May 10, 2010

I've figured out how to link texted but I've made custom made text with design in it in photoshop.  I imported them into my animated menu and I don't see a link option for the jpeg texted I exported out of photoshop.  It links fine if I type the text in flash but the pictures I need to link. 

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Flash Vertical Tsunami Menu

May 16, 2011

i have downloaded this flash file [URL] and i'm trying to make my own tsunami menu based on that one. but i have an issue. in the file there is a movie clip called "menuitem". i can only see it in the library and not on the satge. so i don't know where to place it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tsunami Menu (or Dock Menu)?

Feb 9, 2009

I'm having a hard time finding a Tsunami menu script in Actionscript 3.0, all the sources and tutorials I can find are in AS2 or 1.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: "walking"/sliding/crawling Menu (tsunami)?

Aug 17, 2004

I am in a real distress - trying to make a menu looking like the one shown here:[URL]..That is a sort of "tsunami" if I get it right... On mousover, the elements nearest to the mouse grow - the nearer they are, the more they grow - like in the many examples of tsunami that you can find on the web.The problem I have is that as they grow, the elements should also push one another sideways, so that the menu sort of "walks" or "slides" sideways. Which is exactly what I cannot achieve.

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Professional :: Full Code Of Tsunami Style Docks?

Apr 22, 2010

I'm not so advanced that I understand all of the jargin in how to replace pictures within already written code.  I want to make the Tsunami style and was hoping that any of you might know a source with code already written and all I have to do is change the pictures and convert it into an SWF file.  I'm still not that comfortable with Flash Action scripts so I'm looking for something that is relatively self explanitory.

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Professional :: JPEG Gets Messed Up When Saving In Flash Professional CS4

Sep 1, 2010

I have created drawings in Adobe Flash and saved them as .fla files. However, when I try to save the files as JPEGs beyond a certain resolution (such as 4000x4000 pixels), the image gets altered. Essentially, it get's cropped, but some background is left in the  remaining pixels.
Original image (.fla)
Jpeg image (with the saving problem):

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Flash :: Professional - Add New Menu In Menubar And New Menu Item Inside The Help Menu

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Professional :: Png And Jpeg In Flash For Break Apart Command?

Mar 11, 2010

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Professional :: Modifying JPEG Files In Flash?

Apr 6, 2011

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I had another issue with a swf file..It plays perfect in the flash player...But when the same file is imported & played in the After Effects, it displays a still frame..

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Professional :: Flash Header Is A Jpeg At The Momment For The Title?

Feb 11, 2010

Ive been doing Photoshop work for some time and am now looking into doing some flash for my website. If you look at my header on my site http:[url].. it is a Jpeg at the momment for the title. What I want to know is that if i replace the header with flash is there away that I can add code so that if someone has a low bandwidth connection it would not load the flash and use the Jpeg image instead. The reason being is I know how bad it is waiting for flash to load on some websites when bandwidth is limited and it would be good to give people the option upon loading.

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Professional :: Poor JPEG Quality When Loaded Externally In Flash Via .xml

Jul 26, 2011

I have a movie that loads images from an external source based on paths contained within an .xml. As far as I can see, there is no restriction to the size of the loaded image, which are are JPEGs, hence flash will not have these images resized. The images look fine when loaded in Photoshop or viewed separately, but the quality is just awful when loaded within the movie.
I've tried the usual hints like increasing JPEG quality in Publish Settings, but understand that since these images are not imporated into Flash CS5 before compiling, but are instead loaded when the .swf is run, these settings would not have any effect.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Menu Linking ?

Jun 29, 2005

I suppose there has been such a topic already, but I cannot find it. I have been doing some XML menu (I have covered all the XML tutorials here on and the code is doing just fine. I am using this one:

item_spacing = 100;
item_count = 0;[code]...

The menu builds without any problems. But, now comes the problematic part... I want to give those buttons in the menu the function to load .swf-s into the "loader_mc" which is on the main timeline. "loader_mc" is basically the place where I want my "movie1.swf" etc. to load into.I have been trying to figure it out by myself for two days now and I gave up. What can I do (what code to write) so that every button gets to load a different .swf into the "loader_mc"?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [AS 2.0] Menu Not Linking To Page Mc's

Mar 15, 2009

how to link the following on release code used when clicking a menu item such that it will open the required mc?

// Include MC Tween
#include ""


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Professional :: Navigating/Linking To Subpages In Flash?

Feb 17, 2010

if it is possible to create a full flash site where I am able to click on links within the site and like an HTML website the links/pages are shown in the url as such 
HTML SITE   - example:
FLASH SITE - example:
The example for the Flash Site is what I am looking to do and I'm wondering if this is possible.. I've seen some sites that I believe are Flash Sites which have this type of set up please see the link provided. [URL]

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Professional :: Properly Linking A Flash Animation To A URL?

Apr 28, 2010

created a new layer with one keyframe in frame 1, which spans the whole animation. In this layer I entered the ActionScript in REFERENCE 1. It works fine in several browsers, including IE8, FF3.6, and Chrome, and works for the customer. Then....
Their webmaster emailed back saying that he "did not see any links in the new banner." I'm not sure what this means, and if he actually tested the code.They sent me an example from a previous developer, which is REFERENCE 2.I compared it to what I published--which was generated by the CS4 "Publish" option. This is REFERENCE 3.Did I do something wrong? Everything works in all my tests, and they work for the customer.
It looks like they're missing a lot of information from the header. It is much smaller than the header that CS4 generates. They also have a link under the <!--url's used in the movie--> comment. Could this affect the performance? To my knowledge, this is obsolete. Perhaps they used an older version of Flash? 
stage.addEventListener(  MouseEvent.CLICK,  function(evt:MouseEvent):void  {   var url:String = "";  var window:String = "_blank";  var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);  try       {      navigateToURL(request,window);      }    catch (e:Error)    {      trace("Page unavailable. Please refresh this page to try again.");    }  }  );
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>148x300_af</title><script language="javascript">AC_FL_RunContent = 0;</script><script src="AC_RunActiveContent.js" language="javascript"></script></head>


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Flash :: Professional - Linking Xml Links To Buttons

May 26, 2010

I am in a bit of a bind here i am struggling to link my xml links to flash buttons. Here is my xml:


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Buttons In My Drop Down Menu Aren't Linking

Jun 25, 2009

I made a drop down menu following the tutorial here. My problem is that the drop down buttons don't link to the respective scenes. Their rollover states work.

When I work on the drop down menu movie clip directly from the library, the button links work.[code]...

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Linking URL Or Text To 8 Different Menu Items In A 3D Carousel

Nov 13, 2010

I created a 3D carousel in CS5. It works wonderfully. For now, I have it set up so that if someone clicks one of the menu items, the output window say "commited suicide after being cyberbullied", what I want to do is either have different text (that shows in the window) for each of the eight menu items when clicked, or 8 different URL links for each of the menu items, when clicked.


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Linking XML Slide Show With Scrolling Menu

Apr 25, 2006

I finished my slide show using xml.of course only one picture shows (loads) as my navigation is...the scrolling menu, so there is not click next button as in the xml slide show tutorial.I also finished, as you can see, the scrolling menu movie...i would not use the xml slide show technique with this as you would always have to manually go in and update blank boxes to load pics into as they are not overlapping in the same space.although you super coders just not there...this is my first project with any coding, and im copy and paste do i make it where my buttons in the scrolling menu call up the images from my xml document that created my slide show?[code]

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Professional :: Html Linking To Flash Frame And Function?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a FLVplayer that has multiple films linking to it. There are also categories of films that can change, without disturbing the previous video from playing. This will be on the 'portfolio' page of my website. I then want to have links on the homepage to play certain videos.How can I set up an HTML link to a SWF on a different HTML page, linking to a certain frame (category) and loading the correct video in the FLVplayer?I have read about flashvars but im not sure if they can load bits inside the swf (ie the video).

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Professional :: Flash - Linking Buttons To Internal Webpages

Oct 20, 2010

I am trying to get buttons to link to internal web pages and the flash to stop at the end but I am having difficulties. I put the correct action script in the actions tab, but it seems that they aren't working. The website is [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking URL Or Text To 8 Different Menu Items In A 3D Carousel

Nov 13, 2010

I created a 3D carousel in CS5. It works wonderfully. For now, I have it set up so that if someone clicks one of the menu items, the output window say "commited suicide after being cyberbullied", what I want to do is either have different text (that shows in the window) for each of the eight menu items when clicked, or 8 different URL links for each of the menu items, when clicked.

The code I have is this:

//The total number of menu items
const NUMBER_OF_ITEMS:uint = 8;
//This array will contain all the menu items
var menuItems:Array = new Array();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking To Main Stage From Drop Down Menu MC?

Dec 4, 2009

I've tried everything within my knowledge, searched the related posts but still can't find anything that works, this is what i have

I've tried replace stage with _parent, and _root and so on but I'm just stumped, been tryin to get this workin for over a week on and off already, still notta

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scripting Troubles Linking Menu Items

Jun 24, 2009

I have so far managed to create a drop down menu by following some tutorials but have ran into some problems that have left me scratching my head.

Two main buttons have drop downs & I have managed to link to URLs with the drop down menu buttons. My problem is I can't figure out how to link to URLs with the main menu options (these are movies as opposed to buttons).

I also can't figure out how to open the linked URL in the same page instead of a new one.

I have uploaded my menu file in a zip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dropdown Menu With Button Linking To Videos

Nov 11, 2009

Drop Down menu with the buttons linking to different videos in the same frame...sounds really easy, but I can't seem to wrap my head around it. Now I've got the video and player down in AS2. I also have the drop down buttons created (using this tutorial: [URL]). How I get these two to work together?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking Menu - Using Items With Text Inside

Mar 29, 2005

I'm trying to create a little linking menu, for that I want to use items and then have some text within those items. When the user then clicks on the item, it's supposed to link. It all has to be loaded externally from an xml file. Now, I can get it to work half the way, the items come up, but it doesn't load the text, and it doesn't link either.

My AS:
[AS]var item_spacing = 50;
var item_count = 0;
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
xmlNode = this.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes;
[Code] .....

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Flash :: Professional - Linking Sound Bytes To Game Without Having To Put It On The Stage

Apr 26, 2011

I am currently having a problem with Flash CS5. I am trying to link a sound file to my Flash game without having to put it on the stage. It would play when my character got hit by an enemy. The problem is is that when I go to edit the properties, all of the options except to play the sample are all blanked out. This is currently driving me insane as I have done everything I could think of to get around this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 - Linking Menu On Homepage To Internal Pages

May 22, 2009

For some reason I can't seem to link a menu on a homepage with the internal pages of the website i'm working on. The thing is that this menu is only supposed to be seen as it is on the home page (it changes to a different location, and has a different look on the internal pages). Problem is I can't seem to get the button to link to the corresponding page.

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