ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking To Main Stage From Drop Down Menu MC?

Dec 4, 2009

I've tried everything within my knowledge, searched the related posts but still can't find anything that works, this is what i have

I've tried replace stage with _parent, and _root and so on but I'm just stumped, been tryin to get this workin for over a week on and off already, still notta

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Buttons In My Drop Down Menu Aren't Linking

Jun 25, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Drop Down Menu - Get The Submenus To Push The Rest Of The Main Menu Down On Rollover?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Zoom Menu On Main Stage

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ActionScript 3.0 :: If Click On 1st Menu The Timeline Should Go And Stop On 3rd Keyframe Of Main Stage?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Menu Vs. Submenu Appearance : XML-Driven Drop-Down Menu?

Apr 16, 2004

I love Senocular's XML-Driven Drop-Down Tutorial. But I can't seem to get it to make the menu headers look different from the submenus.

(and if anyone is interested, i've turned it into a horizonal menu... reply and i'll post the code. better yet, help me fix the GUI issue and i'll post it )

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Linking A Drop Down Button To A Frame Using ActionScript 2.0?

May 11, 2009

I have a drop down movie button that shows the drop down when scrolled over but i cannot get the drop down buttons to link to the relevant frames.My current script on the dropped down button is

on (release) {gotoAndStop(6);

which does nothing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drop Down Menu When Click On Another Menu Item?

Nov 13, 2002

I have an array for my menu and submenus.It works fine, but I have to click again on the menu to close it.When it's open it's completly open it takes too much I could make a menu close when I click on another menu item..this is the code on the frame on my main timeline:

MenuArray=new array();

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Drop Down Menu To Slider Menu

Oct 13, 2005

I need to add a drop down menu to the main menu button called "galleries".

The menu came from one of the awesome kirupa tutorials here, and below is a link to my existing menu w slider:


When I try to add a popup menu to "galleries" to the over state in galleries, the popup menu dissappears when you rollover the first item.

Here is the .fla, click on gallery, and open up popup_but to see what I've done in the "over" state:


This if my first flash site, and I long over schedule

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Menu With Three Movieclip Buttons On A Main Menu?

Nov 12, 2008

I am looking at creating a menu with three movieclip buttons on a main menu. I want to keep these buttons on the top of the screen at all times. I am opening different swf's and I want to make sure that the buttons are still showing. I know there is something with changing or swapping the depth of the movie clip when it loads the new swf's in, but I have not found anything that is seeming to work.

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Linking Back To The Main Timeline?

Aug 26, 2010

I recently started creating a flash website from a template that was created back in 2004. I have very little knowledge of either AS 2.0 or AS 3.0. I am currently attempting to link my buttons that are in separate movieclips back to specific parts of the main timeline "scene 1". Currently when clicked, the buttons just cycle through the varying pages that have been created, "s1" , "s2" etc.

How do I link a movieclip/button back to "s8" in the main timeline?The AS 2.0(I think it's AS 2.0 anyway) that currently exists is as follows:

PHP Code:

on (rollOver) {


I understand what first rollOver and rollOut commands are and they work fine, but the "On (release)" doesn't seem to go where it needs to.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Menu Linking ?

Jun 29, 2005

I suppose there has been such a topic already, but I cannot find it. I have been doing some XML menu (I have covered all the XML tutorials here on and the code is doing just fine. I am using this one:

item_spacing = 100;
item_count = 0;[code]...

The menu builds without any problems. But, now comes the problematic part... I want to give those buttons in the menu the function to load .swf-s into the "loader_mc" which is on the main timeline. "loader_mc" is basically the place where I want my "movie1.swf" etc. to load into.I have been trying to figure it out by myself for two days now and I gave up. What can I do (what code to write) so that every button gets to load a different .swf into the "loader_mc"?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The Sub Menu To Jump Back To The Main Menu?

Sep 8, 2002

I'm working on a web menu, that has sub menus. I'm currently trying to get the sub menu to jump back to the main menu if the mouse is no longer inside the submenu zone.

It works if I move the mouse quickly to another part of the Flash area, but if I quickly move it out of the Flash area and onto say the html document, it doesn't update fast enough, and thus still thinks the mouse is hovering over it.

I know I can simply update the movie frame rate which does work, but I was wondering if there is any way to get Flash to check to see if the mouse IS ACTUALLY ACTIVE over it, and if not close the submenu?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking External SWF To Main Timeline?

Feb 27, 2012

keyframe one - dialogue / conversation with characters ( then a button is triggered to call an external swf [placed at keyframe two] )keyframe two - the external swf game. i want to put a button that makes you go back to the main timeline once you're done with the game and proceed to keyframe three (that's the problem. i dont know how to declare and make that button work)keyframe three - dialogue / conversation again .

keyframeone [main timeline]

memory_t.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, recalltraining)
function recalltraining(e:MouseEvent):void{


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking From One MovieClip To Another On Main Timeline

Dec 21, 2009

I have been trying to figure this out for 3 days now. Here is the structure on the timeline:
movie clip (portbtn)
inside port btn (button)
I need (button) inside (portbtn) to link to a keyframe inside of another movie clip on the main timeline called portPage.

Here is the code I have been trying to get to work and it seems like it would:
Select allusa.onPress = function() {
gotoAndStop ("closed")

Now this is what everyone else tries and it doesn't seem to work. Also I want to note that I have tried to trace the movie clip "portPage" and it says undefined which from what I have read means that the button is working but it is just not getting the right directory. I have no clue what other directory to put in there since this one seems to be the right one.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [AS 2.0] Menu Not Linking To Page Mc's

Mar 15, 2009

how to link the following on release code used when clicking a menu item such that it will open the required mc?

// Include MC Tween
#include ""


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Professional :: Linking From A Swf In A Scrollpane To Positions On The Main Timeline?

Jan 30, 2010

I have a scrollpane where I have loaded a swf of many small images that are set up as buttons.How do I create the link between this swf/actionscript to the main fla/timeline that the scrollpane is contained in?

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IDE :: Linking Buttons - Return To Frame 1 On The Main Timeline?

Apr 27, 2009

im creating a character sheet and all i have to do is get the character to do a few things, im using Stan from american dad, so he draws his gun, salutes, and does this guns speech, only problem is. i can get him to salute by using the code


this links fine, the salute is in a movieclip on frame 2 of the timeline, and the button is set to link to this.problem starts after the movieclip finishes playing, how to return to frame 1 on the main timeline, ive tried gotoAndStop("1") amongst other things (gotoAndStop ("Scene 1", 1)ive also tried frameLables too but that didnt work, though im not sure if i was doing that right to start with.Then im having a problem with my other buttons, even when set to on(release){gotoAndPlay("3");} they still go to frame 2 (with salute on)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Drop Down Menu When AddEventListeners To Check The Clicks On The Invisible Buttons On Frame 19 Of The "menu" Movieclip

Nov 10, 2009

I'm creating a drop down menu and when I addEventListeners to check the clicks on the invisible buttons on frame 19 of the "menu" movieclip, it gives me an error. T really hate doing rollover with actionscripts. The download link for the fla can be found in below. Sorry for posting an external download link as the file is 7mb+! [URL]

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Linking URL Or Text To 8 Different Menu Items In A 3D Carousel

Nov 13, 2010

I created a 3D carousel in CS5. It works wonderfully. For now, I have it set up so that if someone clicks one of the menu items, the output window say "commited suicide after being cyberbullied", what I want to do is either have different text (that shows in the window) for each of the eight menu items when clicked, or 8 different URL links for each of the menu items, when clicked.


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