Professional :: Modifying JPEG Files In Flash?

Apr 6, 2011

I was trying to erase(using eraser tool) some portions of the jpeg file after importing it in flash.. It does not work....I even converted it to symbol but the problem remains the same. Is it permitted or I am following the wrong approach.

I had another issue with a swf file..It plays perfect in the flash player...But when the same file is imported & played in the After Effects, it displays a still frame..

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<base id="default">


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[Code] .....

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Loading External JPEG Files And Keep Them Loaded

May 19, 2009

I have a flash file that loads jpeg files and runs through each on the timeline. I have nav buttons to go back and forth. Here is the problem, all images load on frame 5 and I do this while another image is displayed so that they are loading in the background. I do this so that my initial file size is small, but I can load images in the background making the flash file appear to load quickly and loading other elements after it starts.

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Attachments: hm-slideshow2.eps (1.1 MB)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: The Jpeg Files Cannot Be Located When Embedded?

Apr 20, 2011


Originally Posted by northmantif

do you get any error? If #2044 you need to understand that path you give for the request is not always the same testing in flash, and on the server, because if you put your movie.swf to the index.html then, your domino.jpg file needs to be in the same directory as index.html. And does not matter if swf still is placed in the same dir as images, because now your swf moves to different location (index.html)

I'm not getting an error message, so I assume the AS is written correctly. That's what's so confusing. The files are not upload to a server yet -- everything is local. What happens is, let's say, I use FF to view the html file, after clicking a thumbnail, it directs to a page that reads: File not found Firefox can't find the file at /Users/name/Desktop/SITES/grdn_page/elleJapan.jpg.

I put the jpegs and the html in the same folder?

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this['scrollpane'].contentPath = "empty_mc";
this['scrollpane'].content.attachMovie("content", "inst_content", 1);


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Mar 20, 2010

When I compiled the following code I had some problem.

private var image_loader:URLLoader;
public function loadImageData():void {
image_loader=new URLLoader(new URLRequest("studentphotosBlue hills.jpg"));


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Professional :: Changing Color Without Modifying Existing Items

Jul 28, 2011

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Professional :: How To Do Shining JPEG's

Apr 23, 2010

I have been following this tutorial which works fine, but how do I use a jpg instead of text to do this ?I start a new project with the dimensions of the jpeg needed, but unlike Photoshop, I can't seem to merge the Stage and Jpeg to be as ONE which i think would work with the tutorial.

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Professional :: Use A .ICO File Instead Of A .PNG Or .JPEG File In Flash Project?

Apr 18, 2011

I'm trying to find out if it's possible to use a .ICO file instead of a .PNG or .JPEG file in my Flash project. Is this even possible? The reason I'm asking is that the project I'm putting together uses ActionScript 2.0 code (not sure if that makes a difference or not) and displays a bunch of images for a bunch of different applications. So instead of creating a .PNG file for each application, since I've already got .ICO files on hand, I'd rather use those (saving me a ton of time).

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Professional :: Replace Movie With Jpeg At End?

Nov 6, 2010

I have a simple flash movie on a webpage.At the the end of the movie, I would like the player to disappear and be replaced by an image.As an example, imagine clicking play and watching a movie about Disney, then when the movie ends the player is replaced by an image which is a coupon to use at Disney.

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Professional :: How To Convert .pngs To Jpeg

Jul 7, 2011

i have about 70 imgs i brought into the library in Flash CS5. Now the SWF is to big bc there all .png files, i tried to go into properties and change there .png to .jpeg but its a very looooong process, is there any way to highlight them all and either change them but updating the .pngs to .jpeg files ?

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Professional :: Reduce The File Size Of JPEG?

Jul 2, 2008

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Oct 8, 2010

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Professional :: Create 3 To 5 Jpeg Images Slider?

Mar 19, 2011

how to have 4 or 5 images continuing or looping at the top of a web page, no thumb nails just the images changing. This is the site I'm working on [URL], you better see what I'm trying to do.

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Professional :: When Publishing A Simple Jpeg It Displays Blank?

Oct 19, 2010

I am creating a simple logo and I am trying to publish a jpeg. when I view the published jpeg its blank.. same on the gif.

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