ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Scrollpane To Load Jpeg Files Dynamically
Jan 9, 2008
I'm working on a project, and trying to get the Flash CS3 ScrollPane to work.
Ok trying to load some jpegs into a scrollpane dynamically.
I opened a new Flash file, and got it working with the following script:
this['scrollpane'].contentPath = "empty_mc";
this['scrollpane'].content.attachMovie("content", "inst_content", 1);
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Feb 10, 2009
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var image0:loader = new Loader ();
image0.load(new URLRequest ("images/image0.jpg);
var image1:loader = new Loader ();
image1.load(new URLRequest ("images/image1.jpg");
But it would be much better if I could write out it out in a loop, and have the actionScript assign names to the variables. I don't know actionscript so well, but I feel I want to have something like this:
var [name+i] :loader = new Loader();
[name+i].load(new URLRequest ("images/"+[name+i]+".jpg");
Now I've just made that code up, but there is some logic in it, which I hope makes my question clearer.
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Mar 27, 2007
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ArgumentError: Error #2005: Parameter 0 is of the incorrect type. Should be type BitmapData.
at flash.display::BitmapData/hitTest()
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Apr 25, 2010
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XML code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<oyun yukle="01.swf" resim="01.jpg" link="[URL]"/>
[Code] .....
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May 19, 2009
I have a flash file that loads jpeg files and runs through each on the timeline. I have nav buttons to go back and forth. Here is the problem, all images load on frame 5 and I do this while another image is displayed so that they are loading in the background. I do this so that my initial file size is small, but I can load images in the background making the flash file appear to load quickly and loading other elements after it starts.
So all images load on frame 5, then I go frame by frame until I hit frame 11. If I click one of my nav buttons to go back to say, frame 7, the jpeg is gone and is no longer loaded. How to load jpeg files into the library, or at least, keep them loaded after they have loaded once? I have attached my fla file for reference. I had to rename the extension to eps, but it's a fla file, just rename the extension.
Attachments: hm-slideshow2.eps (1.1 MB)
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Apr 6, 2011
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Apr 20, 2011
Originally Posted by northmantif
do you get any error? If #2044 you need to understand that path you give for the request is not always the same testing in flash, and on the server, because if you put your movie.swf to the index.html then, your domino.jpg file needs to be in the same directory as index.html. And does not matter if swf still is placed in the same dir as images, because now your swf moves to different location (index.html)
I'm not getting an error message, so I assume the AS is written correctly. That's what's so confusing. The files are not upload to a server yet -- everything is local. What happens is, let's say, I use FF to view the html file, after clicking a thumbnail, it directs to a page that reads: File not found Firefox can't find the file at /Users/name/Desktop/SITES/grdn_page/elleJapan.jpg.
I put the jpegs and the html in the same folder?
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Oct 15, 2007
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Sep 6, 2007
I've been trying to create a scrollpane dynamically but I keep getting a bunch of errors when I publish the swf. At first I thought maybe there was a problem with my code so then I looked in the file and copied and pasted one of there examples into a blank fla and I still get the same errors when I publish. If I look at what is the source of the errors it looks like the error originates at this section of the file:
override protected function drawBackground():void {
var bg:DisplayObject = background;
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Mar 20, 2010
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Mar 20, 2010
When I compiled the following code I had some problem.
private var image_loader:URLLoader;
public function loadImageData():void {
image_loader=new URLLoader(new URLRequest("studentphotosBlue hills.jpg"));
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Apr 27, 2009
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Mar 19, 2010
When i click button 01, load the image externaly "01.jpg" in the ScrollPane. By clicking the button 02 change the path to "02.jpg" in the same ScrollPane, by clicking 03 the same thing, and so on.
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Mar 25, 2011
I'm more of a Flex than Flash developer so I'm hopeful this is something easy. Short story, I have a scrollpane in a flash-created swf. In my pure AS3 project I dynamically create menuitems within a new movieclip.
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Nov 11, 2003
I was wondering if it is possible to scale a UIobject (scrollpane) dynamically.
I have set the scaleY of my Scrollpane but the problem is it stretches and also stretches the content that scrolls inside. Is it possible to scall it without the stretching occurring?
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Feb 13, 2002
I'm creating a simple flash navigation using some transparent .gifs. At present i import them then make them instances and use them internally in flash from there... But, is it possible to link the instance to an external gif file on the server so that the image can be change by simply changing the gif file/s instead of having to go back into flash??
I realise it would be easier to just update by importing the new images into flash but it's a client request and as they say 'the customer is always difficult'
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Sep 3, 2004
whats up with the scrollpane.Ive got it loading my swf files into it but for sum reason u can press the buttons even if theyre not showing. see below see the button on the top left how it is darkened, this is the over state, but the mouse isnt actualy on the button, its above the scrollpane area, but its still being selected and is able to be clicked.
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May 27, 2010
I'm trying to create a dynamic dictionary with Flash AS2 and I've been pretty successful with most of what I'm trying to do. I've created a movie that will read in an XML list of terms, definitions and optional images and/or audio. The XML is being read successfully, the desired loading of information is occurring successfully, but the ability to see an unlimited amount of content is being hampered by the fact that I'm not able to get the scrollpane I'm using to provide "scrollability" when the number of terms exceeds the visible area.
I'll attach the code I'm using in the hopes that it will be clear what's going on, but a few definitions first: "my_SP" is the scrollpane on the stage, created in the authoring environment. "Container" is the name of an empty movie clip symbol in the library that has it's properties set so it will be exported for ActionScript and can serve as the contentPath for the scrollpane.
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Aug 28, 2006
I would like to set the content of a scrollpane to a dynamically generated movieclip.
I am authoring in Flash 8, publishing to FP8.
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