Professional :: Replace Movie With Jpeg At End?
Nov 6, 2010
I have a simple flash movie on a webpage.At the the end of the movie, I would like the player to disappear and be replaced by an image.As an example, imagine clicking play and watching a movie about Disney, then when the movie ends the player is replaced by an image which is a coupon to use at Disney.
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I'm expecting a bunch of different animations that were made in Flash CS3 as JPEG sequences, however, many of the animations contain seperate timelines that contain seperate movie clips. When I view it as an SWF, everything looks PERFECT, all the movie clips within the animation are moving like they should and it looks awesome. But when I export it as a JPEG sequence, the parts of the timeline that are seperate movie clips and in their own timelines are completely static and don't move.What settings do I need to have set so that, when I export it, the JPEG sequence looks and behaves just like the SWF?
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Original image (.fla)
Jpeg image (with the saving problem):
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clickIt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, swopHead);
function swopHead(event:MouseEvent):void {
var loadit = new Loader();
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Apr 23, 2010
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Aug 31, 2010
I do have a problem to make jpeg images random in a swf movie.
I have found a tutorial which explains people to apple a single line of code:
imagenes_mc.loadMovie("ima00" + (1+random(5)) + ".jpg");
to the first frame of the movie which contains an empty mc "imagenes_mc" which should load a diferent JPEG each time someone gets into the website.
Thing is: ON my published swf nothing happens with that code and on the output windown i get "1120: Acess of undefined property mages_mc" and also "1180: Call to a possible undefined method random"
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Jan 31, 2009
I have a flash movie on my web page and I have made some of the text inside the movie into buttons. The movie only takes up a portion of the page. I would like to replace the movie with another movie when somebody clicks the button.
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Jul 26, 2011
I have a movie that loads images from an external source based on paths contained within an .xml. As far as I can see, there is no restriction to the size of the loaded image, which are are JPEGs, hence flash will not have these images resized. The images look fine when loaded in Photoshop or viewed separately, but the quality is just awful when loaded within the movie.
I've tried the usual hints like increasing JPEG quality in Publish Settings, but understand that since these images are not imporated into Flash CS5 before compiling, but are instead loaded when the .swf is run, these settings would not have any effect.
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Apr 27, 2009
does anyone know the best way to go about creating a flash movie that lets you click a button to dynamically create a JPEG screen shot of the movie. i looked around and found a thread close to what i am looking for but it was done in AS3.
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Nov 24, 2009
I'm using as3 core library to do export a a movie clip into a jpeg. I can export the movie clip just fine, but I do come when I add a mask to the movieclip. When the jpeg is exported only the mask is visible. Heres how some of the code looks:
ActionScript Code:
//This is the movie clip created and imported to the Library then called again in AS3
var drawArea:DrawArea = new DrawArea();
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Jul 10, 2005
I have three buttons, which when clicked load an external file into a movie clip called container. The first jpeg (1.jpg) is loaded into the container when the movie loads and the thumbnail buttons have the files t2.jpg, t3.jpg and t4.jpg loaded. When these are clicked they load 2,3 and 4.jpg respectively into the container. The problem is that I can only have 3 buttons but need to display 4 images. So I want the image that is loaded into the container to swap with the one that is in the button. I can't find any code, either on this forum or on the web, that retrieves the name of a file that is loaded into a movie clip.This is what I need.
Because all the images are named 1,2,3 or 4.jpg and the thumbnails for the buttons are t1,t2,t3 or t4.jpg I should be able to easily write the additional code to change what happens when the button is clicked, because when the picture on the button has changed to what was loaded into the container, the on(Release) code will need to change too.
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Apr 3, 2007
when I use the Edit/Find and Replace function, the results portion at the bottom doesn't reveal enough information under Location. I can see "Scene 'Scene 1' -> Layer ' " and that's all. I know if I click on that line the relevant window will open but when doing a "Find All" it's useful to know more information about the Location instead of clicking on every line. That Location column of the window will not widen with the drag icon. I can move the dividers from the other columns to the left but not to the right.
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Jul 27, 2010
I am not sure how to explain it but,.I would like to have a swf that has a button. When you click it, It would load a differnt swf.that would alow me to create a menu swf that when a user click a menu topic it would reload a differnt swf.
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Feb 24, 2011
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Aug 29, 2010
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Jan 15, 2010
Is it possible to replace movie clip with a new with one of the same name? When I replace it, the new movie clip's colors and other attributes aren't affected by my previous code.
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May 24, 2010
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Sep 21, 2010
I'm having some real trouble getting .replace to actually replace something. Here's my code...
I can trace both newFiles[i] and keywords[i][whatever], but the replace doesn't replace anything. The regex is valid as well. I'm using regexr to test it, and it works perfectly there... but will not for me and I don't know why.
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Nov 24, 2007
Here's an unexplainable problem, at least for me... I'm trying to use Edit --> Find and Replace in Flash CS3 to replace a line of code that occurs in many frame scripts throughout the FLA, but when I click "Replace All", it says "No items found". I'm sure everything is set up correctly in the Find and Replace window:Search in: Current Document, for: Text, and I'm sure I'm typing everything correctly. I have "Frames/Layers/Parameters" and "Actionscript" checked below, and everything else unchecked.
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Jan 21, 2010
I have a number of flash files which contain the following deprecated code:
on (rollOver){ gotoAndPlay("over");}on (releaseOutside, rollOut){ gotoAndPlay("out");}
When loading the swf I get the error message, "The currently targeted Flash Player does not support the releaseOutside event." Then I have to use an earlier version of Flash Player and none of the hyperlinks work.
I believe you need to state the button name in AS2, but as I am not an AS programmer I am unsure exactly how to replace the code.
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