ActionScript 1/2 :: Make Jpeg Images Random In A Swf Movie?

Aug 31, 2010

I do have a problem to make jpeg images random in a swf movie.
I have found a tutorial which explains people to apple a single line of code:
imagenes_mc.loadMovie("ima00" + (1+random(5)) + ".jpg");
to  the first frame of the movie which contains an empty mc "imagenes_mc"  which should load a diferent JPEG each time someone gets into the  website.
Thing is: ON my published swf nothing happens  with that code and on the output windown i get "1120: Acess of undefined  property mages_mc" and also "1180: Call to a possible undefined method  random"

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package {
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import flash.display.Sprite;
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var pathaURL:String = "folder1/slideshow/";
var pathbURL:String = "folder2/slideshow/";
var pathcURL:String = "folder3/slideshow/";

and then somehow implement the randomness with the image variable...?

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Nov 6, 2010

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Oct 8, 2010

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Sep 20, 2004

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Now I love the way thats its working and but one thing that is kinda crappy is that sometimes it suffers from repeating the same background a couple of times before going to another random background. Now I know that its because the script is working properly but can anyone think of a method that I could use to make it not be able to pull up the last background that it has already loaded? I dont want to make it static because not only do I have this setup for when you enter the site but also its random when you click on one of the nav buttons because I want to try to keep my site dynamic.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Random Movie (but Loading A Random Xml File Instead)

Aug 17, 2007

im playing with the load random movie (but loading a random xml file instead) based on the wonderful tutorial from front page and was wondering whether anyone can show me the work around/upgrade to AS2 for this bit of script since im publishing to Flash 8 /AS2 and it doesnt work:


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Actionscript 2 :: Dynamically Create A JPEG Screen Shot Of The Movie?

Apr 27, 2009

does anyone know the best way to go about creating a flash movie that lets you click a button to dynamically create a JPEG screen shot of the movie. i looked around and found a thread close to what i am looking for but it was done in AS3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Core Library To Do Export A A Movie Clip Into A Jpeg?

Nov 24, 2009

I'm using as3 core library to do export a a movie clip into a jpeg. I can export the movie clip just fine, but I do come when I add a mask to the movieclip. When the jpeg is exported only the mask is visible. Heres how some of the code looks:

ActionScript Code:
//This is the movie clip created and imported to the Library then called again in AS3
var drawArea:DrawArea = new DrawArea();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swapping The Jpeg Loaded Into A Movie Clip With The One In A Button?

Jul 10, 2005

I have three buttons, which when clicked load an external file into a movie clip called container. The first jpeg (1.jpg) is loaded into the container when the movie loads and the thumbnail buttons have the files t2.jpg, t3.jpg and t4.jpg loaded. When these are clicked they load 2,3 and 4.jpg respectively into the container. The problem is that I can only have 3 buttons but need to display 4 images. So I want the image that is loaded into the container to swap with the one that is in the button. I can't find any code, either on this forum or on the web, that retrieves the name of a file that is loaded into a movie clip.This is what I need.

Because all the images are named 1,2,3 or 4.jpg and the thumbnails for the buttons are t1,t2,t3 or t4.jpg I should be able to easily write the additional code to change what happens when the button is clicked, because when the picture on the button has changed to what was loaded into the container, the on(Release) code will need to change too.

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Oct 17, 2004

I am pulling external images, I have my main image, and five small images, I have that to make the small images when click to appear in the place of the main image, but I am not obtaining to make they to click, I am placing my archive who to want to make download

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