Professional :: Import A SWF To Replace A Square?

Feb 24, 2011

1 is the main body of the website, and the other file has hundreds of layers that each contain some sort of code that imports XML and JPG images to create a slideshow. Now, I have created a grey square and then on playing of it I want the square to be replaced by this Slideshow, but still be able to apply some motion tweens like Fading etc in the main body.

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ok so ive converted a bunch of files into .flv but i cant seem to import them into flash. when i go to the import menu there is no import video option just open external library. after i've open external library it wants to open "all formats" but everything is greyed out. if I change it to "all files" I can open them but they wont play in the .swf file.

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Professional :: Won't Let Me Import Video?

Aug 12, 2010

Flash versions - PC CS4 and Mac CS5

Video encoded with Compressor (codec h.264) then Adobe Media Encoder to FLV

In my flash file I go File/Import Video/ then select Load external video for playback

click Next, Pick the skin, then a bar pops up saying Getting Metadata
Then nothing. Nothing in the Library or Stage. Anyone know why? Hard to think that it happened twice on 2 different machines and OS's.

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