Professional :: Make A Transparent Square Box Swf File In Flash Cs4?

Jun 4, 2010

I have one picture imported into flash cs4 and would like to make a rectangle box which should be transparent. Finally I will save it as .swf file for later use. But the box should be transparent (without any background). How can I do that?

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Feb 23, 2011

I have a SWF file in my Dreamweaver site, that plays correctly. The problem is that the stage is white and we would like it to be transparent. Searching the archives the following advice was given:
in your html embedding code you need to set the wmode parameter to be "transparent" I'm wondering if this is the code in Dreamweaver or is this done in Flash. I'm working with CS5. Below is the code that matches the SWF file in Dreamweaver. I did change the wmode value from "opaque" to "transparent" and it didn't work.


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Feb 12, 2010

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Mar 8, 2010

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Jul 29, 2010

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Feb 27, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Transparent Popup In Flash?

Jun 21, 2004

I am looking for the actionscript (or the tutorial) for a transparent flash pop-up. We all know them, those annoying commercial-popups that appear in the middle of your screen after 5 seconds and that stay on top of the website untill they close itself. Well, is there anyone who can tell me how to make such a transparent popup in flash? I mean, opening a new html-window in flash is so easy, but how do I open a new flash-movie (with transparent background) that stays on top of my page???for an example, go here. (I hope it appears on your screen, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't...)

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IDE :: Make A Flash Background Go From Solid To Transparent?

Jun 9, 2009

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Professional :: Make Flash Use The Original Photoshop File, Not A .png One?

Aug 9, 2011

I'd like to draw key frames in Flash, just simple drawings/skelettons using the pen tool, basically to create the movement itself. After that, I want to export the frames that I drew as images to Photoshop in order to apply texture and colour, and then put them back into Flash again, without tampering with the Flash doc I've already created, since the animation is already done. I want the file(s) that I'm working with to remain the same files throughout the process, from Flash to Photoshop and back to Flash again, like the way InDesign works. Is this even possible?
If this isn't possible at all, I guess the alternative is to draw in Photoshop and then import the drawings into Flash, put them in order and then make any eventual changes after you've created the animation in Flash, this is less smooth though still possible. But here emerges (sort of) the same problem:
When I import images from Photoshop, create animation out of them, and then realize I have to make some changes in the original PS pic file I head back to PS to correct it. But it just doesn't work the way I want it to... If I modify the pic file in PS, then use the "update" alternative in Flash Library, Flash just tells me that the file can't be found, and does not update the image. If I choose the "edit in PS"-alternative from right clicking on a symbol that is in the library, the file opens as a .png file in PS, not as my original file! It seems to me that Flash is creating its own library, not using the existing document. Is there anyway to go around this? How do I make Flash use my PS file which allows me to change it as much as I want (as with InDesign)?
This is driving me crazy, what I'm working on is supposed to be full HD, I can't use a freaking .png file...

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Sep 4, 2009

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