Professional :: Make Swf Or Flash File Into A Flv File?
Dec 16, 2010
I have a Flash and swf file right now. I want to be able to play that file in another Flash file I'm making, the main Flash document. However, Flash CS4 cannot import other swf files.... for some unknown reason, and play it like a movie clip. I want it to play like a movie clip, which apparently can only be accomplished by using a flv file. Shouldn't I be able to make my swf or flash file into a flv file? I mean, Flash can read flv files, so why can't I export or convert to a flv file? I'm looking for free converters, but I have the Media Encoder that comes with Flash CS4. I just can't import swf or flash files! It can only make those files, it can't bring them into Media Encoder.
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Jun 25, 2010
I am having one of those 'self doubt sanity' moments. Entering melt down here ! I want to make a movieclip from a graphic map background, and some existing movieClips that reside in another .fla
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How do I create a movie clip from such ?
Then I start thinking, how does one create a movie clip, then bring it into another file ?
I even did a test that went:-
1) create new AS3 file
2) draw a box
3) select box and hit F8 Convert to symbol, select movieclip and name it box_movieclip
4) d/click box and made a classic tween and had box moving across stage.
5) save as and named file MovieClip_Boxtest.fla
6) open new file AS3 and import to library the BoxTween.fla and got a message saying One or more files not imported as problems reading them.
So having done the above stages 1 to 5 which made a movieclip, how do I get that into another fla file ?
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Jun 26, 2010
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Nov 15, 2010
How can I make my Clock.swf file disappear? The following code works great for movie clips but throwing an error while using for .swf files. Introduction_mc.visible = false; >>> This code works fine Clock.swf.visible = false; >>>> This code throws an error (How to resolve this problem?)
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Apr 22, 2011
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Dec 9, 2011
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Dec 30, 2009
i have succesfully managed to encode / create an .FLV file which now plays back in my .swf file. The picture and sound are great when streaming off the web!
how do i command the file to play back in a continous loop? at present it plays and then rewinds back to the begining.
i have investigated some of the .FLV parameters but can't seem to find the control / command i'm looking for.
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Feb 23, 2011
I have a SWF file in my Dreamweaver site, that plays correctly. The problem is that the stage is white and we would like it to be transparent. Searching the archives the following advice was given:
in your html embedding code you need to set the wmode parameter to be "transparent" I'm wondering if this is the code in Dreamweaver or is this done in Flash. I'm working with CS5. Below is the code that matches the SWF file in Dreamweaver. I did change the wmode value from "opaque" to "transparent" and it didn't work.
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Mar 13, 2011
I have a flash file with about 20 different scenes in it. And in one of the scenes there is an audio file that is 15 seconds long. The sound is on a menu page so i only want it in that scene. But if you are on that page for less than 15 seconds and go to another page then it carries on the sound into the next scene and if you go to and from the menu page to another scenes in quick succession you get a build up of sound which is horrible.
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Nov 26, 2006
I have to make a project for school. It will be like a tutorial, but into an application. I already made a part of it in MXML and a bit of action script but I encountered a few problems that are over my newbie limits. So the Flex Builder 2 makes a SFW file, in the main folder of the "project". I want to make that SWF file my main executable file. I have a folder with some pics, and another folder with Action Script Files. The code lvl that I know atm is ABSOLUTE BEGINER... I don know how to make my SWF file have a specific name when I run it.Here is a picture of a training exercices that should make thing more clear:Some people told me that I should use a HexEditor and stuff. Is it ture(what u think?).
Next problem. I dont know how to make the Stage to be fix. I mean.. I dont want the stage to be resizeble. I tryed to change the stagescalemode but that wasn't it. I toke a look at the help files of Flex from the net, about the Resize action and SystemManegment, but I didn't find out what I wantend.
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Sep 12, 2009
I can't seem to remove / unload the external swf files e.g when the carousel.swf (portfolio) is displayed and I press the about button the about content is overlapping the carousel (portfolio) . How can I remove / unload an external swf file from the main flash file and load a new swf file, while at the same time removing garbage collection from memory?
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Jul 7, 2011
I'm making a game with Flash CS5.5 and exporting it to a APK file (AIR for Android).The trouble is that the APK file is really just a ZIP file, so you can extract the content and inside there is my game as a regular SWF file. Anyone can upload this to any website and play the game there.
I don't want the SWF file to work unless opened like it should, inside the APK file through Android.Is there any way to know through ActionScript 3 code if the SWF file has been extracted from the APK file and has been opened as a normal SWF file?
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Aug 15, 2010
I followed to tutorial to make the website and form but it just leaves you hanging at the end after ou made the form, i doesnt tell you how to make the .php file that sends the information to a email address. here is the Action Script 3.0 code for the form:
InteractiveObject(theName.getChildAt(1)).tabIndex = 1;InteractiveObject(theEmail.getChildAt(1)).tabIndex =
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Nov 23, 2010
How can I make my external loaded .SWF file smoothly disappear after 15 seconds? The following is the code to load an external .SWF file:
I want to make clock.swf file disappear from the page after 15 seconds using some smooth disappear effect.
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