Professional :: Put A Video Player Swf File Inside A Flash File?

Aug 17, 2010

i want to know how i can put a flash file inside a flash wbsite. i have found a tutorial [URL] that says something like that but in this tutorial if i understand correctly it creates a new flash project and add another swf inside. i have my website created and i just want to add video gallery, image gallery etc that are already swf. how i can do that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Put A Video Player Swf File Inside A Flash File?

Aug 17, 2010

i want to know how i can put a flash file inside a flash wbsite. i have found a tutorial (search on google for 4906532_within-another-flash-swf-file.htm since i cant add links) that says something like that but in this tutorial if i understand correctly it creates a new flash project and add another swf inside. i have my website created and i just want to add video gallery, image gallery etc that are already swf.

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Sep 13, 2011

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<dat video="dat/Images/Folio/video.jpg" title="sample" des="video samples" flvPath="dat/Videos/test.flv"/>
I want to change this to test.swf instead of test.flv

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Jan 9, 2010

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Professional :: Converting A Flash File To Video?

Jul 6, 2010

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The animation contains various movie clips and run in conjunction with an overall audio backing track.
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Is there any way I can export my file to video (avi, mpeg etc) or do I need to get some third party software, in which case any advice on those?

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Professional :: Remote Debug A Flash File Running Inside An Application?

Jan 14, 2010

I'm an application developer, and my standard usage of Flash is as follows: I'm creating an executable application, which contains a ShockwaveFlash object instance, which in turn is displaying a Flash Movie Clip - also created by myself. The executable application and the contained Flash clip are communicating via the ActionScript ExternalInterface (using XML strings) and the FSCommand.
I'd like to be able to debug the ActionScript code of the Flash file while I'm running/debugging my executable application. For that, I need to be able to start a remote debugging session from the Flash object running inside my executable. Problem is, I did not find any way of doing this.
When I publish the Flash SWF file with "permit debugging" checked, I'm able to start a remote debugging session when I'm displaying the file in a player or a browser (the "debugging" option is shown at the right-click menu of the Flash object), but I'm not able to do the same with the object inside my executable (the "debugging" option doesn't exist on the menu).
Environment Details: The executable application is using the ShockwaveFlash COM file to create the ShockwaveFlash object. The executable application is created using VB.NET, Visual Studio 2008, .NET 3.5. The Flash SWF file is created using Adobe Flash Professional CS4. I'm developing under Windows XP (SP3).

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Mar 14, 2012

However, when I preview the flash catalyst swf file, the flash swf thats inside, plays just fine.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Selecting File And Loading Into Movie Player Inside SWF

Mar 8, 2010

I have a SWF that has a movie player in it. What I want to do is load an flv or audio file into the player from anywhere on my computer using a file browser. Currently it does work, but ONLY if the flv is located in the course folder where the SWF compiles to. How I can make it play an flv located anywhere other than in the same directory as the SWF?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To Send Variables To Php File And Process Them Inside Flash File

Feb 14, 2005

Im pretty new with the flash -> php -> mysql thing .. And I have made a script that sends some variables (that a user inserts in some input forms) with some var names, and then php handles it and insert it into my MySQL database its kinda ugly that a page pops up and opens the php page.So I was wonderin' if there is some way to send the variables to the php file and process them inside the flash file. without openin' some fancy browser window ?

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Professional :: Snow Leopard Browse For File Dialog Bug In Current Flash Player?

Sep 17, 2009

We have noticed a possible bug in the Flash Player within Mac's latest OS version Snow Leopard.
When a Browse for file dialog is initiated, upon returning to the browser. It's as if there is a layer above the flash app which stops interaction with the mouse. MouseOver events no longer take place and a click is require to remove this layer. If you move your mouse at all after the click this invisible layer returns limiting interaction.
We have tested this with 2 macs running snow leopard and the latest Flash Player. And also verified it is not an issue on Mac OSX previous to Snow Leopard.
It seems to effect only FF and Safari. Opera functions correctly.. Here is a video we created documenting the problem: [URL]
We have not had any customers complain about this yet. But if it's infact a bug, it's just a matter of time.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Video Player And XML File Variable?

Jan 14, 2009

After successfully creating a movie player following the tutorials, I am having problems getting a FLV file named in an XML file to play on the NetStream when called via variable as opposed to naming the FLV in the AS 3 code.

this is the code I have below, works fine when I keep the .flv after the, but when I remove the quotes and enter the variable name without quotes, nothing happens. The trace on the variable gives me the name of the file I am looking for, (I actually created two variables that trace the same thing), but for some reason, nothing happens.


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Professional :: Embed All MovieClips / Sound And Video In One Flash File?

Feb 13, 2012

I can use flash ok to build stuff, but I usually just build a flash presentation with movieclips and buttons all contained in the one file. I have never had to put my creations onto cd-rom before. So now I am looking at a CD-rom and seeing how someone else has done it and I see that all the .swf files are separated, as will as sound and video. I thought the only reason to do this would be to be able to access and change for example and mp3. without having to open the flash file, but I am thinking there are other reasons?

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Professional :: Published A Swf Or HTML File From Flash (on Mac) That Contains Flv Video Can Only Play On Mac?

Feb 28, 2012

I created a flash file that contains a flv file inside. After I published it on my Mac in both html and swf format and it played well. But when I copied all this folder include the swf, html and the source flv to test on a pc it played well but the video part (flv) was blank. So I copied the .fla file to pc and published again, then it works fine (including the flv video part) on both pc and Mac. All the settings were same while publishing.So I wonder what's wrong with publish from Mac side? I work with Mac and so it's very inconvenient to publish my work on PC.

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Professional :: Unable To Edit Flash File - Can't Enter Inside Buttons/movie Clips?

Apr 9, 2012

I am in the middle of creating a website using Flash CS5. I opened up my .Fla file one day to continue my work but I am no unable to access buttons and movie clips. When creating movie clips or buttons I am unable to get inside them, when I hover my mouse over them there is a white hand icon which never used to be there it was always just a normal mouse icon. I double click to enter inside the buttons/movie clips but nothing happens. This happens to existing movie clips and buttons on the page and even when I create new ones. I really don't wanna have to start this website again.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Display Video File In An Imported SWF File Fullscreen In Flash?

May 23, 2011

I am using a flipbook Flash/Actionscript 3.0 framework for a digital magazine[url]...

You can have videos embedded in the pages of the flipbook, but they can not be display fullscreen like Youtube videos, for example.

The flipbook can also import swf files to display as pages of the flipbook, so another way of embedding videos into a page of the flipbook would be to have the video player in the swf page you are embedding. This gives you more control over the style and the positioning of the video.

My question is: Is there a way with AS3.0 to togle the embedded video from normal predefined size to fullscreen and back?

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Professional :: Playing An External Video File And Upon Video Being Played, Move Onto Next Frame?

Dec 16, 2011

I suppose the title says it all.  I can load an external video file (FLV) and I can have it play.  I also have the custom buttons made to control the clip.  The only thing I have left to do is to have the main timeline move onto frame 2 once the external video reaches its end.  I am using actionscript 3 and flash cs 5.5. 

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