Javascript :: Put Silverlight Application Inside Flash File(swf - Browser Independet Which Run With Flash Player)

Sep 30, 2010

i have created a silverlight application , but i need to embed it to a Flash file(swf) which it runs with Flash Player ( whithout using browser), I had found a solutions to call it using javascript, but it still needs my flash file run inside the browser, dose any one can help me, Either to run js inside swf (without need of browser) or any other way that i can embed my Silverlight application inside Flash.

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Javascript :: Detect When Key And Mouse Events Occur Inside Of A Flash Application?

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Anyhow, the next idea on the table is to see if we can determine when the user stops interacting with the old Flash applications using JavaScript. Can anyone confirm whether or not it is possible to detect, using JavaScript only, when a swf in an HTML document loses focus or key and mouse events stop and start occurring on the swf?

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Apr 22, 2010

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var flashClient = document.GetElementById(_currentFlashId);

But in Silverlight, I haven't found a means to call an interface directly on the Silverlight object. Instead, it appears interfaces can only be exposed on contained objects, as in:


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Silverlight :: Automated File Upload From Browser?

Aug 13, 2010

After all what I've read on this topic, I know that there is no way to do automated file upload from browser without some kind of "elevated permissions".But, elevated permissions is something what I have, bacause the application runs on intranet and user currently enables access to ActiveX control that makes it possible to do some document scanning using COM. Then a scanned document saved on file system needs to be uploaded.Now, the only browser requirement is IE7+ compatibility. But with IE8, the only way to set value to <input type="file" ... /> is manually clicking "browse" button.

Is there really no way to set value to input form field, even if the site is added to trusted sites and full access for ActiveX code is enabled?The same seems to apply to Flash and Silverlight, security policy makes it impossible to upload file without user manually selecting it. Silverlight probably could do it in OOB mode, but that is way toointerruptive if a user has to click to enable out of browser mode every time.ActiveX and Java applet could probably do it. If using <input type="file" ... /> is not an option, is there any lightweight (possibly free/open-source) ActiveX control that would handle uploading from file system?

updateI did investigated all the options quite in depth back there, and it turned out it's the paradigm of security model which makes it impossible to do automated file upload from the browser without user interaction. That means the use must either manually interact to upload file or confirm some ActiveX control or similar plugin to do that job. If you manage to find a way to upload without some special plugin with elevated permissions, you probably found a security hole, which will be fixed soon. However, that's the way web brower technologies are designed to work.

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Mar 17, 2010

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Is it possible to do this reliably through a browser (using flash/silvelight/js..) ?

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Jun 12, 2011

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Javascript :: Create A Multiple File Upload Flash Application?

Dec 30, 2011

I am trying to create a multiple file upload flash application to be called from an External Interface, but it isn't working.


var fileRef:FileReferenceList;
ExternalInterface.addCallback('selectFiles', showDialog);
function showDialog()


When I run the script and comment out the fileRef parts and uncomment the alert call, it shows the alert, also when I comment out the ExternalInterface call, leaving only the fileRef parts, it shows the file upload dialog.

When I run it as intended, I get the following error:

Error calling method on NPObject

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Javascript :: Make A Flash File Fit The Entire Browser Window?

Dec 17, 2011

I'm using Adobe Flash CS4I'm currently trying to fit a flash intro inside the browser window (height 100%, width 100%). I've tried changing the height, width attributes but with no luck. What am I doing wrong?

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Apr 22, 2010

is it possible to let clicks on a HTML element that's overlaying a Flash or Silverlight object bubble through to the Flash / Silverlight object? I've been experimenting with this, but i can't figure out if it is even possible because of possible security restrictions to prevent clickjacking.I don't have access to the source code to the FL / SL object, so i can't implement an ExternalInterface or something like that.

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Javascript :: NetConnect Fails Silently In Flash When Called From SilverLight?

Apr 30, 2009

I'm trying to write a Silverlight control that hosts a Flash camera and microphone (since Silverlight doesn't support these things natively, worse luck). I've written a short little Flex application ("WLocalWebCam.swf") which handles the camera, and exposes two external methods: connect(uri:String, streamName:String), and disconnect(). I can call these successfully through JavaScript as follows (simplified to remove error handling, etc.):

function connectWebCam(webCamID, rtmpUri, streamName) {
var flashCam = getWebCam(webCamID);
flashCam.Connect(rtmpUri, streamName);[code].....

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Nov 8, 2011

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Summary: What i expect from a upToDate-Application is:When the Browserwindow is larger than the min-Properties, but too small for the content, the Application respectively the container should control the scroll bars.If is the Browser-Window smaller than the min-Properties, i expecting scollbars from the browser. I think, in this case, the html-wrapper needs knowledge about the min-properties.

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Flash :: Professional - Embedded Component In Silverlight Application(ASP.NET Project)?

Mar 18, 2010

I am ASP.NET developer & wright now I am working on Silverlight project. SinceSilverlight has few drawbacks like we can get Clipboard IMAGE data using silverlight application(however we can access Clipboard TEXT data from Silverlight), but this is not an issue with flash. We can access to clipboard image as well as text data using flash.


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Flash :: Php - Javascript - Pass Php $_GET To Player Xml File

Jun 3, 2011

I have a flash player embedded on page x.php?user=john using swfobject. The player calls the xml file content.php to get the results. in content.php i have $_GET['user']. I'm trying to get the user name from the url id and fetch results based on that. I'm however getting a 500 error. I don't think content.php is able to access the user variable. if i just put in the username "john" instead of $_GET['user'] then it works. How can i get this to work with $_GET['user']


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Professional :: Put A Video Player Swf File Inside A Flash File?

Aug 17, 2010

i want to know how i can put a flash file inside a flash wbsite. i have found a tutorial [URL] that says something like that but in this tutorial if i understand correctly it creates a new flash project and add another swf inside. i have my website created and i just want to add video gallery, image gallery etc that are already swf. how i can do that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Put A Video Player Swf File Inside A Flash File?

Aug 17, 2010

i want to know how i can put a flash file inside a flash wbsite. i have found a tutorial (search on google for 4906532_within-another-flash-swf-file.htm since i cant add links) that says something like that but in this tutorial if i understand correctly it creates a new flash project and add another swf inside. i have my website created and i just want to add video gallery, image gallery etc that are already swf.

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