Javascript :: Silverlight And Flash Bridge Compatibility?

Dec 23, 2010

I'm developing a Silverlight4 drop-in replacement for an existing Flash client. I would like to maintain compatibility with the existing Flash HTML bridge javascript functions, but I can't figure out how to expose the javascript interface directly on the Silverlight client object instead of a contained object.

In Flash, it is possible to call Bar() directly on the client object, as in:

var flashClient = document.GetElementById(_currentFlashId);

But in Silverlight, I haven't found a means to call an interface directly on the Silverlight object. Instead, it appears interfaces can only be exposed on contained objects, as in:


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Files: .stl,.wrl, *.3ds *.vrml, *.obj, *.ply, *.skp

display: models in color and non color

Unit of Measure: Meters, Centimeter, Millimeters, Inch

Volume: 3D object viewer has to calculate the orginal size of the model

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Browser: IE& Firefox

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Apr 4, 2011

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Some relative [URL] How do I call a Flex SWF from a remote domain using Flash (AS3) ?

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Jun 29, 2010

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Nov 2, 2010

I'm trying to make a guitar practice website, and a critical functionality is to loop over very short mp3 files (a few seconds long), with absolutely zero gap in between. For example, it could a 4-measures-long chord progression, and I want to allow the user to loop over it seamlessly.

I tried using the HTML5 <audio> tag with the loop attribute. Google Chrome gives a small gap between the loops, but big enough to be totally unacceptable for my purpose. I haven't tested the other browsers, but I believe it won't work.A possible workaround is to use ffmpeg to stream repetitions the same audio as an mp3. However, this costs a lot of bandwidth.

For myself I use Audacity to loop without gaps, but unfortunately Audacity doesn't have a web version.So, do you have any ideas how I may loop over an mp3 in a browser with zero gap? I prefer non-Flash solutions, but if nothing else works I'll use Flash.

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Professional :: Compatibility Between CS4 And CS5 Flash?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm working off CS4 and using mainly Premiere Pro. I'm also using Photoshop, Flash, Soundbooth from CS4 and using files from those applications in Premiere Pro. All good so far. My projects have a few layers but really nothing too complicated. I work with someone who will eventually create the flash elements of our projects. To do this the company ordered further licenses for CS4 but we received CS5 instead.

If she loads CS5 onto her computer and creates Flash files (CS5) that I then use in Premiere Pro CS4, will it be compatible? Also, if I want to then adjust that CS5 flash file in Flash CS4, will that work, or will I encounter problems? Should we go with the CS5 or try and get another copy of CS4 for the new computer? (My computer needs to stay CS4).

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Jun 27, 2009

I was wondering, because of my recent liking of AS3 and active flash content:

Just how compatible are flash files in web browsers?

Will they run in every browser? (obviously not, but which ones don't they run in / which ones do they have trouble running in?)

Why, in Internet Explorer does it always give me a hard time about running active content with its security warnings? (is there a way to get around this / allow the content to play normally without hassle? e.g When I got to Internet Explorer does not complain about running that active content.)

Is there anything else you know about the compatibility that you would like to share?

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Flash :: IDE - CS5.5 Compatibility With Version 5.0

May 25, 2011

My artist just upgraded to Flash CS5, and ended up with Flash CS5.5. I've got Flash CS5, and can't read his files. "The document 'blahblahblah.fla' was created with 'Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5' and cannot be opened in this version of Flash." Did Adobe really bollix up the normal convention of software version numbering(#.001 - #.999 signifies compatibility) or is there something else going on?

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Sep 26, 2009

I happily use the CS2 suite.  I would like to buy and use Flash CS4 (unless CS2 is still available).  Will I have compatibility problems?

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