Flash :: Capture Audio Stream In Browser Via Js/silverlight?

Mar 17, 2010

Im working on a project where we need to capture a 5 sec clip of whatever is being played through the users line-out (audio).

Is it possible to do this reliably through a browser (using flash/silvelight/js..) ?

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C# :: Develop A Silverlight Or A Flash Player Capable Of Reproducing The Stream Audio And Video?

Feb 20, 2011

I have a VLC player streaming my webcam video through RTSP on 5544 port, the video is encapsulated with MPEG-TS and compressed with MPEG-4 for both audio and video (as is VLC's default I suppose)You can access the streaming video with the following URL:[URL] All is working till here. I could also change transport protocol/incapsulation, that's not a problem since VLC allows me to do it.I want to develop a silverlight player (preferred) or a flash player capable of reproducing the stream (audio and video).I don't know how to do this.The question is: I could not find a link on the internet on how reproducing a VLC stream with a silverlight(preferred) or flash applet in a web pageSince I'm not a Silverlight/Flash developer.

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Flash :: Capture Audio From Browser And Save It On A Server?

Oct 24, 2011

I'm currently working on a project - an online education system, and I need to make it possible for studs to introduce themselves in a 30 sec audioclip. I need to implement it with Adobe Flash. The problem is that I have no idea how the Flash + Red5 duo work together. There aren't that many helpful recourses online, at least for me since I'm a beginner at Flash. (I do mostly PHP stuff.)

1) When you connect to the server, how do you make it record audio from flash client? 2) After 30 secs, how do you stop recording and save file in a specific folder on a server?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Capture Audio From RTMFP Subscribed Stream

Sep 17, 2010

I'd like to capture the audio data from an RTMFP stream to which the client is subscribed (so I get a bytearray of audio samples).The presence of the audioSampleAccess propery on the NetStream class certainly makes that sounds possibe:For RTMFP connections, specifies whether peer-to-peer subscribers on this NetStream are allowed to capture the audio stream. When FALSE, subscriber attempts to capture the audio stream show permission errors.url...But I dont see how I would do it. In the case of video, I see I could use BitmapData.draw(), and discucced url...But in the case of audio, I dont know how to address the audio data to get it into a bytearray.My instinct said this wasnt possible, but the presence of the 'audioSampleAccess' property makes me think it might be..

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Media Server :: AudioSampleAccess / Capture Audio From RTMFP Subscribed Stream

Sep 17, 2010

I'd like to capture the audio data from an RTMFP stream to which the client is subscribed (so I get a bytearray of audio samples).The presence of the audioSampleAccess propery on the NetStream class certainly makes that sounds possibe: For RTMFP connections, specifies whether peer-to-peer subscribers on this NetStream are allowed to capture the audio stream. When FALSE, subscriber attempts to capture the audio stream show permission errors.[code]But in the case of audio, I dont know how to address the audio data to get it into a bytearray.My instinct said this wasnt possible, but the presence of the 'audioSampleAccess' property makes me think it might be..

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Java :: How To Capture Audio From A Browser

Oct 22, 2010

My client needs to let a user record a message from the browser, then export the message as an audio file (e.g., WAV).How is this best accomplished? Flash, Java, HTML5? By best, I mean something that is straightforward to implement and also broadly supported.

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Silverlight :: Silverlight - Loop A Mp3 In A Browser With Zero Gap?

Nov 2, 2010

I'm trying to make a guitar practice website, and a critical functionality is to loop over very short mp3 files (a few seconds long), with absolutely zero gap in between. For example, it could a 4-measures-long chord progression, and I want to allow the user to loop over it seamlessly.

I tried using the HTML5 <audio> tag with the loop attribute. Google Chrome gives a small gap between the loops, but big enough to be totally unacceptable for my purpose. I haven't tested the other browsers, but I believe it won't work.A possible workaround is to use ffmpeg to stream repetitions the same audio as an mp3. However, this costs a lot of bandwidth.

For myself I use Audacity to loop without gaps, but unfortunately Audacity doesn't have a web version.So, do you have any ideas how I may loop over an mp3 in a browser with zero gap? I prefer non-Flash solutions, but if nothing else works I'll use Flash.

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SilverLight :: Video Capture And Recording From Webpage

Mar 27, 2012

I am trying to build a web application that can capture audio and video from a web cam and upload it to our server. The solution should work with both Windows and Mac. Supporting mobile devices would be a plus, but is not required. My boss would prefer if the platform/framework was from Microsoft. My initial impulse was to start looking into SilverLight. Interestingly, there were plenty of demos showing how to capture video and display it to the user, As far as I can tell SilverLight will not record video.

I already have a component that can record video in a winforms application using DirectShow, but the goal is to build something that is cross-platform so that our program will work for Mac users as well as Windows users. A desktop application is not out of the question, but we would much prefer to stick to a web page. I am aware that Flash can record video from within a browser, but the higher ups would prefer to avoid flash. Is there any other way to record video captured from a user's webcam from within a web browser?

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Flash - Silverlight P2P App (In Browser) - Get RTMFP?

Apr 22, 2010

Ok so from all my research I'm fairly positive P2P is not possible in Silverlight 4 (in browser). Flash can do P2P using Stratus/RTMFP which I believe uses UDP hole punching and a Stratus server to initialize the connection. Is there any plans for Microsoft to add some kind of p2p rendezvous service in the future? Can we get a definitive yes/no on whether or not p2p is possible in SL4.

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Iphone :: Test If A Browser Supports Flash/silverlight?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm making an application with SL/flash charts and am wondering if there is a way to test if the browser it's being pushed to supports silverlight or not (ipad/iphone). And if it doesn't, then I can use some kind of AJAX chart in its place.If this is possible to interchange platforms by testing against the host, how would I do this?

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Flash :: Fms - Use Media Encoder To Capture The Audio?

Jan 18, 2012

I need to capture audio from a microphone using a flash object in a browser and live stream it to Flash Media Server. The Flash Media Server will in turn live stream the audio to users. Do I have to use Flash Media Encoder to capture the audio? Is it possible to capture the audio without the need of installing the Flash Media Encoder and somehow stream it to the Flash Media Server?


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Javascript :: Capture Audio Input With Flash Or Html5?

Dec 21, 2011

I am trying to capture the microphone and send the recording to my server.. I tried this method here but it records only a big WAV and the upload can be slow sometimes. Is there a way to capture the voice and compress it on the client side? Best method would be to send the recording while recording, but I have no Idea if this is possible. (It works for YouTube Live Webcam recording, it must work for Audio only too..)

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Javascript :: Put Silverlight Application Inside Flash File(swf - Browser Independet Which Run With Flash Player)

Sep 30, 2010

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Jan 20, 2010

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Media Server :: Write Access Denied For Stream Error When Recording Audio Stream

Jul 26, 2010

I've had FMS running on my local machine for a while and have had a little experience writing FMS apps, but I've just tried recording audio for the first time using the standard vod application and I keep getting a "Write access denied for stream" error. My AS3 code is copied and pasted for various examples and am confident that it works.
I'm running Windows XP service pack 3 & FMIS 3.5.
I've had a look at the vod/media directory and under windows->properties the read-only attribute is ticked. Every time I un-tick this it reverts back to being ticked. I've googled this and MS say that most programs ignore the read-only attribute and that it only really applied to files. I've also tried the MS fix for setting the read-only attribute via cmd and still no joy (doesn't fix read-only attribute or FMS recording the audio after setting via cmd).
I've also tried our dev server install of FMS (running under linux) and am getting the same results.
Here's my AS3 code...
private function initApp(event:Event):void


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Silverlight :: Flash Vs Silverlight On Localhost /local File Permission To Access Remote Webservice?

Mar 30, 2011

In Flash user can give permission to localhost and even local html file to access remote webservice.I fail to see the same thing for Silverlight which is a nightmare for testing on local pc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Audio Stream Meta Data From An Akamai FMS Stream

Jul 21, 2009

I am having trouble getting audio stream meta data from an Akamai FMS stream. Everything is undefined and I'm not sure why. I am hoping maybe someone will notice something that I am overlooking. The stream is connecting and playing without a problem I just can't seem to figure out why all the meta data is undefined.


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Silverlight :: Play Mp4 Within Webpage Via Silverlight Or Flash For A URL Hosted On Amazon S3?

Feb 7, 2011

i need a webpage (host on my website) that can play the following mp4 file either via silverlight 4 or flash[URL]..i tried various solution like flowplayer and silverlight but none of them work with the URL above. I can play the file fine using Windows media player or VLC.

For silverlight, i always get AG_E_NETWORK_ERROR exception within MediaFailed event. For flash, via flowplayer, IE page is just blank

Can someone tell me what am i missing? i am very frustrated as I have finished encoding, upload, cataloging my videos and now I am stuck at the last step.

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Flash :: Silverlight - Resources For Cool Silverlight Image Animations?

Sep 5, 2011

I found Vectorlight which is quite good, but are there any tutorials or books about doing cool effects with silverlight. I'm after for resources focused more for a designing and presentation. Mostly the books about Silverlight is focused on doing boring business applications like making grids and forms.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Audio Synchronization - If The Audio Were On The Timeline You Could Set Sync Params To Stream?

Mar 11, 2010

Because the player optimizes framerate, antialiasing etc dependent on the performance capabilities of the platform upon which it is running, it was nearly impossible to ensure animation syncronization w/ audio. If the audio were on the timeline you could set sync params to stream, but if the audio is loaded programically forget it .. well until AS3 ..The following code throttles the player framerate to lock step the animation to the audio .. not perfect but the principal works ..

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Php :: Recording Audio On Website: Red5 Stream Or Posting The Audio Data?

Sep 6, 2011

Let me first establish what I want to do:My user is able to record voicenotes on my website, add tags to said notes for indexing as well as a title. When the note is saved I save the path of the note along with the other info in my DB.Now, I have 2 choices to do the recording, both involve a .swf embedded in my site:

1) I could use Red5 server to stream the audio to my server and save the file and return the path to said file to my app to do the DB saving, seems rather complicated since I would have to convert the audio and move it to the appropriate folder that belongs to the user in a server side Red5 app, which I'm not very aware of how to build.

2) I could simply record the audio and grab its byte array, do a Base64 encoding on it and send it to PHP along with the rest of the data that is necessary (be it by a simple POST or an AJAX call), decode it on the server and make the file with the appropriate extension, audio conversion would also occur here using ffmpeg, this option seems simpler but I do not know how viable it is.

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Media Server :: Stream And Audio Line Level Feed Rather Than The Audio From A Computer's Microphone?

Apr 1, 2012

Is there a way to stream and audio line level feed rather than the audio from a computer's microphone?

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Silverlight :: Comparing Flash, HTML, Silverlight, X3D And Unity 3d?

Mar 5, 2011

I have to prepare a comparison between the following technologies to present it to my Project Manager, but I fell that I'm lost I want to compare between them in the following areas:the support of online video streaming the budget of using each one Learning Time will be needed to learn the technology Which one is the standard and will target a lot of users The support if I found any problem Bugs and security issues connection to DB, SOA and web services supporting of multi player

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Silverlight :: Does Windows Phone 7.3 OS Supports Flash And Silverlight

Dec 26, 2011

I am currently working on a windows phone project where i have test the compatibility and I do not know flash and Silverlight is supported or not on windows phone 7.3.

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Actionscript :: Capture Video / Audio From Webcam - View It And Send As A File To Server (youtube) In Flash

Sep 15, 2010

I'm new in AS and trying create util such Youtube's "My webcam". Here's a part of my code:


Can't attach video object or stream to spark.components.VideoPlayer to view video and don't know how to convert video to flv contents for sending in POST form.

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Silverlight :: Hire A Flash Or Silverlight Developer?

Feb 14, 2011

Is there a website where you can go to find developers?

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Flex :: Flash - Giving An Application The Focus In Browser To Capture Keystrokes?

Jan 1, 2010

I've written a little video game in Flex that runs in a browser. The player moves by pushing the arrow buttons on the keyboard, so I need to capture those keystrokes. In fact, the game action starts when the player presses one of those keys.In order to capture the keystrokes, the Flash/Flex application, not just the browser, needs to have the focus.How can I ensure that the application has the focus? I've implemented a bit of a hack: A "Begin" button you must click to start the game. The only point of this button is to ensure that the app has the focus.

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Silverlight :: Access To Webcam In Browser?

Sep 13, 2010

For an internal project we would like to play with building a video conferencing system.We are able to decide the browser that the user has to use and can install plugins. The only requirement is that the browser and plugins must be free and work over Linux and Mac.(Don't care about Windows)What is the best way to do access the webcam and mic stream from a user for sending to a server? Ideally I would like to do this plugin free but I can see no implementation of the devices tag in HTML5 in any browser yet, unless someone knows different.If its flash/silverlight, any quick examples of capture and sending to a server?lso any examples of streaming video from a server to a client would be useful, so we can stick it all together. This I know we can do in HTML5 so this would be a preference.

The client connection part is all I would need as we are building the server, this is the internal challenge.Basically I'm looking for good examples and best practices for sending and receiving this information.Edit: As I have discovered from some groups the device tag is no where near completion. So answers will have to be flash/silverlight (does that work on linux??).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stream Asx Audio In Flash?

Jan 9, 2009

I would like to stream asx audio in flash, is this possible?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stream Audio With Flash And PHP?

Nov 21, 2009

I'm interested in setting up a site where I can put MP3 files on my server (outside the web root) and stream them to a flash application. I'm not talking about progressive download here. The basic idea is to let visitors hear a band's music without actually downloading or caching an mp3 or SWF which could be located as a file and saved or ripped. I have seen this awesome tutorial on streaming an flv and was wondering if anyone can recommend a PHP/AS3 solution which would let me do the same for audio.

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