Flash :: Professional - Get Swf File Quality To Video?

Mar 28, 2011

I would like to incorporate Flash animations into video editing applications but when I save the Flash files as movies the quality is not there (Flash affects fall off, trails and such). My swf files look great there is no lag and the motion is clean. How can I get swf file quality to video? What is create a Projector?

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Dec 9, 2011

I am new to Flash CS5 and I am working on a Flash animation project. I drew everything in Illustrator CS5 and imported these drawings in Flash to do the animation. I have different scenes & exported them all as separate movie clips. I was thinking of using Final Cut Pro to make the final movie, but the video quality is not good & its pixelated.and whats the most suitable render width & height for tv screening ?

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Nov 2, 2011

I'd like to get your thoughts on the best way to deliver full-browser (scale to the size of the browser window) video. I'm skilled in the creation of the content but learning to make the most out of Flash CS5 and would love to hear what you would suggest.Most of the tutorials I can find on full browser/scalable video are for earlier versions of Flash; what is the best practice today? Best resolution/format for the video? If there is an Adobe guide to this I'm happy to eat humble pie if someone can redirect me to it; I'm using CS5 Production Premium.I like the full screen video effect they have on the "Sounds of pertussis" web-site;

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Professional :: Improve The Quality Of The Quick Time Movie File?

Apr 10, 2011

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Professional :: Balance Image Quality With Small File Size?

Aug 16, 2011

I need to first express that I'm a fully self-taught Flash designer. No one has ever sat down and tried to explain to me the DOs and DONTs about Flash. I have followed tutorials, books, and anything else I can get my hands on, but never a person. People of Flash seem to be very hard to find, in my personal experience.I am the most comfortable with Photoshop, knowing very little about Illustrator or Fireworks.That said, I have been asked to create a 45KB (yikes!) max file, rotating 3 .jpg images I created from other .jpgs given to me. The images are usually large, so I am given room to compress them for a 300px x 250 px stage.

However, these images are always my biggest culprit for my huge file size. I'll import them in, making them into Graphic Symbols, but nothing seems to prevent the enourmous file size.When given the raw images, I would throw them into Photoshop, make the files the correct 300x250 size. Then I have tried: saving the image at the best resolution in .jpg and .png form, and then I tried saving the images as low-as-I-could-stomach quality. I hardly see a difference with file size when they are imported into Flash and used.I was told to use Fireworks's Optimize function, which I did, but it made my .swf even biggerWhen I have my Flash piece all set up/animted as I want, but I need to replace the bitmap(.jpg/.png) photos, I will:right click on the bitmap to get properties, "upload" the new image to be used, adjust the Quality, having "Allow smoothing" unclicked.

I understand I should make as much of the graphics in Flash as I can, instead of Import, but I am primarily given photographs to use.Seeing what my previous peers have done is mind-puzzling, but they are not around, so I cannot ask them for their advice. Their files are under 45KB and look sharp and amazing:[URL]

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Video Camera Quality In Flash

Dec 8, 2010

I have this simple code to access the webcam:[code]The quality of the video is extremely bad, with big compression fragments.I am using a built-in webcam as test, so I don't expect too much. But what I see is not normal for my webcam.So how do I set the quality of the video?I cannot see any difference in quality if I remove the setQuality call.

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Get A High Quality Video Into A Flash Document?

Mar 20, 2009

I'm trying to get a high quality video into a flash document. I would like it to stream the flv from the website it will be posted on.

The source file is a 640x480 quicktime file (H264 compression)however viewing it at 640x480, I notice that there is pixelation instead of a clean and crisp image, I look at the source, it's clean and crisp. how can I import a nice high quality video into flash without that nasty pixelation?

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Dec 10, 2009

there's a video playing, and it moves around and changes size as the user navigates around the page. I notice when it gets small, the video quality gets bad on it. how to retain its quality, and resize it in a different way? To note: The video quality was bad when the css for the flash video was set to width and height of 100%. However, when I made it centered, and set it for width and height, it was good, even though it was presented at the same size within the swf. Maybe that same idea could apply within the actionscript?

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Aug 5, 2010

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Flash - Resize An FLV Without Lowering The Video Quality?

Mar 27, 2009

I'm making a flash site. And there's a video playing, and it moves around and changes size as the user navigates around the page. I notice when it gets small, the video quality gets bad on it. Any ideas on how to retain its quality, and resize it in a different way?

To note: The video quality was bad when the css for the flash video was set to width and height of 100%. However, when I made it centered, and set it for width and height, it was good, even though it was presented at the same size within the swf. Maybe that same idea could apply within the actionscript?

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Flash :: FLV Video Import To Timeline Quality Setting?

Dec 16, 2011

I'm trying to import a small .flv video to my flash file but I can't seen to find the setting to increase the import quality to 100%.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Sound Quality Varies In Video Player?

Jun 9, 2010

I have an AS3 video player I've put together using fairly standard Netstream method and it plays my flv's fine. The problem is, the sound quality varies wildly depending on who is looking at it. When I test locally, the audio in the video is fine, but on a windows machine it goes horrifically loud to the point of distortion, also the client (outside the UK) has said it sounds fine to them, so It appears to be only happening here.

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Professional :: Convert A Flash Video File To AVI?

Jan 9, 2010

I downloaded some videos from youtube and vimeo , and when I doubble click on the file, its just an empty container, I do have Flash 8 and my friend helped me a bit to play the file by using Flash 8 , but whenever I wanna play the file, I have to have that Flash plyer in the same folder, can some1 be kind and help me a bit to convert my Flee or Flea , whatever is that called to a AVI or any other types of file , which Premiere can load !

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Professional :: Converting A Flash File To Video?

Jul 6, 2010

I've created short two and a half minute animation which needs to be converted to a video file.
The animation contains various movie clips and run in conjunction with an overall audio backing track.
It's my understanding that nested movie clips won't work when I export to video due to them having a timeline of their own however having a flash file with everything on the master time line would contain too many layers and frames to be manageable.
Is there any way I can export my file to video (avi, mpeg etc) or do I need to get some third party software, in which case any advice on those?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Improve Video Quality For Recorded Video?

Nov 16, 2011

I am developing a simple application using flex which records a video with my webcam and stores it to the media server and then i pull it in order to show it.The problem is that the quality of the video played is blurry while it is displayed with the same size as captured. I have played a lot with the values in the functionsbelow where i attach my cam to the netstream objec: cam.setMode(640, 480, 25);cam.setQuality(0,90);and the result is an flv video which i play later on but with not a good quality. The server is on my pc so i dont have transfer delays because of low connection. Whatcan i do to have a better output? i use netstream play method to play the video and i do the following

video = new Video(640,480);


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Flash :: Professional - Sound Quality In CS5

Nov 11, 2011

I'm looking to upgrade from Flash 8 Professional to the newest version. Has the quality of imported sounds improved beyond the tinny, in-the-submarine effect?

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Professional :: Embed All MovieClips / Sound And Video In One Flash File?

Feb 13, 2012

I can use flash ok to build stuff, but I usually just build a flash presentation with movieclips and buttons all contained in the one file. I have never had to put my creations onto cd-rom before. So now I am looking at a CD-rom and seeing how someone else has done it and I see that all the .swf files are separated, as will as sound and video. I thought the only reason to do this would be to be able to access and change for example and mp3. without having to open the flash file, but I am thinking there are other reasons?

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Professional :: Published A Swf Or HTML File From Flash (on Mac) That Contains Flv Video Can Only Play On Mac?

Feb 28, 2012

I created a flash file that contains a flv file inside. After I published it on my Mac in both html and swf format and it played well. But when I copied all this folder include the swf, html and the source flv to test on a pc it played well but the video part (flv) was blank. So I copied the .fla file to pc and published again, then it works fine (including the flv video part) on both pc and Mac. All the settings were same while publishing.So I wonder what's wrong with publish from Mac side? I work with Mac and so it's very inconvenient to publish my work on PC.

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Professional :: Playing An External Video File And Upon Video Being Played, Move Onto Next Frame?

Dec 16, 2011

I suppose the title says it all.  I can load an external video file (FLV) and I can have it play.  I also have the custom buttons made to control the clip.  The only thing I have left to do is to have the main timeline move onto frame 2 once the external video reaches its end.  I am using actionscript 3 and flash cs 5.5. 

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Professional :: Is Flash CS4 To Quality Quicktime Not An Option

Jul 3, 2009

So I have recently aquired Flash CS4 and the Quicktime Export is completely different from any version before.I create a lot of 3-4 minute shorts in Flash and have always enjoyed the ease of QT export, but when I export with CS4 I get all kinds of ghosting, even on 5-10 second clips so breaking up the fla file's scenes is no help.After doing a lot of online research I see a few people have similar problems, but no concrete explanations or solutions.Has Flash-to-Quicktime compatability been disabled?I see that the "Quicktime Movie" export options is not available, only the "Quicktime" export, which yields inferior results.  Since I export to the web and for dvd I don't want to have to export PNG sequences and rebuild the soundtrack, but is there simply no longer quality compatability between the two programs?Do I need to ditch Flash for Toon Boom?

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Professional :: Image Quality In Flash Animations?

Jun 10, 2011

I notice when I run animations in the flash player, the image quality because very pixelated and blocky when I enlarge the animation.
I need my website to scale to different screen resolutions, so this can be a problem. Is there any way to make images smoother when the flash file is enlarged beyond it's native resolution? I really need to know since my website has to scale to a LOT of resolutions.

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