Professional :: Balance Image Quality With Small File Size?

Aug 16, 2011

I need to first express that I'm a fully self-taught Flash designer. No one has ever sat down and tried to explain to me the DOs and DONTs about Flash. I have followed tutorials, books, and anything else I can get my hands on, but never a person. People of Flash seem to be very hard to find, in my personal experience.I am the most comfortable with Photoshop, knowing very little about Illustrator or Fireworks.That said, I have been asked to create a 45KB (yikes!) max file, rotating 3 .jpg images I created from other .jpgs given to me. The images are usually large, so I am given room to compress them for a 300px x 250 px stage.

However, these images are always my biggest culprit for my huge file size. I'll import them in, making them into Graphic Symbols, but nothing seems to prevent the enourmous file size.When given the raw images, I would throw them into Photoshop, make the files the correct 300x250 size. Then I have tried: saving the image at the best resolution in .jpg and .png form, and then I tried saving the images as low-as-I-could-stomach quality. I hardly see a difference with file size when they are imported into Flash and used.I was told to use Fireworks's Optimize function, which I did, but it made my .swf even biggerWhen I have my Flash piece all set up/animted as I want, but I need to replace the bitmap(.jpg/.png) photos, I will:right click on the bitmap to get properties, "upload" the new image to be used, adjust the Quality, having "Allow smoothing" unclicked.

I understand I should make as much of the graphics in Flash as I can, instead of Import, but I am primarily given photographs to use.Seeing what my previous peers have done is mind-puzzling, but they are not around, so I cannot ask them for their advice. Their files are under 45KB and look sharp and amazing:[URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TextArea Component Font Size Coming Out Small?

Nov 20, 2009

I changed from using a text field to a textArea component and now the font size is much smaller.The original text field had the font size set to 10 and Arial, just like I think I am doing with the TextArea but it appears to be coming up at about 3/4 the size it was before.

Code Snippet:
myTF = new TextFormat("Arial", 10,  0xFFFFFF,false);
myText_mc.myTextArea.setStyle("textFormat", myTF);


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How To Reduce Vector Image File Size

Jan 19, 2010

How do I make a vector image smaller in file size than a jpg image? This sounds perhaps strange since vector in general is expected to be smaller in file size then pixel.
But take this image for example:
I can get this to about 8 kb if I were to use 'save for web' in photoshop (jpg / low compression). But then I thought I perhaps could get it even smaller by vectorizing it. But that resulted in an image of about 145 kb. Is vector not always better than pixel when it comes to file size?

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Jun 1, 2010

I embedded some characters using embed tag in flash CS3(font.swf). 2 separate swf(a.swf,b.swf) loads the font.swf on runtime. These 2 swf are being called from a container(parent) swf. It looks find locally and not time consuming to load. But when I view it from a server, computer lags after a while....(all file sizes are relatively small.around 160kb). What needs to be done in order to prevent computer from lagging? Is it better to load font.swf not in separate swf but directly in container(parent).swf?

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I am working with high image file . I have to work for iage more than 3000x6000 dimensional. Is it possible in AS3. In some blog i came to know that AS2 could not support more than 2880x2880. Please let me know if you have any experience about working in high dimensional image .

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Apr 29, 2008

How to preload this:
I've made buttons which loads external txt files into textBox (HTML render);
Those txt files contains text and pictures, like <img src="..."> (HTML tags);
Also, there are some links like <a href="asfunction:...>
I've made preloader and it displays bytes total for txt files only. Is it possible to make preloader which will calculate the size of a txt file, and the size of image from image tags inside that txt file?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Image File Size Prior To Loading?

Oct 16, 2009

I am using the MovieClipLoader class to load a bunch of images, and I am trying to build a loader that has a single percentage for the whole batch of images. I need the.bytesTotalof every image prior to loading them, so that I know the total number of bytes I am working with to calculate the total percent of all images that have been downloaded.

My issue is that it seems to be loading the images in a generally linear way (loads all of the first pic, then starts loading the second pic, etc...) and .bytesTotal is returning as 0 for all pics that have not yet started loading.

Anyone know how I can grab the total bytes of each image prior to the actual download of the image?

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Professional :: Setting Image Size In Dynamic Text Box?

Apr 5, 2011

I have a dynamic text box in which I am embedding an image.  Here is the code that fills in the text box
"<font size='16' color='#FFFAF0'>"+calledMarkerIndex+
<font size='14' color='#FFFAF0'>"+calledMarkerDate+


How can a set the image size in the above code.  I've tried inserting width and height parameters just after the image's path but an error is thrown.  I would like for the image's width to be as wide as the dynmic text infoBox.informationText
Also the path to each image equals a variable called calledMarkerContent  How could I set the img src equal to the variable called calledMarkerContent?

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