Math :: Mapping Rect In Small Image To Larger Image (in Order To Do A CopyPixels Operation)?

Jun 16, 2010

I'm coding in actionscript 3 - the functionality is: large image loaded at runtime. The bitmapData is stored and a smaller version is created to display on the available screen area (I may end up just scaling the large image since it is in memory anyway).The user can create a rectangle hotspot on the smaller image (the functionality will be more complex: multiple rects with transparency: example a donut shape with hole, etc)

3 When the user clicks on the hotspot, the rect of the hotspot is mapped to the larger image and a new bitmap "callout" is created, using the larger bitmap data. The reason for this is so the "callout" will be better quality than just scaling up the area of the hotspot.The image below shows where I am at so far- the blue rect is the clicked hotspot. In the upper left is the "callout" - copied from the larger image. I have the aspect ratio right but I am not mapping to the larger image correctly.[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rollover Small Image To Show Larger Version

Mar 29, 2009

I started using AS3. At the moment I'm working on a project with (small) image galleries. When you roll over a small image, there's a larger version showing up, and the thumb changes also. You can also click the image, and then a lightbox effect pops up. To achieve this, I'm using the following script, which works fine:

img1ro.visible = false;
cl1.visible = false;
btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, over1);
btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, out1);
function over1(event:MouseEvent):void {
[Code] .....

But I was wondering if there's an easier way to add images. At the moment, I copy-paste the script, and have to change the numbers according to the number of images. Is it possible to put the images in an array or something like that?

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this returns 0. Why does it return 0 when the image loaded is obviously much larger then 0 pixels. How do I change the width and height of imgCont to a specified dimension.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash MouseOver - Larger Image To Appear ONLY When Mouse Is OVER The Smaller Image?

Nov 4, 2010

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Professional :: Flash Alpha Mapping - Create A Dynamic 3 Layer Image

Feb 15, 2012

I would like to create a dynamic 3 layer image that can have any of the 3 layers changed. i was thinking of doing this with alpha mapping where I have a back, middle, and front layer each defined by an alpha map. So if the style or shape of these changed I just render the texture with a new alpha map to define what portion actually takes the texture. So for each of the 3 layers there is a type(defines the shape), the texture which is applied to the shape, and an alpha map that is used to specify how the shape takes the image.

Imagine a fruit basket that can have the fruit switched out or the basket, and any combination of textures applied. You could potentially see the inside of the basket which may have a different texture than the outside. The fruit would all be one image that would then fit into the basket, and finally the basket would render. Then if you swap the color of the basket but keep the same model it would update, and you could then swap the model of the basket and keep the same color. But i'd want to do it where I have 1 texture that can fit over all the baskets but is just chopped off using alpha mapping.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Navigate An Image That Is Larger Than The Stage?

Feb 11, 2010

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Also, once it is done, is there a way to begin with the entire image shown, but then have it tween to its final (Very large) size, without breaking that functionality.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Larger Image When Dropped?

May 27, 2010

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function urlLoaded(event:Event):void {


So is there anyway I could use any of the above code to load the big image associated with the small image?  If points to the current thumbnail being picked up, could i do something like to point to its name or something?

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Actionscript 3 :: Substitute Image In Larger Animation?

Mar 4, 2011

We're making a Flash browser game with a few reasonably complex animations. Our designer is making the animations in Flash Professional while I'm wiring everything up and adding some logic through AS3 (using FlashDevelop).In one of our more complex animations a "bonus item" moves around the screen. It tweens hither and tither, there special effects and as such, it disappears for a few frames and then reappears later.From AS3 we want to be able to dynamically decide which bonus item (say a mushroom or a star) to include in the animation. We don't want to have to ask our designer to replicate the entire animation for each of our bonus items.This is what we've tried: Created a two frame (1 mushroom frame, 1 star frame) "BonusItem" movieclip in FlashPro and Exported for ActionScript.Created the complex animation movieclip in FlashPro and added the BonusItem movieclip to the relevant frames. Gave the BonusItem instance an instance name on all necessary KeyFrames. Exported entire movieclip for ActionScript(exported as "ComplexAnimation").[code]This would play the complex animation with the star and we could easily call gotoAndStop("mushroom") to play the same animation with the mushroom.

The first problem was that complexAnimation.bonusItem was null on line 02 above. I solved this by handling ADDED_TO_STAGE for complexAnimation and putting line 02 above in the handler. The next problem was that each time the bonusItem movieclip started tweening, or if it was not present in some frames and was subsequently re-added the complexAnimation.bonusItem attribute/reference was reassigned to a new bonusItem instance. I then had to find a way to know when this was happening and call gotoAndStop("star") on the new instance. I've found two ways to do this:

1) Listen for ADDED events on complexAnimation with a of "bonusItem". It's a bit crap in a strongly typed language to have to resort to matching strings, but this works. Btw, when the ADDED event is fired new frame object references are still null.

2) Listen for FRAME_CREATED events. This happens later than ADDED at a point where new frame references have been initialized. As such I can check if complexAnimation.bonusItem is non-null at then call gotoAndStop("star") on it. One problem with this is that calling gotoAndStop actually triggers another FRAME_CREATED event to fire, so I need to guard against infinite looping. Again, it works but I don't have a great feeling about it.

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Professional :: Keep Image Size Slightly Larger For A Better Quality?

Feb 10, 2012

I set my images at 60% quality JPG files out of photoshop which seems to give a very nice representation. I set up a site to take a full screen, so I expect it to be larger on a bigger screen then what I see on mine. I figured to keep every image actual size at about 25% bigger when the finlal needed size in the layout, so if the site is ever on the bigger screen then images have some stored resolution to be enlarged and accomodate an increase in size. So all of mine images are scaled at about 75%.
Is it a good practise or things don't work this way in Flash? Perhaps it is better to keep the images to 100% (rather than importing intentially enlarges images) but make the maximum quality? Or both ways kind of work out?

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package {
import flash.display.*;


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I tried a couple of things and was not able to get the mc loaded onto the stage.

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quick question, i have a loop playing where two MC holers have math.random script applied to them, allowing random images to be generated as it plays from a folder of images. i've gotten everything to work,initially i had about 60 images, i then added an additional 40, changed the coe to reflect this and had no problems.
today i added an additional 196 images, but when i test my movie the numbers generated never surpass #101

is there a limit to the ammount of numbers output by math.random script?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stretch A Small Image On The Entire Stage?

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how can i take a small .gif image and show it as a background image that stretched on the entire stage? how can i do this using actionscript 3.0?

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IDE :: Make A Simple Gallery With Thumbnails That Show A Larger Image Once Hover Over The Thumbnail?

Apr 20, 2009

I have flash CS4 and some time ago made a simple movieclip in an older version of flash.I now want to make a simple gallery with thumbnails that show a larger image once you hover over the thumbnail.[URL]I forgot most of the workings in flash, so it's difficult to make what I want.

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Professional :: Balance Image Quality With Small File Size?

Aug 16, 2011

I need to first express that I'm a fully self-taught Flash designer. No one has ever sat down and tried to explain to me the DOs and DONTs about Flash. I have followed tutorials, books, and anything else I can get my hands on, but never a person. People of Flash seem to be very hard to find, in my personal experience.I am the most comfortable with Photoshop, knowing very little about Illustrator or Fireworks.That said, I have been asked to create a 45KB (yikes!) max file, rotating 3 .jpg images I created from other .jpgs given to me. The images are usually large, so I am given room to compress them for a 300px x 250 px stage.

However, these images are always my biggest culprit for my huge file size. I'll import them in, making them into Graphic Symbols, but nothing seems to prevent the enourmous file size.When given the raw images, I would throw them into Photoshop, make the files the correct 300x250 size. Then I have tried: saving the image at the best resolution in .jpg and .png form, and then I tried saving the images as low-as-I-could-stomach quality. I hardly see a difference with file size when they are imported into Flash and used.I was told to use Fireworks's Optimize function, which I did, but it made my .swf even biggerWhen I have my Flash piece all set up/animted as I want, but I need to replace the bitmap(.jpg/.png) photos, I will:right click on the bitmap to get properties, "upload" the new image to be used, adjust the Quality, having "Allow smoothing" unclicked.

I understand I should make as much of the graphics in Flash as I can, instead of Import, but I am primarily given photographs to use.Seeing what my previous peers have done is mind-puzzling, but they are not around, so I cannot ask them for their advice. Their files are under 45KB and look sharp and amazing:[URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Distort The Dimension Of An Image Like From Left Side Little Small And From Right Large?

Nov 28, 2011

How to distort the dimension of an image like from left side little small and from right large.

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Flash :: Professional - Website Keeping Image Small And Link Movies Rather Than Embed But Still Slow

May 15, 2011

I have recently launched a site for a client which includes an interactive flash element on the home page but it takes a long time to load (10-30seconds). I have followed advice from others about keeping image small and link movies rather than embed but still slow, the swf file is about 7.9mb which i thought was ok for the size of flash file. Does anyway else know where I have gone wrong whether it be the embedding or some other area.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MouseOver - It Moves Upward Slightly And A Small Amount Of Whitespace Appears At The Top Of The Image?

Oct 12, 2011

I'm trying to code a click-and-point adventure game for a class, in which interactive objects glow when you mouse over them.... In the frame I have the background image (in which there is, say, a drawer), and an image of the drawer glowing placed exactly over top of that. The glow image is invisible until you mouse over it, at which point it is supposed to become visible (and disappear upon mouseout). I have the mouseover function linked to the entire glow image (which is a movieclip), but it only seems to work when you mouseover a specific portion of the image (usually a corner). The code looks something like this:

ActionScript Code:
DeskDrawer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, drawerLightUp);
function drawerLightUp(e:MouseEvent){
DeskDrawer.alpha = 100;

when the glow-image is moused over, it moves upward slightly and a small amount of whitespace appears at the top of the image.

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Actionscript 3 :: Resize A Rect Within Another Rect?

Aug 27, 2011

I draw a rectangle within another rectangle like this (I use it as a mask):,0.1);,100,550, 300);,(stage.stageHeight/2-Canvas.height/2),250, 150);;

effectively its a 550x300 box with a 250x150 cutout.

Within one of my functions I need to resize the INNER 'cut-out' box from 250x150 to 150x100 - but keep the OUTER box exactly the same.

Normally when I'd resize a normal rectangle I'd do this:

rectangle .width = 150;
rectangle .height = 100;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize A Rect Within Another Rect?

Aug 27, 2011

I've got a tricky one that's stumping me, could you take a quick look over it I draw a rectangle within another rectangle like this:

Code:,0.1);,100,550, 300);


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Php :: Image Uploader That Can Edit Order Of Images?

May 4, 2011

I need a tutorial or code that create an image uploader that can also be used to edit the order of the images.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Image Loading In Random Order Using XML?

May 26, 2010

I'm currently doing up my flash gallery and there something bugging me.I'm using XML to load my images dynamically and would like the images to appear in a horizontal manner.

image1 - image2 - image3 - image4 etc.

however, everytime i run the swf, the order of the images are randomized.

Code: Select allvar portraiture_images:XMLList;
var portraiture_total:Number;
var container_portraiture:MovieClip;[code].....

as my images are of different width, I made use of the imageWidth variable to keep track of where the X co-ordinate should be for the next image.

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IDE :: Filter To The Rectangle And Have It Affect The Image - Z Order

Apr 21, 2009

I have an image with a translucent rectangle sitting over it (white rectangle with alpha = 0.5) I'd like to apply a filter to the rectangle and have it affect the image below it. For example, apply a blur to the rectangle and see the part of the image below the rectangle get blurred.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A Small Flash Game, Which Is Rotating Rings In An Image To Create A Coherent Picture?

Oct 13, 2011

I'm making a small Flash game, which is rotating rings in an image to create a coherent picture. Think of the puzzles in Assassins Creed.I have three scenes set up, one with the puzzle, one with a fade to white transition, and one with a congratulatory screen.
I have this code to check if the orientation of the rings match, but I'm really new to actionscript so I'm not sure if it's right or not.
function orientationCheck()
if (center.orientation == 0 && ring1.orientation == 0 && ring2.orientation == 0 && ring3.orientation == 0 && ring4.orientation == 0)

Unfortunately it keeps playing through the movie and not giving the player time to solve the puzzle.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sequential To Random Image Order On A Banner

Jun 3, 2009

I'm not really looking for a specific answer but really more something that I can target my research around. Here is what I'm working with: -this all need to pre-load. -I need to build a flash image banner -When you click a image they take you to a corresponding HTML page. -The first few images in the banner sequence need to play in sequential order so for example image00, image01, image02 in order. -Then once the first few images have played in sequential order images will be selected and played at random. Now here is the tricky part the random image selection can't pick to of the same images in a row. -The universal transition from one image to the next should be an alpha fade down of the top image exposing the random or sequential image below. Yeah I know that a real mouth full.

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