Professional :: Multiple File Search And Replace?

Apr 17, 2011

it is possible to do search / replaces in script, text etc over multiple files?  If not, is there any 3rd party software available to do it?I have hundreds of files I have to make the same change in and just wanted to find out before I have to do the mind-numbing process of going through them all.

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This replaces the 2 but of course also replaces all the other instances of 2 in the htmlText as well. Is there any possible workaround? Can I exploit the fact that the other 2's are inside quotations and someone not mess with those ones based on that fact?

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String.prototype.replace = function(find,replace){
return this.split(find).join(replace).toString();
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I'm well aware that it's there _someplace_ and have tried going through every symbol listed in the project, to no avail. When running the movie in the debugger, I see it lsited under "Actions" for the button symbol "mpbutton". However, when "editing" that button, I see no such actionscript associated.


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the pattern...
{url===, text===replacement text}

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if you want to learn how to use regexp, click here.

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a) a shortcut to comment out code, meaning a way to put // in front of every line of selected code and of course the reverse, uncommenting code

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May 1, 2008

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Is this possible? I don't want to create 25 instances/frames of the full xml text as the xml datat is displayed on an animation and it would significantly increase the file size.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 : Search Multiple Arrays For A Value?

Feb 26, 2009

I am attempting to search multiple arrays (over 300) for a specific value which will then determine if that question is to be loaded. I have used these over the years as the quizzes simply loaded questions randomly. Now I am appempting to move this into a computer adaptive test format. I have most everything worked out except for this part which is the key to the project.

What I have is 300+ arrays like the ones below. Once a student answers a question either correctly or incorrectly a difcal value is assigned. It is that value I need to search for to determine which question to load.

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var q1:Array = new Array();
q1[0] = -4.03;
q1[1] = 0.57;


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PHP Code:

countTicks = function(){
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if (tickCount[i] == 1&&2&&4&&5){


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for example:

<MovieTitle>Nine Months</MovieTitle>
<Actors>Hugh Grant, Julianne Moore, Tom Arnold</Actors>

That way, I can use a "for" loop or something (?) to search for actor Hugh Grant, and it'll return all of his (excellent) movies.

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when the user clicks submit, it plugs them into the search url

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btn.onRelease = function(){

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Flex :: Search For A File On Users File System?

Jun 8, 2010

So we want to seacrch for file like exampl*.ex*mple. We want to search in all users files and folders.

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Professional :: Load Multiple Swfs To Main Flash File?

Aug 27, 2011

I am using the following codeIn actions for Frame 1:

var myrequest:URLRequest=new URLRequest("A.swf");  var myloader:Loader=new Loader();myloader.load(myrequest);img1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickButton);function clickButton(event:MouseEvent):void{ 


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Professional :: Multiple Fla Projects - When Loading Main Swf File 3 Other Swf Files Are Also Loaded

May 31, 2011

I am new flash developer, and inherited a project which has 4 fla project files. When it runs inside a browser, it appears "window" which occupies whole browser. This project is write in Flash CS3. I have few questions:

1). When loading main swf file, 3 other swf files are also loaded. These swf files are communicating with each other through message. When debug the mail swf with CS3, I can set breakpoint and the program can stop only at limited AS files. My questions is how to debug other AS files in other swf file?

2) I used CS5. It seems that I can stop at more AS files, which does not belong to main swf file. Why?

My questions is should I use CS5, which might makes debugging easier? Is it right direction to go to debug multiple swf? (For CS5, I need to fix some code in order to make the program fully working as CS3)

3) What's best tool to use for such project since CS3 is very old. Should I use Flash builder, Flex. Amethyst?

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Xml :: Replace And Edit Values In A File With C#

May 21, 2010

how to replace and edit values in an xml file with c#. The question got a great answer. Now I wonder how to do this in Actionscript and if there is an as simple way as in c#.

The question can be found here: [URL]

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Professional :: Find And Replace Window?

Apr 3, 2007

when I use the Edit/Find and Replace function, the results portion at the bottom doesn't reveal enough information under Location. I can see "Scene 'Scene 1' -> Layer ' " and that's all. I know if I click on that line the relevant window will open but when doing a "Find All" it's useful to know more information about the Location instead of clicking on every line. That Location column of the window will not widen with the drag icon. I can move the dividers from the other columns to the left but not to the right.


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