ActionScript 2.0 :: Search Function Across Multiple Swf Movies In A Cd Rom?

Oct 26, 2005

how to do a search function accross multimple swf movies in a cd rom. The situation is like this: i m making an elearning project where i have around 17 to 18 chapters. Now, all the chapters are in flash and they are seperate movies. Now, if someone wants to search for something inside the cd, like say, they are searching for "entertica" then all the pages that is related to that word should show up.. like google search.

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Search Function To Search For Button Names?

Jun 8, 2009

I've started a project a while ago, so far it is almost done but there is something that I seem not to be able to do alone... I would like to add a search function which I don't know how to do.It will not be a normal search function so I am going to try to beak it down with an easy example:

Let's say I did a project that is embeded somewhere in a normal html page with a main menu from where you can get to different city maps (e.g. New York, Paris, Berlin). The maps are seperate swfs. On all those maps there are several buttons for historical sites (or whatever) with a mousover function and a link to a page with more information about that specific site (on html).the names of the buttons are always a letter and a number (New York: "N1","N2","N3"...; Paris: "P1","P2","P2"... instance name for P1 is p1_btn)

What I need now is a search field in the main menu where you can search for those buttons. Meaning if I type in "N2" and hit search it will take me to the New York swf and show me button "N2".

I know this might not make much sense like this but the actual version is quite different and more complicated context-wise. Therefore if possible I would like to leave it that way with the main menu, the linked swfs and the buttons.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Search Function - Search Through The XML?

Jul 14, 2009

I've got a flash movie that reads in an XML file and has an input text box. When you type something in the input box, I want to search through the XML and return the names of the elements that match whatever is currently in the input box, even if its only partially complete.The input box has an event listener of type Event.CHANGE on it and it runs the following function.

Code: Select allfunction searchWords(e:Event):void {[code].........

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 : Search Multiple Arrays For A Value?

Feb 26, 2009

I am attempting to search multiple arrays (over 300) for a specific value which will then determine if that question is to be loaded. I have used these over the years as the quizzes simply loaded questions randomly. Now I am appempting to move this into a computer adaptive test format. I have most everything worked out except for this part which is the key to the project.

What I have is 300+ arrays like the ones below. Once a student answers a question either correctly or incorrectly a difcal value is assigned. It is that value I need to search for to determine which question to load.

For example if the student answered a question incorrectly and the difcal was calculated as -4.03 (difcal values are always in array element[0]) I would need to search the all arrays to find that value and then load that array into the question function.


var q1:Array = new Array();
q1[0] = -4.03;
q1[1] = 0.57;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Search Multiple Elements In An Array?

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The problem is, once I have more than 2 "logical ANDs" (&&) the trace gets called. Which it shouldn't because the array wouldn't yet hold those numbers.

PHP Code:

countTicks = function(){
for (var i = 0; i < tickCount.length; i++){
if (tickCount[i] == 1&&2&&4&&5){


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Sep 21, 2009

I want to create a website having one main stage file(main.fla) with different swfs(movie1.swf, movie2.swf,movie3.swf) for various sections. Am not sure what I am doing wrong here but somehow when I click the button it does not load the respective flash file

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for example:

<MovieTitle>Nine Months</MovieTitle>
<Actors>Hugh Grant, Julianne Moore, Tom Arnold</Actors>

That way, I can use a "for" loop or something (?) to search for actor Hugh Grant, and it'll return all of his (excellent) movies.

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Jul 19, 2010

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Multiple Flash Movies On One Webpage?

Jul 11, 2011

I have obtained the Free Video to Flash Converter v 4.7.25 build 602 from, and find it creates flash movies from my .wmv files fine.

I selected the 'New Maxi' player and after converting a file, sample HTML script is provided to put onto a web page. Also, it directs copying the contents of the folder in which the movie is created into the folder that contains the web page.

I've done this OK, as can be seen on [URL] where there are four movies selectable amongst the 'still' pictures (e.g. 9th row, first column).

Each uses a hyperlink to a separate page for each movie containing the script provided above in its own folder with the copied contents mentioned above. This all works OK, and enables a full-screen view of the movies if required.

My query concerns the fact that I duplicate most of the files and folders for each movie page, when only the actual .flv and preview .jpg are different.

I've tried putting the 'common' files into a separate folder ( fl ) and only keeping the html page and settings.xml in each movie page folder. I put all four flv files in the fl.videos folder.

I amend the references to swfobject and videoPlayer in the individual four movie html pages by putting ../fl/ in front, and similarly with the videos location in settings.xml

When I do this, I get a black rectangle, but no controls, no start picture and no video.

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Keep Multiple Movies Loaded Simultaneously?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Load Multiple Movies

Aug 14, 2009

I bought a template from flashmo which comes one main flash file and photoalbum fl. file. The main flash file plays swf. file from photoalbum. I like to create many photoalbums and play them on the main file.I have no idea how to do that. I spend hours and hours searching online but I cannot find information.The actionscript that is related to playing movie is below.

import mx.transitions.*;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var numMenuX = 605;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClipLoader With Multiple Movies?

Feb 27, 2004

I'm using the MovieClipLoader () class to load 1 swf and 1 jpg, what I want is that once BOTH are loaded a certain command get executed.

Right now the command get executed twice, since it does it once the swf is loaded, and once the jpg is loaded:

var pagecontent = new MovieClipLoader();
pagecontent.loadClip(page + ".jpg", _root.mc_foto.mc_fposition);
pagecontent.loadClip(page + ".swf",_root.mc_cposition);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Movies Preloader?

Feb 9, 2005

i save this code from some forum, but it has some problem I do understand,look and try it and see if it can solve this out.

contArr = ["01.swf", "02.swf", "03.swf", "04.swf"];
function preloadClips(nr) {


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IDE :: Using Multiple Flv Movies And Timeline Control?

Apr 26, 2010

In short I am trying to have a looping movie clip (already an flv) on the 1st frame with a button that goes to the next frame where the movie only plays once (transition) and goes to frame 3,loads up a menu with a movie clip thats looping and from then a menu that links to other looping movies on different frames with text etc.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fmx Preload Multiple Movies?

Oct 22, 2003

Does someone as a multiple movies preloader proto?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Inputting Multiple Search Fields Into Query String?

Nov 8, 2006

i am building a little widget that allows a user to type in keyword(s) into one input field and then a zip code into another

when the user clicks submit, it plugs them into the search url

i have it working for one input field, but i am not sure how to append the script for the second field...what would i need to change to the below script to add a second field into that query string?

btn.onRelease = function(){

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Xml Function

Feb 16, 2011

I'm trying to create a simple xml search function that searches an xml file for a string, and if that string is found in the xml, display the node which contains that string in a text box.I have the simple search function working, but what I can't do is return the specific node. Right now, the function is returning all the xml data instead. If someone could take a look and possibly lend some guidance as to how to return the specific daya, I would be much oblidged. Hope this makes sense, if not, let me know and I'll do my best to clarify.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Search Function On XML Content?

Jun 26, 2009

I'm working on a project where I'll need to create a search function to search through a whole chunk of XML generated through the database. [code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Optimizing My Search XML Function?

Dec 23, 2009

I've got this simple GUI that has a search box and a couple result fields for "Word" and "Definition"...I've also got an XML file with about 800 or so terms and definitions.Currently the flash works just fine, it reads in the XML glossary, splits it into a word array and definition array and when I search through it, it creates a List filled with terms that match the string that I search for. We wanted it to update the list of possible matching terms each time you changed the search term: a, ap, app, appl, apple... etc.

Everything works, its just incredibly slow when you throw 800 terms at it to search through.I was wondering if anyone could either optimize my search somehow, show me another way of doing it.Here is the code pulled from the whole GUI.

ActionScript Code:
var glossary_xml:XML;
var xmlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("glossary.xml");[code].........

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Enable Search Function

Aug 8, 2005

Is there a method, such as via AS or Remoting, to create a site search tool within a Flash movie?First post here, but a long time visitor to Kirupa. Great site!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Multiple Movies In Background?

Jan 10, 2011

I am currently using AS2 and I have three movies (a,b,c) and one Master movie that loads those movies in each frame.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attach Multiple Movies With OnMouseDown For Each?

Dec 1, 2005

I am having problems with attaching multiple instances of the same mc, and tring to get an onMouseDown event for each of them.

The problem is that if I mousedown on one of the attached mc's, then all the attached mc's will trigger the onMouseDown event instead of only the one I clicked on.

the trace returns "onMouseDown called on 1" ...."n" instead of a single trace statement.


function createSlideIcons(num){
var targetMC:MovieClip = this.form1.slideNav.slider;
var spacer = 5;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Spacing Between Multiple Loaded Movies

Nov 10, 2006

I'm trying to load multiple .swf's into a horizontally expandable flash page (it's for a portfolio). The problem is, being a bit of novice when it comes to actionscript, I can't work out how to create the correct spacing for my images. I've got the code below but obviously the x position is simply a fixed amount (210px) which is no good as some images are much wider than others. I've tried to use _width to make the spacing dependent on the swf width but nothing seems to work.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Multiple Movies With Keystrokes

Apr 4, 2007

I have a movie with a blank mc on the stage. I have it set up so that when you press the RIGHT keyboard key it loads another movie in that mc. Here's the code for that:

this.onKeyDown = function() {
if (Key.getCode() == Key.RIGHT) {


If I have more than one movie, how do I code it so that when I press the RIGHT key again it loads another movie as well as goes back when I press the LEFT?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Embedding A Font ONCE For Multiple Movies?

Oct 10, 2007

the flash movies I am working on contain many dynamic text boxes. I need to embed the fonts in each movies (about 15) in order to have characters, caps, punctuation and accents.

Right now, the flash files are only 5-10kb, but when I embed the font, they become 50-60kb. I know this is normal. However, I would like to be able export the font only once, and have it attached to all movies.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Recursive Function To Search Through XML Tree

Aug 27, 2009

I want to vreate a recursive function that will search through my xml tree and display all the leaves(node values); this is the function that I wrote:

function searchXML (theItem) {
trace("theItem.*.length() "+theItem.length());
trace("theItem.* "+theItem);
if (theItem.*.length() > 0) {
[Code] .....

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