ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Flash To Search Multiple Documents?

Jul 18, 2008

Is there a way to search multiple documents from Flash? I have a whole bunch of DOC files that I can either make to PDF or FlashPaper documents.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple XML Documents In One FLA?

Apr 24, 2008

i'm trying to create a mix and match clothing application using flash for a school project but am having trouble with xml documents. Using an old gallery tutorial on the site, i found it was quite easy to load up one xml document, excerpt of code below.

I thought it would be as simple as copying all the code and changing the variable names to load a second xml document but i find when i run the code, that only the last xml document in the code loads

function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
xmlNode = this.firstChild;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Multiple External .txt Documents To Stage?

Oct 23, 2010

I am trying to make an interactive book that will have a chapter broken into several paragraphs that will load into dynamic text boxes.

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Is there a way to do this with array or classes so I don't need to create and code 10 boxes for each chapter?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 : Search Multiple Arrays For A Value?

Feb 26, 2009

I am attempting to search multiple arrays (over 300) for a specific value which will then determine if that question is to be loaded. I have used these over the years as the quizzes simply loaded questions randomly. Now I am appempting to move this into a computer adaptive test format. I have most everything worked out except for this part which is the key to the project.

What I have is 300+ arrays like the ones below. Once a student answers a question either correctly or incorrectly a difcal value is assigned. It is that value I need to search for to determine which question to load.

For example if the student answered a question incorrectly and the difcal was calculated as -4.03 (difcal values are always in array element[0]) I would need to search the all arrays to find that value and then load that array into the question function.


var q1:Array = new Array();
q1[0] = -4.03;
q1[1] = 0.57;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Search Multiple Elements In An Array?

Jun 21, 2009

I'm trying to detect multiple elements in an array. My countTicks:Array contains mostly numbers and below you can see I'm using "logical AND" to try and find them.

The problem is, once I have more than 2 "logical ANDs" (&&) the trace gets called. Which it shouldn't because the array wouldn't yet hold those numbers.

PHP Code:

countTicks = function(){
for (var i = 0; i < tickCount.length; i++){
if (tickCount[i] == 1&&2&&4&&5){


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Professional :: Multiple File Search And Replace?

Apr 17, 2011

it is possible to do search / replaces in script, text etc over multiple files?  If not, is there any 3rd party software available to do it?I have hundreds of files I have to make the same change in and just wanted to find out before I have to do the mind-numbing process of going through them all.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Search Function Across Multiple Swf Movies In A Cd Rom?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Display Multiple Search Results One At A Time?

Apr 7, 2010

I am trying to adapt this search code to display the results one at a time.Right now it displays all the terms it finds all at once and separated by commas. How would I adapt the code so it displays one item or term at a time.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Search TextField And Apply Multiple Formats?

Jul 14, 2011

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Nov 19, 2010

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for example:

<MovieTitle>Nine Months</MovieTitle>
<Actors>Hugh Grant, Julianne Moore, Tom Arnold</Actors>

That way, I can use a "for" loop or something (?) to search for actor Hugh Grant, and it'll return all of his (excellent) movies.

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Xml :: Flash - External Swf Documents?

Mar 13, 2010

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var timer:Timer = new Timer(10);
var myString:String = "";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Inputting Multiple Search Fields Into Query String?

Nov 8, 2006

i am building a little widget that allows a user to type in keyword(s) into one input field and then a zip code into another

when the user clicks submit, it plugs them into the search url

i have it working for one input field, but i am not sure how to append the script for the second field...what would i need to change to the below script to add a second field into that query string?

btn.onRelease = function(){

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Flash :: Open Office Documents From It?

Apr 19, 2010

We're working with a product called ProForm to create online courses that are Flash-based. It's a pretty cool product, created by Rapid Intake and using ActionScript 2 as the basis.

The problem we're seeing is that when we try to use this method to connect directly to Office documents, the links fail to open the documents in Internet Explorer.  When using Firefox, they work fine, and soon after clicking the link the user receives a dialog asking if they wish to save or open the document.  This is the behavior which we expected in IE, and which one can achieve by holding the CTRL button and clicking the link (and don't ask me how that was figured out, 'cuz I don't know).  But when just clicking the link in IE, a browser window briefly pops up, then the thing disappears and nothing else happens - no file opens, no dialog appears, nothing.

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Flash :: Is Using Uncompressed XFL Documents With SVN Advisable

Jul 11, 2011

My team and I are considering switching to using the "Flash CS5 Uncompressed Document (*.xfl)" option in Flash CS5 based on the assumption that it will allow better collaboration and conflict resolution when working in a version-controlled (SVN) environment. We would like to avoid the common situation of irresolvable conflicts when multiple people edit an FLA. at least in the initial release of Flash CS5: [URL] Has anyone had success or failure with this approach? Is this a favourable or detrimental change in workflow?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Interacting With Html Documents From Flash

Apr 9, 2011

I'm a newbie in actionscript. I created a world map in flash. The map has regions (Europe, North America, Latin America, etc.). The regions on the map are defined as buttons.

The final flash map will be embedded in an html document (map.html). The idea is that when you click for example the "Europe" button on the flash movie, this will open an html document called Europe.html and will show it underneath the map flash (inside map.html). The "Europe.html" for example contains a list of countries. In this mission I have 2 problems:

1. What script I have to attach to every region button on the flash map so it will call the right html file into the div on the map.html?

2. What script do I have to put inside the html document?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Interacting With Html Documents From Flash?

Apr 9, 2011

I created a world map in flash. The map has regions (Europe, North America, Latin America, etc.). The regions on the map are defined as buttons.

The final flash map will be embedded in map document (map.html). The idea is that when you click for example the "Europe" button on the flash movie, this will open an html document called Europe.html and will show it underneath the map flash (inside map.html).

The "Europe.html" for example contains a list of countries.

In this mission I have 2 problems:

1.What script I have to attach to every region button on the flash map so it will call the right html file into the div on the map.html?

2.What script do I have to put inside the html document?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load HTML Documents In Flash?

Apr 8, 2007

I accidentally posted this topic in the Game/AI Programming section by mistake right below this due to lack of sleep so I reposted here. I was wondering if anyone has a way of making it so a webpage is loaded within a swf. For example: Say I have a swf file that has a menu on the left and title animation at the top. Kinda like this.

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Post PDF Documents To The Web Using A Flash Based Document Viewer

Jul 7, 2009

I actually dotn do a ton of flash work but I have a client who would like to have the ability to post PDF documents to the web using a flash based document viewer like the one found here: [URL] they want the ability to make certain areas of the document clickable like links so they can take you to a url - and they want the ability to roll over or click on an area of the document to zoom in on it. is there some kind of canned component i coudl either get as freeware or purchase that woudl allow me to do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Read Excel Documents Like A Xml Document With Flash?

Apr 29, 2010

I wonder if it is possible to read Excel documents like a xml document with Flash.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Outputting Data In Flash To Text Documents, Creating Textdocs With Flash & Mc Filters?

Apr 22, 2007

Question 1: How do I add a filter to a movieclip from actionscript,More specificly, the "adjust color" filter, and I want to decrease brightness, saturation,hue, and contrast... by actionscript...If you dont know what I mean, use the circle tool to create a circle, convert to movie clip, click the "filter" tab, then click + and add a adjust color filter, you'll see what I mean...Question 2: I need to output text to 'text' documents, no I cannot use shared objects for this, as it is a program for a client, and it isn't safe enough for me.

var archive:Array = [];
archive[7] = "Hello I am the 8th archive";


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Arrays :: Search Multidimensional Array (Flash As3) Using Another Array For Search Criteria

Sep 26, 2011

Long story short: I want to search a multidimensional array in AS3 for (in this example) the location of 6 strings - all of which are stored in another unrelared array. Long story long: Once I get the locations (in the multidimensional array) of each string, i then know where it's located, and can access other atributes of that object - so if i found the string "box3" is located in element [5] of my multidimensional array, i can now target: multiArray[5][3] to return the 4th item stored (keeping in mind we're starting from 0, so 3 is the 4th position).

I can get this to work once, but I'm trying to set up a for loop based on the length of my basic string storage array - this array holds (in this example) 6 instance name strings - each time my for loop loops, i need to run a search in my multdimensional array for the next consecutive instance name. Then, once I've located all of them (and store the results in a new temporary array) I can dig around in each location for the info I need.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Senocular XML Search Tutorial (search Query Case Sensitive)

Dec 3, 2004

I've just tried senocular's xml tutorials. [URL] The search query seems case sensitive. How to make it accept upper and lower case characters. Actually i'm trying to make a search by myself by using the same code.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Search Field To Search Keywords In XML File?

Sep 6, 2010

I am trying to create a search field in AS3 to search keywords in a dynamic text field of the same flash movie, where the text is loaded from an XML file.

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Search Function To Search For Button Names?

Jun 8, 2009

I've started a project a while ago, so far it is almost done but there is something that I seem not to be able to do alone... I would like to add a search function which I don't know how to do.It will not be a normal search function so I am going to try to beak it down with an easy example:

Let's say I did a project that is embeded somewhere in a normal html page with a main menu from where you can get to different city maps (e.g. New York, Paris, Berlin). The maps are seperate swfs. On all those maps there are several buttons for historical sites (or whatever) with a mousover function and a link to a page with more information about that specific site (on html).the names of the buttons are always a letter and a number (New York: "N1","N2","N3"...; Paris: "P1","P2","P2"... instance name for P1 is p1_btn)

What I need now is a search field in the main menu where you can search for those buttons. Meaning if I type in "N2" and hit search it will take me to the New York swf and show me button "N2".

I know this might not make much sense like this but the actual version is quite different and more complicated context-wise. Therefore if possible I would like to leave it that way with the main menu, the linked swfs and the buttons.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Develop A Search Box That Will Search Through The Titles?

Nov 23, 2011

I've got a catalog of events in XML that is read into my Flash swf. I'm trying to develop a search box that will search through the titles, descriptions, presenters, etc. and return a list of related events.
Does anybody know a prebuilt AS2 system that does this? Or a good tutorial on how to go about this? I have googled, but haven't found much.
Here is my approach so far. When I load in the XML I create an array of the frequency of all the words in the nodes that I'm interested in. I figured it would be useful to do this once instead of each time a search is performed. I store that word index in another array with an index that will take me back to the original node. I was trying to figure out if there was someway to put it all into one index, but then I'm not sure how I'd link back to the original nodes.
When performing a search I look through the array of word indexs and check for the word and return another array of which original nodes contain the word.
If the search term isn't represented I generate all the permutations of the word that have an edit distance of 1 -- i.e. that have a letter changed, added, or deleted in any position. So for example if the search is for "the" the list of 1-edit would be ahe, bhe, ... tae, tbe,... tha, thb...athe, bthe,...tahe,tbhe, ....... he, te, th. If any of those are found it returns the results and puts up a "Did you mean xxxxx?" type of notice.
So far all of this is working rather well.
I'm still working on figuring out what to do if the user puts two words into the search box.
Also haven't figured out what to do with plurals and other "stem" type situations.
I want to make this pretty simple and easy for people to get the results they want.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Google Search Is Always The Same Except For The Search Variables At The End?

Jun 16, 2003

Its mostly the way google is set up that makes it so easy. I just happened to notice that the url for a google search is always the same except for the search variables at the end. http:[url]....So all I did was to add a textfield to get the variable to put on the end of the URL. (And a button to press)

getURL("" + inputText);

P.S. I am going to put this into a thread too in case any one else is interested.

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Flash :: Embedded Document Viewer - Show Documents (if Have URL For A Document) Within Flash

Dec 16, 2009

We have a requirement to show documents (if we have URL for a document) within Flash. We have a need use embedded document viewer for MS Office and PDF documents. Are there any Flash controls available to acheive this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Search Use Code To Search

Dec 21, 2009

How do i search use the code to search?e.g. From Zoo, To City Hall.The zoo(hv already create the flash animate to city hall)but the problem is how to write a code to point to zoo(action script)!

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