Flash :: Professional - Template Movie Gallery - Replace The Big Photos With Videos Of Showreel

Apr 17, 2010

it has interactive picture gallery where you roll over with the mouse and click on the desired photo to see it on bigger size. I would like to replace the big photos with videos of my showreel. you can go and check it out: [URL]. Flash only allows me to exchange for the same file this case pictures.

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I purchased a template website that has a flash banner which rotates three photos.I was able to get my own photos into the flash but I don't know how to have each photo be a different hyper link.Also the flash template has a next and previous button to cycle through the photos but I would like the photos to move automatically but again don't know how to do that.

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Ex: photo.xml

<photo id="1">


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Flash :: Gallery Limit On A Template?

Feb 4, 2011

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the thing is the gallery is the website (more or less) and i can't find the way to add another picture to the gallery.

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Flash :: Gallery Template Not Working As Expected?

Jul 6, 2009

I have created a flash gallery using the in built template in Flash8, which works fine. The gallery forms part of my gallery page of a separate SWF flash site. I load the gallery using a loder component. Since the gallery navigation works by targeting the root folder, my site gets screwed up. The question is, how do i modify the ActionScript in the gallery.fla file (flash inbuilt template), so that once loaded into the main site, it doesnt target the root timeline, but targets its own timeline i.e.Please see below for the code in the Flash Gallery. PS: I didnt write the code - its inbuilt into the template:

function updateFrame (inc) { // send slides to new frame newFrame = _level1._currentFrame + inc; _level1.gotoAndStop(newFrame);


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Professional :: Replace Movie With Jpeg At End?

Nov 6, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Showreel To Play Within Flash Site (not Pop-up)?

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Actionscript :: Replace Image Thumbnails With Numbers In Xml Driven A Gallery Using (flash)

Nov 26, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Netstream Buffering - Loading A Showreel In Flash File

Nov 3, 2009

I am loading a showreel in my flash file using this:


The .flv is 35mb so the video is understandably jumpy. I was wondering what i should do to get round this... Is there a way to buffer it at the start so that there will be no glitches in it? The showreel has already been compressed quite a lot so can't shave much off the film size...

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Flash8 :: Dynamic Hotspots For Photos Gallery?

Jun 14, 2009

I'm trying to create a simple photos gallery.I load a new picture into the scene using loadMovie function. X and Y coordinates are custom for each photo so it would be centered nicely. The size of the picture is different too. It means, we have 4 variable distances here (question marks in the graph).Now the hard part.I want to divide a loaded picture into two sides and convert them into two different hotspots. I'll be using these hotspots for prev/next buttons.

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Flash 9 :: Sizing Photos For An Auto-sizing Gallery?

Oct 22, 2008

I want to put together a flash gallery of photography for my photography business. I am very good at Photoshop design, html, css, javascript but I am a novice with flash. I can use it and use some actionscripting but my knowledge is limited.

I see galleries like this one: [URL]

The images expand and contract perfectly as the browser is resized. I am used to having to size pics for the lowest res screens (I design for 1024 width resos's usually).

What size should I make pictures to work like this... Does flash scale them down / up / either... are there quality issues with letting flash manage the sizing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding A Pre Loader To An XML Photo Gallery Between The Photos?

Feb 15, 2010

I have made a photogallery in actionscript 3 which uses an .XML file to import pictures. As the user clicks on the displayed image the code loads the next image in the cycle into the display. Now, I would like to add a preloader which displays the loading progress of each image as the user clicks (otherwise there is just a blank area as the image loads). I have made a pre-loader for the main .SWF but I can't figure out how to make it work for the images or how to make a seperate one for the images. The fact is that I am a bit of a muppet when it comes to AS3, and am finding myself getting lost an confused quite easily.

I have attatched the .FLA if that helps any! If not then...

here is the link to the .HTML page that contains the .swf:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrollbar Gallery - Gaps Are Created Between Photos?

Feb 8, 2009

I have made an XML Gallery in Flash but there is a problem, it works very well however some of the photos are portrait and this causes a problem as gaps are created between photos.Here's the code:

ActionScript Code:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make An Image Gallery That Loads 3 Photos At A Time?

Jan 1, 2006

I'm trying to make an image gallery that loads 3 photos at a time (look at .SWF). I have also built a function that resizes the photos to fit into its respective box once they're loaded (a maximum of 120x120 pixels). The images aren't getting resized, and they aren't getting re-loaded after the "forward" button is pressed the second (,third,fourth,etc...) time.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Photo Gallery - Matching Amount Of Photos On Page

Feb 16, 2006

I have decided to build my own XML gallery. The flash loops through, checks how many images there are and duplicates a movie clip to match the amount of photos on that page. The duplicated mc's are given the names "hello"+z, but when trying to load the images they don't want to load (I have taken the code that loads the dynamic images out). When I trace "hello"+z, it gives me an undefined.

Here is the code:
//builds an array for the amount of XML nodes
function loadXML(loaded) {
vararPhoto =[]
if (loaded) {
xmlNode = this.firstChild;
[Code] .....

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Professional :: Large Photos Freeze Flash Player?

Jul 23, 2010

This was working with Flash 10, but 10.1 kills it  I am not sure if its the server or client side that makes it freeze.
import flash.display.BitmapData
var aScene:Array = []


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Edit A Template Gallery With Not Xml Files?

Oct 13, 2009

i bought a template and have edited too my satisfaction,however i am unable to add more pics to the gallery,i can add frames and pics in the pics/thumbs timeline, but they do not showi can change the 12 pics in the original timeline without difficulty, but cannot find anyway to add more pics or thumbs.i have been trying to sort this for a week with no joy, i would really appreciate any help that i can get on this, any at all.i did post the .FLV file on the adobe server Case #0181222772

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Gallery - Getting Errors 1120 : Access Of Undefined Property? Photos

Dec 7, 2010

I'm following a tutorial for a gallery but it's in AS2 and I'm working in AS3. so I've had to use an event listener.As I am in AS3 i still need to add _mc at the end of the each instance name ?

Description : Once the mouse rolls over the thumb, the alpha should increase from .50-1

thumb1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayAtImg1);
function fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayAtImg1(event:MouseEvent):void
{ photos.gotoAndPlay("img1");[code].....

these are the errors

1120: Access of undefined property photos.

1119: Access of possibly undefined property onRollOver through a reference with static type flash.display:SimpleButton.

1119: Access of possibly undefined property onRollout through a reference with static type flash.display:SimpleButton.

Warning: 1090: Migration issue:The onRollOver event handler is not triggered automatically by Flash Player at run time in ActionScript 3.0. You must first register this handler for the event using addEventListener ( 'mouseOver', callback_handler).

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Professional :: Clear Photos In Full-screen Flash Sites?

Jun 22, 2010

i've been working with flash for a long time, but there's still something that i don't quite think i'm understanding fully. i see many of these sophisticated photography sites programmed so that the photo fills the whole screen (such asand the photo is crisp and clear on any sized monitor.i know how to set the site to be programmed to fill 100% of the screen, and i know how to "trace bitmap" inside of flash so that the photos work a little better. they then act more like vector images than bitmaps which tend to pixelate when proportions are enlarged. but when i use the "trace bitmap" feature, the flash file often becomes very large size in terms of KB, even when some detailed smaller images are traced.

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Make Multiple Flash Files From The Same Template And Then Edit That Template

May 24, 2010

If you make multiple flash files from the same template and then edit that template, will all those files have those same changes? If not, is there a way to make the same change on multiple files at once? Basically the same idea as linking HTML files to a single CSS file...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disecting A Photo Gallery Template?

Mar 25, 2010

I'm pretty new to Flash and especially to Action Script, which is why I thought customizing a pre-existing template would be a good way to learn, so I recently downloaded a free Flash Template that uses XML and AS3. I was able to customize almost all of it, but having one major difficulty translating some of the code.[URL]..So at the top, I just wanted to convert the Contact US & Our Company tabs into 2 more galleries. I have created XML files for each and tested them within the other galleries and they appear to work ok, but when I tried to assign them each to their own page I get an error.


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Actionscript 3 :: Replace A Movie A Movie In Flash - Dress Up Game?

Dec 8, 2010

I have a flash movie instance name "headArea" I want to load a external swf and swop the movie inside the headArea - replacing the head.I have the following code:

clickIt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, swopHead);
function swopHead(event:MouseEvent):void {
var loadit = new Loader();


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Flash :: Professional - Edit The Whole Xml Template In CS5?

Jul 11, 2010

i am new to Flash and am currently working with an XML based flash template. When i open the .fla file, none of the text or images show up. I understand this is b/c i have to edit the xml file in dreamweaver. However that is a very complicated way of doing it b/c then i have to keep going back and forth between several programs and saving, and updating, and never getting of "live view" of the chages i am making. My question is: Is there really no way for me to edit the whole xml flash template in Flash CS5? Meaning is there some sort of way to import or manipulate the files so that i can edit the text and images directly in flash pro cs5 and not having to keep going into dreamweaver?

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Professional :: Prebuilt Template In Flash?

Jan 2, 2011

I purchased a premade Flash template last night that is almost perfect for what I need right out of the box.The template is divided into 2 sections, the top being the flash portion and the bottom HTML editable The problem I am running into is editing the the buttons. When I dbl click the menu icons it just keeps jumping back and forth between layers, never allowing me the chance to alter the text.I can upload the SWF file if that would help.

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