Flash :: Professional - Edit The Whole Xml Template In CS5?

Jul 11, 2010

i am new to Flash and am currently working with an XML based flash template. When i open the .fla file, none of the text or images show up. I understand this is b/c i have to edit the xml file in dreamweaver. However that is a very complicated way of doing it b/c then i have to keep going back and forth between several programs and saving, and updating, and never getting of "live view" of the chages i am making. My question is: Is there really no way for me to edit the whole xml flash template in Flash CS5? Meaning is there some sort of way to import or manipulate the files so that i can edit the text and images directly in flash pro cs5 and not having to keep going into dreamweaver?

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WTH - is it supposed to be this difficult to manipulate a template or am I stupid???
Go into project explorer and can't see much AS so how the hwll are they getting the images and text into the flash swf. By the html??? I don't think so.

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Flash :: Professional - Template In CS4 - Changing The Pixel Size

Feb 10, 2010

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Feb 21, 2010

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Feb 10, 2011

I'm doing an app for the next st valentin's day and I'm using the Facebook API. The idea is that the user will be able to take a picture with it's own webcam and then edit that photo for to send it to a friend from facebook. But I can't find a tutorial about to edit an image (a bitmap) in the application. Can you tell me how can I do it? I want to edit the bitmap on the same app, like add a frame around the picture and maybe add a message too.

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Flash :: Professional - Create Or Edit - Preloader In Cs4

Apr 5, 2011

I need to create or edit which ever is easier the preloader for a flash banner which someone else created. I have searched for days (well hours) for an answer to my requirement on line and have gotten exactly nowhere. I mean if I just wanted a black box with a 100% loading rectangle I'd be sorted by now but that's NOT what I need so I'm pining my hopes on the expertise within this forum.

What I need is a preloader with a single static graphic and 100% counter which stops running and displays a black rectangle before the main fla file kicks in. I have tried every which way to achieve this and the closest I got was a single static graphic with a static loading sign which was viewable at every transition in my main fla file as the graphics were changing?

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Professional :: Edit Website Flash Templat?

Jun 13, 2011

I am about to buy a website flash template. Before I buy the template I want to make sure, that I am good enough to edit to my needs. I downloaded a free flash template and I tried to edit it in my Flash CS5.I have had a lot of trouble editing it and I can't even figure out how I change the pictures or the text. [URL]..

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Sep 25, 2011

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Apr 17, 2010

it has interactive picture gallery where you roll over with the mouse and click on the desired photo to see it on bigger size. I would like to replace the big photos with videos of my showreel. you can go and check it out: [URL]. Flash only allows me to exchange for the same file this case pictures.

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Professional :: Can't Edit A Line With The Properties Panel - Flash CS4

Feb 3, 2010

I have created a line on the stage with the Line tool, and then want to edit the Stroke and Style in the Properties panel. However, after creating the line these options are greyed out and not available to me. Even if I then select the Line with the Selection tool, I cannot edit the Stroke or the Style.

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Professional :: Edit The Text Of A Flash Project/website

Mar 10, 2012

i'm trying to edit the text of a Flash project/website. The flash project structure is as follows:
- Main.fla
-- Section1.fla
-- Section2.fla
-- Section3.fla
-- Section4.fla
The Section3.fla file contains the text I need to edit. I notice that the text is visible inside the library:

"/Sprites/sprite 11" file
"/Text/text" 10 file
But when I try to edit the text 10 file I get the message: "This symbol is imported from a Shared Library. If you edit this symbol, it will no longer be imported. Do you want to continue?".
If I click Yes and edit the text and replace the Section3.swf with the new one, the website still shows the old text.

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Feb 12, 2010

ive been creating .FLV videos using premiere. Inorder to view them in IE, do I need to use the 'Flash' software to create a .SWF? I'm a little lost in the process post edit --> web

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Professional :: CS5 Timeline Animation Kinda Freezes Flash When Trying To Edit

Sep 24, 2010

I have a pretty long timeline animation to be edited; in CS4 editing the file was no problem, you could scroll through the frames without problems, using CS5 and trying to do the same the app freezes for several seconds and then reacts and performs the last click you did - honestly I can definitely no edit the animation with CS5.Is there any sort of option which may cause this strange/slow behavior?

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