*** Security Sandbox Violation *** Connection to server:82/media/user/00/00/02/77/98/User27798_132_198.jpg halted - not permitted from file:///C|/Users/admin/Desktop/tour5.swf
I only get this error on very wide photos, ever since compiling in Player 10, I do not get these error messages when publishing to 9.
It freezes my flash player when in standalone mode In IE, it causes it to completely shut down. In Chrome, it just closes the entire flash player.
Note this is actionscript 2, and I have never seen a security sandbox error before. Only in AS3 have I.
i sort of asked this before but never got a clear responce to it. this is sort of a two part question. one i have a dynamic gallery of images with a small picture that you click on that loads a bigger picture. I would love to be able to just have one photo that loads into the bigger mc and also the small mc. right now what i am doing is making two size photos a small 47x47 and a large141x141. does anyone know how i can use the same photo for both mc's second question. if that works will it make the small photos take forever to load since their sorce is a large photo?
I've set up my custom Flash video player and am almost there but would like some final touches and advice on how to do that. How do I get a freeze frame to appear instead of the buffer bar when the clip ends?Here is my code:
Code: var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); nc.connect(null);
I've created a basic mp3 player in AS2, that reads mp3s from a xml file and lists them in a playlist. As its a custom player for a client project, there's some additional features such as volume muter and time limit. Anyway, my problem is, on some computers this player freezes the browser for 10secs and then resumes as normal, but on other pc's it plays fine without a hitch.
All computers tested were Win XP Firefox IE 7
So I cant really pinpoint why it would freeze the browser. Here's the player [URL]. Does it freeze your browser for 10secs then resume as normal, or? Here's the source file [URL].
I am developing a product for schools including flash animations - swf files written in AS3 - for insert/embed into PowerPoint slideshows. Hundreds of customers are waiting. It is all working apart from one problem: when inserted/embedded in PowerPoint 2007 slideshows my animations freeze (sometimes) when you leave and return to a PowerPoint slide containing them.
I have found that when you show a PP2007 slide containing a flash movie, move on to the next slide and then return, (sometimes) the time-related Events (ENTER_FRAME, TIMER etc) have stopped being dispatched to AS3 code by Flash Player, freezing animations. Other Events such as MOUSE_MOVE, KEY_DOWN etc are dispatched to AS3 in random bursts. I have created a small flash program and PowerPoint slideshow to demonstrate the problem and put them on the web at: [URL].
I'm trying to load a local file using FileReference load(). It will load small files just fine, but when I try to load a file of around 4-80 megabytes the flash player will crash. I read the load method officially supports up to 100 megabytes.
Here is the exact class I'm using to test: ActionScript Code: import flash.events.Event; import flash.events.IOErrorEvent; import flash.events.ProgressEvent; import flash.net.FileReference; import flash.net.FileFilter [Code] .....
I purchased a template website that has a flash banner which rotates three photos.I was able to get my own photos into the flash but I don't know how to have each photo be a different hyper link.Also the flash template has a next and previous button to cycle through the photos but I would like the photos to move automatically but again don't know how to do that.
i've been working with flash for a long time, but there's still something that i don't quite think i'm understanding fully. i see many of these sophisticated photography sites programmed so that the photo fills the whole screen (such asand the photo is crisp and clear on any sized monitor.i know how to set the site to be programmed to fill 100% of the screen, and i know how to "trace bitmap" inside of flash so that the photos work a little better. they then act more like vector images than bitmaps which tend to pixelate when proportions are enlarged. but when i use the "trace bitmap" feature, the flash file often becomes very large size in terms of KB, even when some detailed smaller images are traced.
Flash freezes when in fullscreen, youtube or any other site. Disabling hardware acceleration works but significantly lowers the playback quality. I'm running XP SP3 and WIndows 7, same problem with both OSs, in IE, Firefox, Opera, and Google chrome, so it's definitly the adobe flash player that's causing the problem. Tried unninstaling adobe flash player and adobe activeX completely, than downloaded latest versions and installed them. Then I tried unninstaling them, unninstalling all the browsers, restarting, then installing the browsers and then the latest flash player.
I am new to flash, and I've never done animation before, so I'm a little confused on how to make a symbol movie clip, freeze and then keep moving.
Do I need to do it frame by frame?
I made a character walk from off the stage to the center by using a motion tween and it appears to be moving because I edited the symbol to make the legs move. But now I don't know how to make the legs stop when the character reaches the end of the motion tween. Is it even possible?
it has interactive picture gallery where you roll over with the mouse and click on the desired photo to see it on bigger size. I would like to replace the big photos with videos of my showreel. you can go and check it out: [URL]. Flash only allows me to exchange for the same file this case pictures.
why does my exported .mov file freeze/skip? I exported a .mov if HD 1280x720 and it freezes/skips. If I convert it to another format it's okay. Is it my video card or am I am not exporting it right? I used the h.264 and compressor quality best.
I am very frequently having Flash CS5.5 freeze up whenever I try to copy and paste Library content between two different FLAs. The object I'm copying is usually a Movie Clip with some child Movie Clips.The larger or more complex the FLA you're pasting into, the worse the problem seems to be.I''ve experienced this on two different systems, Both Macs running 10.6.7.The problem is bad enough that it renders 5.5 unusable.
I am trying to create a web site suing adobe Dreamweaver and flash, for the first time.I am trying to upload a webpage that contains swf.When I check mu site I could only see a blank page with the webpage title at the top of the page.When I contacted the webhosting company they say they can see the message that a newer version of adobe flash player is required. From my computer I cannot even see the message.The helpdesk person said there are possibly two reasons for it. Either there is a problem with the code in flash or it is too large.Are they too large to upload? If so, what is the maximum size of file can I upload on a webpage?I know they are basic questions but I am trying to create website on my own.
We have developed flash video player which needs to playe large videos (at least 500 MB videos).We have some issues in the player right now.I am playing a 100 MB + video, it start playing and say it is buffering upto 50% of that video. Then I am closing that page. If I take that video again, it starts downloading from beginning. It never resume downloading from where it buffered previous time. But for small video files, this is looking ok. Is there any size limit a video player can buffer?Is there any better way to play large videos (more than 500 MB). Any other protocol or any other settings in flash player?
My loader component works when I publish to Flash Player 7 but not when I publish to Flash Player 8, why? The publish setting are for ActionScript 2.0 on both.
I want to create a swf of 5 photos that fade into each other. For example, black background, first photo fades up from alpha 0 to alpha 100 in one second, stays on screen for 4 seconds, then fades back to alpha 0 while the next photo fades up, etc, then the 5th photo fades back into the 1st photo and it loops.
What's the best, easiest way to accomplish this with cs4?
Also, if the jpgs are 980 x650 pixels and approx. 70 kb apiece, will I need a preloader if I'm going to use the swf as a header to my site? If so, is there a simple, plug n play preloader I can use?
I'm trying to figure out the best way to email my flash file to a large group of people for quick viewing.There are people with all different kinds of software and computers, so I don't want to zip anything.The projector file I made is too big to send out.Does anybody have any suggestions on how to email flash files for quick, simple viewing?
I'm trying to create a little slideshow with photos. I created a little animation on every photo (a really subtle zoom-in or zoom-out effect) and transition using alpha transparency.
But some photos will flicker very bad. Expecially photos containing elements like grids or straight lines. Only really blurred pictures will render well.
I already raised FPS up to 60 but flicker still occurs.
I'm using flash8. Will another flash version (which?) render the movie in a better way?
The photographer at this site [URL] wants me to modify the slideshow on the home page. He wants to replace some of the old photos with new ones. Can I do this with Adobe Flash CS3? If so, please point me to tutorials that will get me up to speed. Or maybe it's too difficult for a Flash newbie?
I am well versed in Photoshop and getting somewhere in Illustrator, so the Adobe learning curve is not a huge factor for me. I have not, however, done much work in Flash (or any, really). I want to create what should be a pretty simple animation and I'm wondering what the best approach is. Also, I've never done any ActionScript work but do have extensive development experience. I have access to Flash Professional and Catalyst, PS, AI - all of Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium. I would like to draw/design in either PS or AI something that looks like a photo booth.
I want to animate some photos being printed out and falling out into the tray or whatever... just like what you see when a strip of four photos prints out in one of those booths at the mall or the movie theater. I want to do it a few times with a few different pictures. It would be easiest to just "hard code" or embed which pictures I want in the movie, but if I could eventually do some ActionScripting to just pull all images in a directory or (best yet) from the Flickr API that would be really awesome too. I just need to know where to get started. Should I try starting with FP or import some AI into FC?
That I need to update and edit. The person that created this site is no longer here. We have a team member section that has our team photos. I need to edit by removing photos and add new ones. How do I edit?
I am using Flash and Photoshop CS5 for a college (HND) project (by which I mean, a single document for a Flash portfolio) and, Flash in particular, they keep appearing to freeze (i.e. they temporarily show as "Not Responding") whenever I save and take forever to save. My computer is quite low spec. (I intend to get another high-spec one but until that point) and possibly insufficient for what I am trying to run. However, I have only recently started having this problem and the saving is so slow that it is hampering my development of the project..
Is there at least a short-term solution to this? I really need to get on with the project and I can't when it's running like this. Flash also occasionally crashes so I can't risk not saving it regularly as I could lose work.
we'd made a flash site which was working fine on normal pc and mac and on all kind of browsers, but we discovered if the pc has no sound card, the flash will freeze after loaded, we tried some other flash sites, some of them also cannot run without a sound card but some can, is there any script we need to add to avoid this problem?
I have the newest firefox and the flash debug version. Whenever there is an flash error happen, the error message window popup, and then my firefox freeze immediately. It seems like the problem only happen on debug version of flash. I searched online, people said change the Code:dom.ipc.plugins.timeoutSecs to -1 will fix the problem, but I tried, it doesn't really fix it. Anyone know anything I could try to fix it?
When my Flash website loads, it freezes halfway through the initial animation for 2-3 seconds and then continues. Am thinking it is one of the scripts in index.html and have tried all sorts of ways to correct it -[code]...
I am using Ubuntu 10.10 on my IBM X200t. Installed is the standard flash player plugin for Firefox: (flashplugin-nonfree, Everytime I switch a flash video to fullscreen, the video freezes. However, the video continues to play and I hear sound. How can I fix this?