Professional :: Developing A G.U.I 'drag & Drop' Code Module To Place And Replace 3D Objects On A 3D Object?
Mar 27, 2010I'm developing a G.U.I 'drag & drop' code module to place and replace 3D objects on a 3D object.
View 1 RepliesI'm developing a G.U.I 'drag & drop' code module to place and replace 3D objects on a 3D object.
View 1 RepliesI'm new around these parts (I literally signed up about 3 minutes ago!). I'm a high school student who just started using Flash about a month or two ago, so I'm far from advanced, though I have tackled some of the basics. In class I'm working on an art portfolio site but in my spare time I'm making a virtual dress-up doll (you know, the kind where you can pick up the clothes and drop them on the figure to mix and match outfits).Learning how to make drag-and-drop objects was very easy and there are lots of tutorials on it but what I can't figure out is how to get objects to "snap" into place. I want it so that the doll's hairdo's snap into position because they look kind of stupid when placed incorrectly.
View 7 Repliesim working on a new Project that i'm require to Drag few Items into One Item ( Like Food Ingredient ) But the problem is After each Drag i want the Draggable picture change to something new ( maybe with food inside ) i have no idea how to do it and how give priority to objects like which go first and which one last.[code]
View 0 RepliesI have to use the old drag and drop code on my movie clips, but the problem is when I drag the movieclip to the area on my .swf file once i release it, it sticks to the hand mover.I am encloseing the action script I am using could someone or kglad tell me what is missing from the code so that once it is released it will not stick, see code belowcircle.onPress = function(){ startDrag(this);}circle.onRelease = function(){ stopDrag();}
View 3 RepliesI have found the following code and modified it.
// Drag a piece of garbage.
rubbish_mc.onPress = function() {
this.startDrag(false); }; // When the garbage is dragged over the trashcan, make it invisible.
rubbish_mc.onRelease = function() {
this.stopDrag(); // Convert the slash notation to dot notation using eval.
if (eval(this._droptarget) == trash_mc) {
rubbish_mc._visible = false;
change_score(); } };
My question: I have numerous movie clips for the rubbish. Is there a more elegant way of calling them than repeating the above lines with rubbish2_mc, rubbish3_mc etc.
i want to improve my code for drag drop seven different or multiple objects to be moved in any three of target places then target value will be search by category or feature wise,[code]
View 3 RepliesI'm creating an application where the user can select an object from a list of objects, and then put it on the main window.
I want to have the list of objects presented like in the web app : [URL]
The user can select a category, then the list of objects of that category is displayed, then he can drag and drop an object to the main window.
How is it possible to do this, having a list of objects?
i have tried a lot of time to make my project into a success.this is the link to my swf...all objects are accepted when i drop it into the plastic bin
var startX:Number;
var startY:Number;
var counter:Number = 0;
I am trying to make a quiz on metals. I have several elements which i want to fall into multiple target areas (e.g. the target areas are shaded grey in the following swf; metal_mc, nonmetal_mc, metalloid_mc). I can make individuals match to target areas (as there are tutorials for that) but i want each one to be able to slide in to any target area (and someday i want to create a solve button which will then place each element in the correct place). have started all over and have designated only chlorine to move (for the moment) but how do i code it to allow it to fall into any of the grey areas?
var objectoriginalX:Number;var objectoriginalY:Number;chlorine_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp);chlorine_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropIt);function
Would like to develop simple (in browser) puzzle games where shapes (such as a puzzle piece shape) can be simultaneously dragged and rotated, then dropped on the screen or canvas. The game mode would be to click and drag the shape or object, while simultaneously rotating the piece using arrow keys Is this possible in Flash? This simple general activity of simultaneous drag and rotate, then drop, is my intended overallweb site game basis. I'm new to Flash but have developed Windows executables for many years. I'm trying to decide whether to purchase and learn Flash as platform for interactive educational puzzle games running in browser windows.
View 4 RepliesHow do you drag and drop and shape within a certain area, like a large square, for instance?
View 3 RepliesI have made a flash application and in this flash application I have included a jigsaw puzzle. The application is wrote on one timeline and certain frames are used as different pages within the application.
The problem is once the jigsaw drag and drop are moved the pieces are displayed on all frames instead of just the one jigsaw puzzle frame I created.
How can I make these drag and drop items not be shown on the other frames?[code]...
Once I drag and drop the movie clip symbol it will not release the symbol in sum cases I am sending the code. See code below:
function f(mc:MovieClip):Void{
mc.onPress =function(){
[Code] .....
I am using a drag n drop (snap into place) routine. MC1 is dragged onto mc2. I want a button on mc2 to make mc1 go to its original position and reset itself. As it is mc1 goes to frame 2 where the frame is empty.
View 1 RepliesI'll try to make a movieclip for drag and drop event this is a code that I've find on the web:
import flash.display.Sprite;
But this one make a vectoriale circle on the stage and makes it draggable.Now I've a movie_clip called "mc_Image" on my stage (that have inside a image background and some transparent button).
I was wondering if there was anyway to put a line between two or more dragable objects... The only example I can think of is [URL]
View 8 RepliesIt is possible to drag & drop items between different flash objects?
View 1 RepliesI am trying to create a drag and drop tutorial by building a chemistry set.
The object of the tutorial is to drag and drop the appropriate instruments onto the target to build the kit.
I have the chemistry stand which had been designated as the target and five instruments which the user can drag and drop though only one will connect to the stand and send the user to the next frame. The instruments that are not correct snap back to their original position.
This process continues over 6 seperate frames.
The whole drag and drop process works fine, the only issue is that when the user picks up the wrong instrument and it snaps back to original position, and the user then picks up the correct instrument and send the user to the next frame, the wrong instrument (only the one that was picked up) is behind all the other new objects.
How do I get the wrong object that was picked up in the previous frame to not be in the new frame?
I have also included the actionscript for both the correct and and incorrect instrument.
Correct Instrument:
package Chem.DragDrop
import flash.display.MovieClip;
I am doing a lesson on electricity with my class. I have a range of electrical symbols which the kids use to create simple circuits by dragging and dropping on the interactive whiteboard. I only have one of each symbol displayed - when a student drags one away I want the symbol/object to replicate itself at the same point that one was dragged away
View 2 Repliesi want to be able to drag and drop multiple objects. In this code the Encryption_mc doesnt return to its original returns to the position of the Message_mc.any idea how i can return it to its original position?
var encOffset:Point = new Point();var encOffset1:Point = new Point();
i have tried a lot of time to make my project into a success.this is the link to my swf... all objects are accepted when i drop it into the plastic bin.URL..
View 1 RepliesI am designing a simple classify drag and drop game, but I got several objects and targets, for example square shape object can only go to square shape target, however when I have 2 or more square, then the square2 and square3 can not go to square target!
var objectoriginalX:Number;
var objectoriginalY:Number;
var counter:Number = 0;
triangle_mc.buttonMode = true;
triangle_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickupObject);
[Code] .....
I'm trying to build a drag and drop quiz where you have a list of countries, and have to drag the correct country into a blank spot in a paragraph to correctly fill out the sentence (see attached). I can get the first country to drag and drop properly. But when I tried to code the second country in the list, I get the following error message: "1021 duplicate function definition" Following is my code:
I have a drag and drop project using bitmaps that were masked using fireworks. All bitmaps are PNG (fireworks files) and one object is GIF. All objects were converted to movie clips.
PROBLEM: All movie clips from PNG's can be dragged, but they can't be dropped. However, the GIF movie clip responds to both drag and drop.ActionScript worked when all movie clips had GIF's. Is this problem because they objects were masked or for any other reason?
Note: Objects were masked because their border is very fussy and cropping them doesn't help with the quality of their image.
var startX:Number;
var startY:Number;
var counter:Number = 0;[code]...
I have been trying forever to figure out how to add multiple mc's (images) with different instance names to 1 target only (another image). All of the mc's and the target are placed on the same layer. All I want it to do is snap different images to the same target. I have tried placing the target on a seperate layer but it does not work either.
Here is the code:
ActionScript Code:
cat_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp);
cat_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropIt);
dog_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp);
I have a very limited knowledge in actionscripting so this might be a simple question for the normal people
how do you drag and drop separate multiple objects at once?
I know how to drag and drop one object but I am stumped on this one
I have been working with a very simple tutorial over at [URL], where you drag objects onto a target movieClip. My question is this, how do you target a movieClip inside a movie clip? What I have are 4 color squares that I want to drag and drop onto a pattern_mc. I put the target mc's with in the pattern_mc. In the tutorial the target mc's are not in a movie clip. I put my target mc's in a movieClip because I want to use the pattern_mc as a material, and I thought this was the correct way to this.
//record objects starting position
var startX:Number;
var startY:Number;
//activate objects to be moved
square1mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp);
square1mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropIt);
[Code] .....
I am going to have what is essentially a grid of 12 boxes. 4 across 3 high. There will be an object in each box. What I want to do is to allow the user to drag an object from one box into another. This will cause the other objects in the boxes to move up one position to fill in the gap that is left by the object being dragged. I have no idea what this is called or so I don't know how to Google it.
View 1 RepliesI'm making a little drag and drop thing with fridge magnets, and I want them to react to each other. You can see it here [URL], i.e., if one is dragged over another it wont actually go over it. it'll push it away.
View 2 RepliesI am developing a drag and drop functionality and take a JPEG screen shot of droped objects. my problem is. when i drag and drop an object the object jumps off some distance.. i am unable to clear tat.. Below is my file