Professional :: When Publishing A Simple Jpeg It Displays Blank?

Oct 19, 2010

I am creating a simple logo and I am trying to publish a jpeg. when I view the published jpeg its blank.. same on the gif.

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// set up loader, an instance of MovieClipLoader, and use the main timeline ("this")
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Original image (.fla)
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Professional :: Png Publishing Almost 3x The Size And Cutting Most Off?

Mar 28, 2010

flash document is.. 1920 px by 1080 px, 1080p resolution for animation, standard stuff.When I go to export the stage as a PNG files, doesn't matter if I specify the resolution as 1920 by 1080 or click match movie, the exported png file is HUGE, the size to be exact is 8000 by 4500, why is this? I can't find a way to fix that.Secondly, it's not exporting the full stage, it seems to be cutting off most of  the right side, see the image below.[URL]

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Jun 10, 2011

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Professional :: Text Disappearing After Publishing A .swf?

Dec 19, 2011

*Using Flash CS5 professional (AS3)*
I'm currently working on a LARGE flash presentation broken up into many small flash movies.  the files play fine in the timeline, but SOMETIMES when publishing as .swf, the text is not visible, but all the other objects and tweens play as normal.  My co-worker is also having this same issue, but we can not figure out why.  It seems random and does not happen with all of the files.   We are copying and pasting symbols from file to file.  i don't think that is the issue, though.  i wonder if anyone else is experiencing this or knows why.  causing LOTS of extra time spent remaking presentations. 

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Professional :: Put Flat Designs And Dynamically Slap Them On These Fabric Displays

Feb 25, 2010

I maintain a website for a company that creates popUp displays for trade shows. Here is a link [URL]. I am pretty advanced in Flash and AS3, so I'm planning to make a utility for visitors to the website where they can take their picture(logo) and choose a few options and this will generate a render of what their display could look like.

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Mar 26, 2011

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Professional :: Flash Displays No TLF Text On Publish After 1000 Frames?

Apr 27, 2011

Whenever I test or publish a CS5 movie that uses TLF text (no matter which font), the .swf displays all elements but the text. There's simply nothing there. I'm on a mac with Snow Leopard, 10.6.7. This only happens as soon as I pass the 1000 frame limit (before, everything displays fine). Reaching wit's end here. Anyone know what causes this, and more specifically, how to solve it?

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Professional :: Leaving A Frame Its Content Displays When Going To Earlier Frames?

Nov 28, 2011

Using CS 5.5, I am using a single scene with buttons that all appear on the first frame along with code snippet  AS also on the first frame that when clicked, takes the user to a different frame. Everything seems to work fine, except, after you go to frame 15 and click on one of the buttons that take you to one of the earlier frames, the text from frame 15 still displays on those earlier frames. The text on frame 15 is on a different layer and does not exist anywhere else until frame 15.

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Professional :: Replace Movie With Jpeg At End?

Nov 6, 2010

I have a simple flash movie on a webpage.At the the end of the movie, I would like the player to disappear and be replaced by an image.As an example, imagine clicking play and watching a movie about Disney, then when the movie ends the player is replaced by an image which is a coupon to use at Disney.

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Professional :: How To Convert .pngs To Jpeg

Jul 7, 2011

i have about 70 imgs i brought into the library in Flash CS5. Now the SWF is to big bc there all .png files, i tried to go into properties and change there .png to .jpeg but its a very looooong process, is there any way to highlight them all and either change them but updating the .pngs to .jpeg files ?

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Professional :: Publishing A Projector No Longer Works?

Feb 19, 2010

I've been developing a fairly simple presentation in CS4, AS3, OSX, which runs as a standalone projector.Everything was working for a while, but now for no apparent reason, any file I publish as a projector starts the Flash Player app, but the projector does not appear or play.Older versions that I had already published will play correctly, but if I re-publish them they do not work any more.

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Professional :: Masking Unwanted Objects When Publishing A .swf?

Jul 23, 2010

I maybe missing the point or simply not ticking a tick box, I've created a web banner for one of my publications that I work on (please find at the following address [URL].. As you can see I have some aircraft flying away from the tree at the bottom, what I would like to happen that they dissappear  when they pass the keyline. I had thought that if I continued the animation onto the pasteboard that when it came to publishing, flash would ignore items this grey area and would act as a trim, am I correct in thinking this? How would I go about correct this so that only the animation within the set parameters appear?

Also is there a way of setting the scale of a flash banner? I have a feeling that this is so simple, but just can't find the panel to set it all.

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Professional :: Publishing A Single Scene In Flash CS5

Aug 30, 2010

DId things change in regards to publishing scenes?  I know I can publish preview a scene with the option-command-return, and that still works, however it does NOT replace the swf file in the location chosen in the Publish Settings.
I have an old .fla I need to get swfs published from each scene... this used to be a piece of cake.

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