Professional :: Put Flat Designs And Dynamically Slap Them On These Fabric Displays

Feb 25, 2010

I maintain a website for a company that creates popUp displays for trade shows. Here is a link [URL]. I am pretty advanced in Flash and AS3, so I'm planning to make a utility for visitors to the website where they can take their picture(logo) and choose a few options and this will generate a render of what their display could look like.

I'm not sure even where to begin with distorting an image to fit a wave style display. We make renders often with maya, but we don't need flash to look THAT good, just an idea so people don't keep making basic mistakes like making their text unreadable. I just want to put flat designs and dynamically slap them on these fabric displays!

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<a >
<b >


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<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="864" height="216" id="FlashID2" title="decent1">
<param name="movie" value="FLASHbannerDECENT1.swf" />


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Oct 5, 2009

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Flex :: Group Flat Data In Advanced Datagrid Won't Work

May 17, 2010

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Apr 19, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Skew Image With Matrix, Top Angle Good, Bottom Flat?

Jun 15, 2011

I am trying to skew an spark Image object using a matrix. The problem I am having is that it only effects the top angle. I think it may be related to the position of the image (x and y). The top angle is prefect but the bottom is flat!
Here is a bit of code:
//imgA = pixles down from top left coord, I used arctan with oposite over adjacent to get a radian angle
openImage.width = imgW; //say 200
openImage.height = imgH; //say like 300


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