Actionscript 3 :: Show / Hide A Row In Flex AdvancedDataGrid With Hierarchical View But Flat ArrayCollection DataProvider

Sep 9, 2010

I am working on a Flex AdvancedDataGrid with a flat ArrayCollection dataProvider. The requirement is that when the root nodes is closed, the root row should show a subtotal data and when the root nodes is opened, not show the subtotal data.

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Flex :: ItemEditor In AdvancedDataGrid When Using Hierarchical Data As DataProvider

Mar 23, 2011

Following is the sample code. While I start editing either in optionId column or option column, the other rows of the same column are also get affected and reflecting the same value. But when I am editing in other columns it is working fine... Don't know the reason.


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Flex :: Sort AdvancedDataGrid With Hierarchical Data?

Mar 29, 2011

I have an AdvancedDataGrid with a HierarchicalCollectionView as its dataProvider. When I view the grid with the dataset I'm working with, and click the header of the column I wish to sort on, everything works perfectly. It sorts it hierarchically exactly how I would expect it to.What I want to do now is have the grid already be sorted when it is shown to the user. Is there a way to do this programatically? I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this, and clearly it's possible since the AdvancedDataGrid has this built in.[code]This appears to do something as far as sorting goes, but it doesn't sort it in the same way as clicking the column header. "startDate" is a property of an object in theDataSource by the way.

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Actionscript 3 :: Detecting Out-of-view Flex Controls - Hide And Show Based On User Context

Sep 10, 2009

In my flex app I have custom tooltips on buttons that hide and show based on user context. The problem that I dealing with is that when I call my showTips() function I only want to show tooltips on the buttons that visible in the view. So buttons that on a un-selected tab (tabNavigator) should not show the tooltips. For some reason all tooltips are showing. Is there a way to detect if a button is not in current view, like on a un-selected tab?

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Flex :: AdvancedDataGrid: Optimizing Adding To The Underlying DataProvider?

Apr 9, 2011

I know ADG related questions generally get ignored because "it's a crappy component". Indeed, it is not one of my favorite pieces of code ever, but I'm stuck with it and have been working (pretty hard) at optimizing its performance. Turns out there's a fair amount of stuff one can do to make things go fast. One thing I've been stuck on, though, is not to optimize adding an element to the underlying dataprovider. Say you want to add a row to the ADG using a addChildAt call on the DP. All seems well but the operation is so slow - it's unbearable. Now, I realize that the ADG may need to redraw all the stuff below the line added, but seriously, in 2011 that should not take a load of time and 100$ of my CPU. Does anyone know what may be the main culprit?

Note: I'm able to catch the CollectionEvent of kind "add" and not deliver them to the ADG, which I thought would do the trick, but the ADG still updates and takes forever to do so, so I'm guessing there's something else somewhere else.

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Flex :: Adobe - Palm The Two Set Of Arraycollection To AdvancedDatagrid?

Nov 9, 2011

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var abc:arraycollection = new arraycollection([{region:"AAA"}])
var cde:arraycollection = new arraycollection([{territory:"A"},{territory:"b"}])

how do i palm the above two set of arraycollection to advancedDatagrid

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Flex :: Access Data Of A ComboBox With An ArrayCollection DataProvider?

Nov 10, 2009


Here am getting array of groups(groupName,GroupID each row ) from a RemoteObject and displaying in a ComboBox. I am selecting the groups with selectedIndex as 0,1,2,3, but I want my groupIDs of correspoding groupnames,which am bringing to client side.

How can I get actual the groupId of the selected group?

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Flex :: Refresh GroupCollection Of An AdvancedDatagrid - The Sorted Arraycollection Gets Randomized

Dec 2, 2009

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May 4, 2011

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<s:List itemRenderer="renderers.ItemRenderer" dataProvider="{collectionWorkspace}" />


<s:ArrayCollection id="collectionWorkspace">
<comp:Layout1 />[code]...

I get an error (fixed for clarification):Error: Skin for Application....Button1 cannot be found.

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May 26, 2010

I have a flex application in which I have a TabNavigator with multiple tabs and a datagrid in each of those tabs. I have bound s single array of data to each grid.

What I want to do is to bind each grid with a particular set of data in that array i.e. to distribute array contents among grids based on data type. For example items starting with letter A could be displayed in first grid, B in second, starting with C in third and so on. Hence you can say alphabetically distribute the data on different grids. The problem is that the data will be added randomly by the user.

To make one data array for each grid is not an option (due to design restrictions).

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Dec 30, 2011

How to tween/add effects for the action of tree expanding/collapsing in an AdvancedDataGrid in flex.

I googled a bit, searched the livedocs, but there doesn't seem to be a concrete example for the same.

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Actionscript 3 :: DataGrid With ArrayCollection As DataProvider?

Nov 11, 2011

I have a Datagrid with an ArrayCollection as DataProvider, the arrayCollection is partially generated by a remoteObject call, the dataprovider seems to works at least until I try to edit the field...By the RemoteObject I only receive an ArrayCollection with the field ip, but the datagrid looks for the fields ip, check and save...If I add/edit this new field it works, but only under particular condition

The DataGrid:

<s:DataGrid id="datagrid" left="10" right="10" top="136"
dataProvider="{listaIPCheck}" bottom="10" requestedRowCount="4">

This code always work in the 3 points, so at the end of the call the ArrayCollection is always filled with the new values, but the datagrid refresh the items only in point #1 and #2.

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Actionscript 3 :: ArrayCollection Of One Element As DataProvider

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Hide A Row In AdvancedDataGrid?

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ActionScript 3 :: Scroll To Alphabet In List (ArrayCollection DataProvider)

Oct 4, 2011

I have a list (LIST#1) of artists:
Jason Aldean
The Trews

I also have a list (LIST#2) that has the values #,A-Z - how would I create an alphabet jump? So If a user clicked on "A" in LIST#2 that would automatically scroll to "Adele" at the top of LIST#1 - not filter so he/she could scroll up to view 2Pac or down to view The Tews if they were not in the view yet. Its a standard Flex Spark List with an ArrayCollection as the dataProvider - the artist field is called: "title" along with a unique id field that is not visible to the user.

private function alphabet_listChange(evt:IndexChangeEvent) : void {
var letter:String;
letter = evt.currentTarget.selectedItems[0].toString();
[Code] ......

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Flash :: Display Data Using ArrayCollection To A Control That Without DataProvider?

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Flex Show / Hide On Mouse Over / Out

Mar 23, 2010

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Flex :: Combobox Hide And Show Down Arrow?

Mar 29, 2010

I am looking to implement a search text box as follows:When user starts typing in and there are non-zero results, the text box will open up and display the results below it. When the user selects a result, the text box closed, but this time with a down-arrow (like a combobox) so that the user can re-open the list.I suspect what I really need is a combobox with ability to hide/show the down arrow. How do I do this in Flex?

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Feb 4, 2010

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Flex :: Easing Function - Show / Hide Window?

May 28, 2011

I am working on a display that starts with a centered logo and menu. When one of the menu items is clicked I move the logo and menu to the left side and show a datagrid on the right. Is there a way to use an easing function to make this change look better?

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Flex :: Add Effects To The Show/hide Of A Spark Control?

Jul 15, 2011

Possible Duplicate: Flex 4 Group showEffect/hideEffect.I have an existing flex application that uses databinding to show/hide certain elements. It looks a little like this:

<namespace:CustomComponent visible="{modelObject.showCustomComponent}" />

To spruce it up a little bit, I went in and did this:

<s:Move id="ccRollIn" target="{cc}" xFrom="-400" xTo="50" />
<namespace:CustomComponent id="cc" visible="{modelObject.showCustomComponent}" show="" hide=", true)" />

The problem with this is that while the show event plays perfectly, the item disappears from view before the hide effect has a chance to play. Is there a simple way to handle adding animations to this workflow?

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Flex :: Show / Hide Datatips On A Chart With A Secondary Series

Feb 13, 2011

I have a line chart with a column chart as a secondary series. When I roll over the line, the datatips appear. However, if I move the mouse to a spot where a column appears while still on the line, the data tip item appears for the line AND the column. How do I get it so that I only show datatips for the line but not the column?


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 3 Data Grid Hide Value If == 0 And Show Checkbox On Booleans

Oct 11, 2009

I have a data grid. How can I hide a value of a column if it's "0" ? Do I have to use item renderers? How? Is there an easier way? Second thing, if I have a boolean column whose values are actually the strings "true" and "false" how can I render it as a non editable check box?

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Flex :: Viewstack Children - Show / Hide Depending On The State The Application

Sep 17, 2010

I have a viewstack with childrens which I want to show/hide depending on the state the application is


AS you can see I inlude the retail customer view in the retail state and the wholesale customer view in the wholesale state. The problem is that when I run my app they don't appear on neither state.

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Flex :: Tabnavigator - Hide Some Tabs In Tab Navigator And Show Them Only When Certain Event Occurs

Sep 20, 2010

I am using tab navigator. And it has thee tabs "Search", "Show as text", "Show on map" I have a address search box in Search tab. I would like to hide other two tabs if search has not happened yet. So if user hasn't searched any thing other two tabs shouldn't be visible.

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Flex :: Flash Builder Show / Hide ComboBox Based Off Selection

Mar 29, 2012

Is it possible to show or hide a comboBox based off the selection made in another comboBox. I have been looking for documentation on this to no avail.

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Flex :: Any Method In Module Class Where I Can Hide And Show Based On User Login?

May 19, 2010

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- This module loads an image. -->
<mx:Module width="100%" height="100%" [code]..........

I have such 10 modules. Is there any Method in Module Class where i can hide and show based on user login.

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Sql :: ArrayCollection From HTTPService Updates After Call And Doesn't Update View

Aug 6, 2011

I have created a simple method to retrieve XML output from an HTTPService and populate a database from it, but due to the async nature of Flex, the functions go through while its still retrieving data - hence causing the function to return a null value. find code below;

View: Declarations
<s:View xmlns:fx=""


But it can go through the database population before it can retrieve the result from HTTPService hence producing a null result.

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