Flash :: Display Data Using ArrayCollection To A Control That Without DataProvider?

Mar 11, 2012

I know how to display data in a List control using dataProvider but what about control that don't have dataProvider e.g. TextInput, Label contorl?[code]Try to use {dp.ID} and {dp.getItemAt(0).ID} on TextInput but nothing being display?How to make TextInput id=" first Name" able to display the SQL data?

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Flex :: Access Data Of A ComboBox With An ArrayCollection DataProvider?

Nov 10, 2009


Here am getting array of groups(groupName,GroupID each row ) from a RemoteObject and displaying in a ComboBox. I am selecting the groups with selectedIndex as 0,1,2,3, but I want my groupIDs of correspoding groupnames,which am bringing to client side.

How can I get actual the groupId of the selected group?

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Actionscript 3 :: DataGrid With ArrayCollection As DataProvider?

Nov 11, 2011

I have a Datagrid with an ArrayCollection as DataProvider, the arrayCollection is partially generated by a remoteObject call, the dataprovider seems to works at least until I try to edit the field...By the RemoteObject I only receive an ArrayCollection with the field ip, but the datagrid looks for the fields ip, check and save...If I add/edit this new field it works, but only under particular condition

The DataGrid:

<s:DataGrid id="datagrid" left="10" right="10" top="136"
dataProvider="{listaIPCheck}" bottom="10" requestedRowCount="4">

This code always work in the 3 points, so at the end of the call the ArrayCollection is always filled with the new values, but the datagrid refresh the items only in point #1 and #2.

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Actionscript 3 :: ArrayCollection Of One Element As DataProvider

Jan 23, 2012

I use httpservice with object result to load data on dropdownlist. Some time the result is only one element. In this case, an error appear. I know that another solution is to e4x result format but I think that in this case it's longer.

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Xml :: Use ArrayCollection As A DataProvider For A XML File In Flex DataGrid?

Dec 10, 2011

I create a DataGrid to display a XML file and I have used XMLListCollection before. But when I modified the XML file, the DataGrid does NOT refresh itself automatically. I googled for this problem and found these links: refresh flex dataGrid


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ActionScript 3 :: Scroll To Alphabet In List (ArrayCollection DataProvider)

Oct 4, 2011

I have a list (LIST#1) of artists:
Jason Aldean
The Trews

I also have a list (LIST#2) that has the values #,A-Z - how would I create an alphabet jump? So If a user clicked on "A" in LIST#2 that would automatically scroll to "Adele" at the top of LIST#1 - not filter so he/she could scroll up to view 2Pac or down to view The Tews if they were not in the view yet. Its a standard Flex Spark List with an ArrayCollection as the dataProvider - the artist field is called: "title" along with a unique id field that is not visible to the user.

private function alphabet_listChange(evt:IndexChangeEvent) : void {
var letter:String;
letter = evt.currentTarget.selectedItems[0].toString();
[Code] ......

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Flex :: Spark - Skins ArrayCollection As Dataprovider To An ItemRenderer Of A List?

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Objective:I would like to pass Skins to an itemRenderer (which is a Button) of a List, and be able to skin every button in that List.This is what I have:


<s:List itemRenderer="renderers.ItemRenderer" dataProvider="{collectionWorkspace}" />


<s:ArrayCollection id="collectionWorkspace">
<comp:Layout1 />[code]...

I get an error (fixed for clarification):Error: Skin for Application....Button1 cannot be found.

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Flex :: Object To Arraycollection - Unable To See Any Data Display In "S" Which Is A Datagrid?

May 14, 2011

linedataColl is an AC that contains 100+ of rows extract from CSV, I wish to add item into SuperDataCollection object by object but the only problem was I'm unable to see any data display in "S" which is a datagrid. What wrong with my code?

var superDataCollection:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var dc:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var di:Object = new Object();[code]......

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Actionscript 3 :: Show / Hide A Row In Flex AdvancedDataGrid With Hierarchical View But Flat ArrayCollection DataProvider

Sep 9, 2010

I am working on a Flex AdvancedDataGrid with a flat ArrayCollection dataProvider. The requirement is that when the root nodes is closed, the root row should show a subtotal data and when the root nodes is opened, not show the subtotal data.

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Flash - Cannot Get Data Out Of Dataprovider In Flex Application

Jan 26, 2012

I am building an app for a website that will filter through the shops carrying some products/brands and show the results in a List component. I got all the way up to loading the data, putting brands/countries/cities in comboboxes so a user can filter in which country and city he wants to look and for which brand. No problem till now. My problem is that while the dataprovider works as it should when hardcoding some values to the labels that I use for the item renderer of each entry, I cannot get the real data from the data provider. You will see in the code below, that in the VGroup component (which I use for each shop in the list) there are 4 labels, where 3 of them are hard coded, just to see it works.

One of the labels though is trying to get the real data from the xml file and thats where I stop. In all the tutorials i ve seen (and documentation too) everybody just hits "data.XYZ" where XYZ is the name of the attribute or node to get. Doing the same in my case just returns an error of "1120: Access of undefined property data.". There is also an xml file but its loaded correctly and the different xmlLists DO have the correct nodes stored, so I do not think it needs to be posted, unless you think otherwise. The xml nodes for each shop are "title", "tel","mail","city" and I am stuck trying to get the title. The function that matters the most is the filterShops one and then of course the whole list and itemrenderer block.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="[URL]"
width="815" height="578" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
[Code] .....

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Xml :: Flex - Horizontallist Control With XML Dataprovider

Mar 4, 2010

I'm using a HorizontalList control with an XML file as a data provider. This is how the XML looks:


I tried using an array of objects as a dataprovider. The item renderer works and the horizontallist behaves as I expect it to. However, when I use an xml file, it's empty.... I don't know why it's not working.

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Flash :: ArrayCollection Of Data For Label Test In Flex?

Jan 26, 2011

My label text is not showing up after binding the arraycollection to the label text. Could I see an example of how to properly bind an arraycollection to a labels text?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cant Import Fl.data.DataProvider?

Aug 4, 2010

If I try an use a DataProvider in actionscript in my flex project using FlexBuilder 3:
<mx:Script>   <![CDATA[
import fl.data.DataProvider;
I get a compiler error:

There are hundreds of posts on this subject, none with solution. [URL].. has an answer which is meaningless. The mxml page I am developing already has a ComboBox dragged onto it, this does not magically put the DataProvider in a library or similar as implied.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Convert Fl.data::DataProvider

Nov 17, 2010

I try to assign xml as dataprovider to datgrid. The datgrid is inside a moviclip. If i attach that movieclip from current ApplicationDomain, it works. If i try to attach from another ApplicationDomain, it doesnt work. But i can trace the object name and DataProvider (is []). The assigning part doesnt work. any setting issue?
Here is the error,
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert fl.data::DataProvider@32377dc1 to fl.data.DataProvider.
I am using CS5 and AS3.

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Flex :: Display ArrayCollection In Group With An Item Render?

Jul 27, 2011

i got an Arraycollection which holds other arrays in it.i want to display the data inside with an item render but cant manage to do this
here is example code to explain my question

<s:DataGroup dataProvider="{news}"

and this is the item render

<s:Label text="{data.??/}"/>

now what i dont understand is what comes after data? in the array collection the data goes like this : myArrayCollection->[0]->firstname

so when im binding data to item render,how do i represent the [x] to get to the specific name that i want? this obviusly wont work

<s:Label text="{data.[0].name/}"/>

and one more thing is what is the lightest way to display data in a listgroup with simple item render (image and text)

private function convertFBEventData2TreeData(eventData:Object):Object
var children:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();[code].....

i dont know what to add after data, i tried many things but nothing work :

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Flex - Display An ArrayCollection Of Sprites In A List Component?

May 22, 2009

I have an arrayCollection of objects that extend Sprite, and have bitmaps within them. I want to display these in a list (or some other component that would allow a user to scroll through them, and see their associated data.)

When I do: myList.dataProvider = myArrayCollection

the list just shows a bunch of lines of [Object, Item] instead of the visual sprites.

Here is a simplified version of my Object:

public class myUIC extends UIComponent


Tried many different ways to get it to show up in a List, but can't do it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Formatting Received Data From DataProvider

Nov 28, 2011

I have got question,after extracting data from datagrid i want it to form into xml, and trace it in output window, in a shape like this:


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Flash :: Data Integration - Get Image Data From Php And Also Display

May 23, 2011

I want to get image data from php and also display in flash. I want to know... how to read and display imagejpeg( $imgData ); from php. I am able to get php data in flash through below method...


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display Results Of MySQL Query From AMFPHP By ArrayCollection?

Feb 18, 2011

i am using Flash CS4 (AS3) + AMFPHP + MySQL to do own flash frontend for Wordpress CMS.  Everything is going fine but i`ve got one problem. Problem with properly display of result of query in AS3 by using ArrayCollection.
When i check my service in "amfphp/browser/" in web browser i`ve got this (with all needed data):
filterFunction = (null)
length = 2


I know that "result" is an ArrayCollection type but i don`t know how to get rows and columns from this. I know that my data is there but i have no idea how to get it.
how to get to Arrays and simple data variables which are in ArrayCollection.
P.S. I tried also change query type in service.PHP for mysql_fetch_query but in that case i`ve got only one row (not all data).

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Flex :: Using Summary Data From Dataprovider To Populate Chart?

Jan 6, 2010

In Flex, how do I create a summary(say total of various domains) from the data provider and display in chart? Say this is my dataprovider.. I want to display the total estimate of each territory as a slice in piechart

private var dpFlat:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{Region:"Southwest", Territory:"Arizona",
Territory_Rep:"Barbara Jennings", Actual:38865, Estimate:40000}, [code].....

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Flex :: ItemEditor In AdvancedDataGrid When Using Hierarchical Data As DataProvider

Mar 23, 2011

Following is the sample code. While I start editing either in optionId column or option column, the other rows of the same column are also get affected and reflecting the same value. But when I am editing in other columns it is working fine... Don't know the reason.


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Php :: How To Access ArrayCollection Data

Jun 24, 2010

I know this one might be easy but I couldn't figure out.I have a List control that retrieve multiply data from Mysql. When a use clicks the data on List, The datagrid will display the data and the product image will show.I can see the multiply data shown in my dataGrid, but I don't know how to get the individual data shown.

<s:List id="compList"


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Adobe - Ensure A Flex DataProvider Processes The Data Synchronously?

Aug 12, 2009

I am using an component, and currently have a dataProvider working that is an ArrayCollection (have a separate question about how to make this an XML file... but I digress). Variable declaration looks like this:


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Flex :: Data Binding - Datagrid Sorting Not Preserved Across Dataprovider Changes?

Aug 26, 2009

I have a flex datagrid. it is bound to an array collection. if the user sorts on column X it works fine. then, if the user causes the array collection to change, the datagrid forgets that it was sorted on column X.what do I need to do to preserve this sort preference so that the new array data will appear sorted by column X?

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Use Flex Tilelist Data Effects Combined With A ListCollectionView Dataprovider?

Nov 12, 2009

I am using a TileList control with an effect sequence linked to the itemsChangeEffect property.[code]...

However, my data provider is a ListCollectionView that I use to filter items. When I set a filter criteria, it will hide a couple of items from the TileList but there is no animation like when I remove an item. Is there a way to animate the TileList when an item is filtered ?

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Actionscript 3 :: Insert XML Data Into An ArrayCollection?

Apr 13, 2010

How do I insert XML data into an ArrayCollection in AS3?

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Flex - To Change Xml Data To ArrayCollection?

Jun 3, 2010

I have xml file with data as below and i want to convert this into Flex ArrayCollection including the id and name of the tags. I am using httpService to get the file.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: ArrayCollection As Tree Data Provider

Mar 11, 2009

I have been trying to populate a tree control via an httpservice that uses php to talk to a database. The queries work fine and the data comes back in the following format from php:
echo "<root>";
echo "<topic>";
echo "<sectioncode>$sectioncode</sectioncode>";
echo "<children>";
echo "<labtitle>$title</labtitle>";
echo "</children>";
echo "</lab>";
echo "</root>";

Flex can see this and interprets the heirarchy fine unless i try to format the resultformat in the httpservce (if i do that it goes a little nuts). The results from the php query to the db come back as an ArrayCollection with each containing a "root->topic->sectioncode->title" type of structure (which is what I want). When I go and try to use this Arraycollection as a dataprovider for a tree control, it doesn't work at all. When I use the arraycollection as the dataprovider I get [object,object] for every row in the tree and there is no parent/child structure.

Ideally I would like the title to be a child of the numbercode, but when i try and format the return from xml like that the number becomes and object without a value and the title becomes a child. I have a feeling that I am missing something in the php return to show the structure to flex more clearly and also something in the tree to implement it as the data provider better. Here is the code that I am using in the tree:
<mx:Tree x="25" y="48" height="451" id="ilabtree" dataProvider="{labarray}" labelField="@title" width="152" textAlign="center"></mx:Tree>

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Flex :: Populate Tree Using Data From ArrayCollection?

Apr 6, 2010

Let's say I had an ArrayCollection like this:

public var ac:ArrayCollection= new ArrayCollection([
{item:"dog", group:"Animals"},
{item:"orange", group:"Fruits"},


How would I create a Tree component in Flex 3 that uses the groups as nodes, with the appropriate items listed under each node?

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Flex :: Why List Not Displaying Data From ArrayCollection

Feb 23, 2011

I'm working on a flash cards application and am using an ArrayCollection of Objects to store each cards individual data. When the user click the 'save' button, the text from the two textAreas and the 'title' textinput are stored in the AC as one object with .title, .side1 and .side2 properties that contain the text from the flash card. I have made a List in a separate class I want to have display the title of each card the user has created, but after days of researching and looking around, I still cannot get the display to list the titles.

Part of my NewCard.mxml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import spark.effects.SlideViewTransition;
[Code] .....

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