Professional :: Text Disappearing After Publishing A .swf?

Dec 19, 2011

*Using Flash CS5 professional (AS3)*
I'm currently working on a LARGE flash presentation broken up into many small flash movies.  the files play fine in the timeline, but SOMETIMES when publishing as .swf, the text is not visible, but all the other objects and tweens play as normal.  My co-worker is also having this same issue, but we can not figure out why.  It seems random and does not happen with all of the files.   We are copying and pasting symbols from file to file.  i don't think that is the issue, though.  i wonder if anyone else is experiencing this or knows why.  causing LOTS of extra time spent remaking presentations. 

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var instances:Array = [];
for (var i:int = 0; i < 49; i++) {
var j_inst:TextField = new TextField();
j_inst.text = "S";


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for (var j:int = 0; j < 49; j++) {
instances[j].text = "X";

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var goTo1:_goTo1= new _goTo1();
goTo1.buttonMode = true;


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Mysteriously Disappearing From Text Out Of Scroller And Buttons Can Press Twice

Apr 11, 2009

The problem is: When I press my buttons twice, the text in the scroller disappears.Everything is set so that It shouldnt be possible to press the same button twice though.The situation in short is as follows. I have 4 scenes and 4 buttons, every button linking to respectively another scene / page. The buttons all are in movieclips. I have 4 different movieclips all containing all buttons. For the page movieclip the-button in the movieclip getsœswitched o by ungrouping it and so on, and so on.On every scene I put the movieclip, with the correct button switched of, on top, with thenction. The other movieclips are made invisible by the visible = true˜delete this.onEnterFrame; function.Im not a develloper but a graphic designer. Dont know much about AS2. I bought the photoslider and textscroller on FlashDen and thought d finnish of this project pretty quickly, but I thinking m almost there" for already many hours now.

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Sep 30, 2011

I have been producing animation on my Mac using shape tweens and hints where necessaryUnfortunately when these files are then opened on one of my colleague's PCs the shape tweens appear broken as the hints have dissapeared.If the file is opened on another Mac this does not happen.I have yet to spend too much time focussing on testing the whys and wherefores of this problem, but wondered if this is a recognised issue or is a one off

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IDE :: Text Dissapears After Publishing?

Jul 19, 2009

I downloaded a template for a friend tothem get a website up and running quickly.The template is bassically a Flash movie and a Content.xml file. am using Flash CS4 ver 10.0.2I can open and edit the .fla (or not make any change at all), when I publish to the .swf file and launch the index.html to veiw the Flash, I loose some of the content text. It litterally disapears. Not all text is gone. The titles, headings and other content text is there but the content for the main pages is gone.

In my looking at the FLA, I see that some of the text is embedded. Could this be a place to start looking?I can reload the original SWF and the text is there, the second I publish a new one, it's gone. I can provide a link to a zip of my files if someone cares to look at them.Also, I am publishing with settings of Flash 8 and AS2. If I try to change to AS3, it tells me that Flash functionality will not work right.

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