Trying To Create Simple Fill-in-the-blank Form
Jan 24, 2011
I'm trying to create a very simple flash:An input text field, in which the viewer is to enter a simple word (in this case, let's say the word is "earth.") Beneath this text field is a button.When the button is clicked, flash should detect whether the user entered the word "earth"- if they entered "earth", they get sent to frame 2 of this movie. If they typed something else, then they get sent to frame 3.Now, this should be pretty simple, but every attempt I've made has failed, and every search for a simple tutorial/example of how to compose the script meets with no results. Currently, this is the script I put on the button (The input text field has been given the instance name of "answer_1"):[code]
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Notice how each 'blank' is a drop-down menu. If a user selects the correct one the text in the drop-down becomes green and a box appears at the bottom that tells them they got it right. As soon as they go to select a new one the box disappears and re-appears with a message saying either they got the next one right or wrong. If they get it wrong it turns red. There is no backend data that needs to be processed; it's just the interaction I want to create.
how I might go about doing this in Flash/ActionScript?
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submit_btn.onRelease = function() {
var emailform:text;
emailform.email_txt = email_txt.text;[code]......
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The code that the send button of the contact is this :
var senderLoad:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
var receiveLoad:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
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questionOneInput.txt.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, compareQuestion1);
function compareQuestion1(e:Event):void
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2) The form is converted in a a flash form
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<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">
<input type="text" name="your-name" id="your-name" />
<input type="text" name="email" id="email" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" />
How do I make it in Actionscript 3?
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1) It doesn't send. A blank email form comes up that the user has to fill out - doesn't work with their email client.
2) How can I get it to validate?
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textBox1.text = 10;
When running, the stage flickers.How can I avoid this flickering effect without using code in timeline but only in document class ?
Update: Would like code in both cases:
all programmatically (no objects on stage at design time)put elements on stage with no actionscript in timelines and control them in document class with actionscript.
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Jan 16, 2004
I am building an order form and here's the basic design:
Item - Description - Price - Quantity - Total
Print - Send by email
The user types the quantity of items desired and the total is calculated.
My challenge is to build it without dynamic functions.
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Jan 16, 2004
I am building an order form and here's the basic design:
Layout: Item - Description - Price - Quantity - Total
Functions: Print - Send by email
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My challenge is to build it without dynamic functions.
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Apr 13, 2011
how would i go about uploading my canvas , and some form data (name,e-mail, etc) to a php, and how would i retrieve that data on the php page. i looked at the filereference.upload method and it appears that you have to use the browse method first, thus wouldn't work with uploading the canvas. I also looked at the urlloader and it looks like that only gets data into app..
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Jan 21, 2004
I am new to server side applications and I have been working my brains out on an e-form project.Tried several tutorials and examples that were quite useful in getting me familiar with cfm, php etc. but still can't complete my project.What I want to do: set a simple e-form that adds up prices and then mails the results. No billing, no credit card security stuff involved, just sending the info to the store manager who will use it to invoice.So far, I have a basic form that adds up the items using static, input and dynamic text fields. I also have a simple e-mail form. They both work fine but I need to combine the two. Somehow incorporate the e-mail functions to the "shopping kart" form and email them.
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Jan 21, 2004
Tried several tutorials and examples that were quite useful in getting me familiar with cfm, php etc. but still can't complete my project.What I want to do: set a simple e-form that adds up prices and then mails the results. No billing, no credit card security stuff involved, just sending the info to the store manager who will use it to invoice.
So far, I have a basic form that adds up the items using static, input and dynamic text fields. I also have a simple e-mail form. They both work fine but I need to combine the two. Somehow incorporate the e-mail functions to the "shopping kart" form and email them.
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Nov 15, 2009
This seems like a really nooby question to me, but it was a lot easier in AS2. How could I create a blank container movieclip in AS3? I tried stuff like Code: var container:object = new Object(); And using movieclips and stuff instead of objects, but it didn't work. Also, is there a way to loop through the stage to find every movieclip that it contains? My snake game is currently, for lack of a better word (or perhaps attention span in English) un-re-playable.
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Mar 31, 2011
I have created a small application with three different slides.
-one at frame 1 which acts as a Home page
-one at frame 2 which acts as a Gallery page
-one at frame 3 which acts as a Contact Page
On the contact page i have the following 'skeleton' code.. which i have to follow..[code]i need basic validation such as text lentgh, and also correct email format (i.e. containing a '@'
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Dec 20, 2004
im newbie here and in AS, and dont speak english very well :$ ..
i want create one box with 4 lines and without fill.... i have no idea to do this...
using line tool to do this, the lines rise when i apply the resize script..
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Dec 20, 2004
i want create one box with 4 lines and without fill. using line tool to do this, the lines rise when i apply the resize script..
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