ActionScript 3.0 :: Coding For Static Fill-out Form

Apr 6, 2011

I am creating in Flash CS4 (AS3) a static fill out form for a website that I am involved in. The questionnaire helps to determine whether a person is suseptible to drug and alcohol abuse with either a postive answer (not likely to develop substance abuse) or a negative answer (likely to develop substance abuse)There are six questions on this form that MUST be answered either yes or no.I have created the form with all art and buttons and it is ready to implement in Dreamweaver but need the scripting to make work.The six YES buttons are assigned instance names of cb1, cb3, cb5, cb7, cb9 and cb11.The six NO buttons are assigned instance names of cb2, cb4, cb6, cb8, cb10 and cb12.When the participant answers all six questions either yes or no they will hit a Submit button (with an instance name of submit) that will direct them to a new web/flash page with appropriate answer.

If the participant answers TWO or more questions with YES and hit submit they will be directed to a new page/doc in the website with the negative answer.If the participant answers ONE YES and hit submit they will be directed to a new page/doc in the website with a positive answer.If the participant answers ALL NO and hit submit they will be directed to a new page/doc in the website with the same positive answer as answering with ONE YES response.I assume this is a very complex coding problem. I am a beginner/intermidiate flash person with extreme novice understanding of coding. I know what stop(); does in AS3 and understand simple clickTag coding etc.

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var link:URLRequest=new URLRequest(" E&partial=true&theAction=search" + search_txt.text);


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Scene -> txt8 (MC) -> t8.1 (MC)

The button has the following code on:

on (release) {
share_form.loadVariables("pay_per_click.php", "POST");

The onClipEvent(data) is held on the movieClip txt8, as this is the clip that holds the all the form components.


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<mx:FormItem label="FirstName" fontWeight="bold" width="325" required="true">[code].....

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PS: I don't want to use flash's ExternalInterface

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Apr 16, 2010

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So I've been trying to figure it out with var/strings and some script like. btn1.onRelease play this... if there is another MC open then close it. someone point in the right direction. So I can learn... I've thought about this alot and I would use this way of coding alot. rather specifying and repeating the statement on each clip.

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_root.object_1.sunny.gotoAndPlay("walk"); _root.object_1.sunny.gotoAndPlay("laugh");Hi, I code the following. But it jumps straight to the seconf mc "laugh". Is there nbo way of playing walk and on finishing playing laugh.

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