AS3 :: IDE - Loading And Controlling External SWF Movie?

Jan 4, 2009

I'm able to load the actual external SWF movie, but I can't seem to control it. I have already built a controller for my flash video player. The problem now is it only plays FLV and I want it to be able to take in SWF support. Again, I load the SWF fine, but controlling is the problem.

function finished_loading (e:Event) {
var externalMovie = MovieClip(swfLoader.content); // cast 'DisplayObject' to 'MovieClip'
addChild(externalMovie); // add your swf directly to the stage


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AS3 :: IDE : Loading And Controlling External SWF Movie?

Sep 10, 2008

I'm able to load the actual external SWF movie, but I can't seem to control it. I have already built a controller for my flash video player. The problem now is it only plays FLV and I want it to be able to take in SWF support. Again, I load the SWF fine, but controlling is the problem.

function finished_loading (e:Event) {
var externalMovie = MovieClip(swfLoader.content); // cast 'DisplayObject' to 'MovieClip'
addChild(externalMovie); // add your swf directly to the stage


I think this is the problem with the code. Casting it to a MovieClip only gives me a 1034 error.

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IDE :: Loading And Controlling External SWF

Jan 20, 2010

I have a flash website in development and I'm using external .swf files for the sub pages. In my main.swf file I have a loading function that works and everything is fine and dandy there. My problem is that when I am loading the external "content" swf files into my main swf file, the actionscript that is embedded in my external .swf is not functional (there are buttons in the content swf with event listeners to control them). I have a movie clip holder set up and placed on my stage in the main swf file and that is what I am adding the content swf's to.

Now in all of my attempts to isolate the problem I have noticed one thing. If I add the external "content" swf directly to the stage of my main swf file, the code works, but if I add it to my container mc (which I have basically set up to control the position that the content is loaded to and to set up boundaries/masks to control the content from overspilling) then the code is not operational.

The code below is called by my loadContent function on my main swf
contentmc = MovieClip(; // the external swf is assigned to a movie clip object
addChild(contentmc); // when using this, code works in the external swf
contentwindow.addChild(contentmc); // when using this, code in the external swf no longer works.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading And Controlling External SWF Files

Jan 12, 2009

What I am trying to achieve is the following:
I have a main file (main.swf)
Within this movie i have 5 buttons; Nos. 1-5.
When released each button will load an external swf movie clip:
e.g: button 1 will load "1.swf", button 4 will load "4.swf", etc.

However, this is where I am stuck; each external swf movie clip has its own lead in animation as well as its own lead out animation. So say for example I release button 1, "1.swf" will load and play its lead in animation before it reaches a certain point in its playhead with a 'stop' command. Then lets say, for example, I then release button 3. What I would like it to do is play the lead out animation of "1.swf" before it plays the lead in animation for "3.swf". Obviously I would want this to happen regardless of what button I press, so therefore I would want it to play the lead out of the loaded movie before loading and playing the corresponding swf file of what button I pressed. Would I use loadMovNum or load the swf within a movie clip container?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Order Of Loading External SWFs

Mar 22, 2004

Is it possible without looping to control which of 12 or so external swfs loads first when they all have to load on the same frame of the main movie? For example, we have a main movie which creates classes where the class is itself in an external movie. When we load locally, the movies all load fast enough that the classes are created correctly, however when we move to loading from the server some of the class movies are not loaded into their levels before the main movie tries to create the class with of course the result being the class is not generated and the movies do not function correctly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling The Order Of Loading External Swfs?

Mar 22, 2004

It could be that using loops is the only way to do what we want, however ever the optimist I'll ask the question anyways.

Is it possible without looping to control which of 12 or so external swfs loads first when they all have to load on the same frame of the main movie?

For example, we have a main movie which creates classes where the class is itself in an external movie. When we load locally, the movies all load fast enough that the classes are created correctly, however when we move to loading from the server some of the class movies are not loaded into their levels before the main movie tries to create the class with of course the result being the class is not generated and the movies do not function correctly.

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Controlling A Movie Clip In An External Swf?

Nov 4, 2010

I'm working from main.swf and I need to call another swf to display one of four flvs once the appropriate button is clicked.

main.swf = my main content
player.swf = contains mc_playMovie
mc_playMovie = embedded in player.swf and contains four frames, each with a different flv movie.

My code so far:

butDelmar_thumb.onRelease = function() {
createEmptyMovieClip("targetMC", this.getNextHighestDepth())
targetMC._x = 0
targetMC._y = 0


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling External Swf Movie?

Aug 26, 2005

createEmptyMovieClip("_root.displayMV.portfolio", 1);

That is a frame action - The "win" is my instance & the "portfolio.swf" is my external flash movie, I want this frame to tell my external flash "portfolio.swf" movie to go to and stop at frame 3 or 4, becuase at this time its only playing from the start.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Main Movie From External Swf

Nov 5, 2008

I have two files main.swf and external.swf i have use the following script on main.swf to do animation

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;

which work perfectly fine. Now due some reason i had to place the navigation bar in the external movie clip , in external.swf Using the same script how can i control the textBox animation which is on the main.swf??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Movie Through External Files?

Apr 30, 2005

im new to flash programming stuff. im was searching something for a project,ok basically i need something like this..:lets say there is and image file.. or php or asp file.. if someone tries to see this image over the browser, or file... under any condition, my flash movie, for ex. starts to play, so i think i need something like external data to control flash?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Frames Within A Movie Clip From External Swf?

Jun 23, 2009

I have my files set up to where a main swf has the main navigation and a container which draws each sub page into it. The sub pages have a navigation as well that was telling buttons where to go on the main movie timeline (with _level0.) I had to move my navigation down in the main swf file so i took the nav off the main timeline and put it in a movie clip so i could move all at once. Now my sub pages on external swfs with _level0.gotoAndPlay("frame"); dont work.

Is there any way to direct an external swf to play a certain frame within a movie clip in another swf?

I've tried changing _level0 to _level1, _root, _parent, _child, and using _root.mc_name.gotoAndPlay("frame"). none of which has worked.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading An External Movie Through An External Movie To The Main Movie?

Apr 30, 2003

I am creating a full site in flash. The main movie has an empty movie clip in the middle of the movie to load external movies as the user clicks on the links. Everything has worked good so far as the linking has only gone 1 level deep. However, when I created a new external movie, and had buttons on it for another external page, but yet to open in the main movie, I can't get anything to work. Example.... In the main movie, the user clicks on the archive link, and the external archive movie is loaded into the main movie. Now, on this archive movie, there is a button on it that links to a another movie (say text effects.swf). However, when they click this button for text effects, I can't get it to load into the main movie clip and replace the archive movie that was currenlty there.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External XML On An External Server Into Flash Movie When It Is Uploaded

Jun 4, 2004

[FMX] I am having trouble loading an XML file on an external server into my flash movie when it is uploaded. The data loads in fine when the flash file is on my local computer with the xml file on a server. As soon as the flash file is uploaded the XML data will not load in.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading A External Swf Into A Movie - Its Loading Only A Part Of It?

Mar 16, 2004

I'm loading a external swf into a movie everything is fine with that. The only problem is that its loading only a part of it. Does anybody know why? Also, this swf is a mp3 player with streaming. The streaming part works but the playback doesn't.If i start only the mp3 player by itself it's is the fla for the player

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set Height After Loading An External Movie Into A Movie Clip

Jul 2, 2006

I would like to set height after I load an external movie into a movie clip.

For example,

_root._height = this.body_mc._height;

I always get height as 0, because body_mc is an empty movieClip.

how to access the body_about.swf height as soon as loaded the movie into the empty movie clip?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Movie Not Loading

Mar 14, 2012

I am trying to load an external swf without having to use any buttons. In other words, when the main flash loads, the external one loads as well automatically.

I found the following script that does seem to load the movie, but it won't play...the first frame of the movie just sits there without playing. Obviously I'm missing something? I have this action in the first frame of my main movie.[code]...

View 9 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading An External Swf Into A Movie?

Mar 16, 2004

I'm loading a external swf into a movie everything is fine with that. The only problem is that its loading only a part of it. Also, this swf is a mp3 player with streaming. The streaming part works but the playback doesn't. If i start only the mp3 player by itself it's working.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Within An External Movie

Apr 22, 2006

Movie1 loads external Movie2

Movie2 attaches the loading bar "loader"

Within loader there is a bar, that bar's width depends on the var picPercent on the Movie2 timeline.

So I used


this._width = _root.picPercent;

now my problem is, it's trying to get picPercent from _root, but it doesn't move. Is that because it's looking for picPercent from Movie1 and not Movie2 like I'd like?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Movie?

May 29, 2003

I am trying to create a online portfolio and wanted to open an external movie in a specific place. I have now managed to do this, but now it opens where I want it does not play my movie that it opens. (code below)

on (release) {
_root.empty.loadMovieNum("kari.swf", "_level1");;

If I dont place the external movie within the area I would like it in, and have it just open the movie will play quite happily

View 14 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS3] - Loading An External .swf Into The Movie?

Jan 23, 2008

I have a group of buttons that coordinate with eachother, and i want them to be there throughout the whole website with only a small rectangle that changes when a button is pressed. I have attached a picture of my layout, and i want to be able to import '.swf' files into the empty grey rectangle.

I have no idea where to start and where to load my external swf's, and the best i can do right now is to duplicate the scenes and use normal links, but that takes away the look of my buttons when switching from one page to to make a pre-loader for the external swf's also?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Swf Movie?

Dec 17, 2009

I have a main movie with 4 menu buttons to load external movies. I managed to load an external movie but the problem is that the menu movie is showing underneath and I would like it to be invisible or not showing while the loaded movie plays.

I posted the files menu2_swf as well as the .fla


The code:

var myLoader:Loader = new Loader()


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IDE :: Loading External Swf Into Movie Clip

Jan 7, 2010

This used to be so easy in AS1 and AS2, but since I haven't been using Flash in 2 years now. looks like time ran over me - and it looks like it'd take me a while before I figure this out in AS3. So, what I want to do is to call external swf into another movie clip and my stage is set like this.

In main timeline I have two layers:first is (center_mc) and contains movie clip "center_mc" which is positioned in the middle of stage and in the second layer (mbottom_mc) is movie clip "mbottom_mc" that will contain buttons as "menubtn01". So what I Want to do is when I click on this "menubtn01" to call external swf into THAT movie "center_mc". So to clear the external swf that "center_mc" is showing with the new.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading New Movie - External Preloader

Sep 21, 2010

I like to play external preloader before it's load original movie index.swf. But I have a problem on resizing index movie. Sample files on link [URL].

Here is preload AS3 code:
import flash.display.*
import flash.display.MovieClip;
[Code] .....

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Professional :: Loading An External Movie Clip?

Feb 15, 2012

Last time I wanted to load an external clip I could do it like this on (release) {


So now I want to achieve exactly the same thing in AS3, I have been looking at examples on the web but am getting all sorts of errors and basically don't know what I am doing.  I also want to know how to navigate to .swf files in a file structure, as I have to build an old school fscommand file structure for a cd-rom.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading An External SWF Into A Movie Clip?

Jan 14, 2011

I'm trying to make a Flash website that contains a Flash Store (loaded as an external SWF.)

I have set my pages up in a movie clip file called pages_mc. Each desired page is has its frames labeled (ie: "HOME," "PRODUCTS," ect�)

I need to know how to load the SWF titled, flashshop_plugin.swf onto the "PRODUCTS" page of pages_mc.

What is the best way to do this? I've tried a number of things, which have resulted in the external SWF not loading or having it load, but not go away when another page is selected. I'm assuming I would use add/remove child for this? Just not sure how and accompanied by what other code.

PS: The Flash Shop template I am using suggested using the following code to import it:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading An External .swf Movie On The Top Level?

Jan 10, 2003

how do I load an external .swf files in order for them always to load on top of the one loaded previously. I've tried to put all of them in the same level but the transition is abrubt. I want the transition to be smooth and each .swf file to load on top most level.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Movie In MPEG

Jan 29, 2004

I am doing a project for school and I don't have flash their. Is there a simple way to connect to a external flash as file and have that one stream a mpeg video into flash. If so, is there also anyway to add controls.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Swfs Into A Movie?

May 23, 2004

can someone give me the AS for loading external swfs into a movie? the swf name is slideshow.swf. (i am trying to load a slideshow into the movie using AS so that when the keyframes his the "stop();" function, the slideshow does not stop) or is their a better way of accomplishing this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External SWF Into Main Movie

Jan 5, 2005

I am a bit new to the world of externally loaded swf's. I am trying to load an swf into my main movie, and then access/control the movieclips within that newly loaded swf, but for some reason it is not working.

Here is a quick example:"myMovieClip_mc",;"\menu\standard.swf",; = true;
trace(; = function() {

Okay this code does sucessfully create the movieclip but my onRollOver function does not work, and I cannot access any of the movieClips within myMovieClip_mc such as option, it traces out as undefined.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External SWF In A Movie Clip?

Jul 22, 2006

I am trying to loadmovie a external swf within a movieclip in the main flash document but nothing shows up, why is that?

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